
BlinD LovE

Sehun packed his bag right after the school bell rings. Just as usual, he will go to work at a coffee shop which owned by Kris. Some of Sehun's friends might not understand the reason why Sehun would choose to work instead of having fun like a normal 17 years old boy. The most important fact is, this will be the final year for Sehun, school will be extra busy.

" Sehunnie, going to work again? " Sehun's friend, Tao, watched him packing his bag.

" Yeah, are you coming with me? " Sehun eyed his friend.

" Are you serious? You know me well, plus today there will be a big sale for my Gucci bag, i'm gonna get it before it's too late! "

Tao said with a determine look. Sehun just chuckles with his behaviour and bid goodbye to him.

Sehun didn't know why he would be friend with Tao at first. He is always hardworking while Tao is always lazy and Gucci is his life. Tao was born in a rich family, but he never look down to anyone. He always think that Sehun is a good friend and a good listener. Sehun might be cold and quiet at first, but he learned the fact that Sehun is actually kind and a soft-hearted person.



After a walk of 25 minutes, Sehun arrives the coffee shop, a few sweats drop from Sehun's forehead. 

Kris sensed his arriver and approached him, wrapping an arm around Sehun's shoulder. Even though he is the employer and Sehun is his employee, but he always thought Sehun as one of his friend and his brother.

" I'm really glad i have a hardworking worker who works for me, but you don't have to rush here, you seem tired. "

" It's okay hyung, I'm not tired. Don't worry about me. " Sehun gives a smile to Kris. For Sehun, he always enjoy doing things to occupy his time. He never like the idea of wasting time in his life. 

After changing into his uniform, he starts his daily routine by cleaning the tables when the customers leave, sometimes he will help Kris in the cashier counter or in the kitchen. It's always full of people during the peek hour. A minimum number of people came here often as a regular customers because there are fangirling over Kris and Sehun. Kris always said that Sehun is good looking but the latter always denied it.



After a long peek hours, it's almost evening, people are getting lesser and Sehun starts to clean every table again before preparing to close the shop with Kris. One of the customer gain attention from Sehun and Kris when he sudenly speak loudly in the phone.

" I don't care! I'm not going back to the damn place anymore! I'm here to find him! That's it! " The customer ended the call and slammed his phone on the table. Sehun and Kris eyed each other for awhile until the customer come back to his sense, he noticed the both of them were looking at him. He felt embarrassed and stand up quickly after taking his phone. 

" Sorry about that.. " He fasten his steps and leave the shop, leaving Kris and Sehun dumbfouded.



They bid goodbye to the other workers while Kris locked the door of the shop. 

Suddenly Sehun's phone vibrates and rings. He takes out his phone and answer it without looking at the caller ID.

" Sehunnie, where have you been?! Do you know what is the time now? I'm so worry about you! " Sehun's brother, Suho, is yelling in the phone.

" I'm heading home now hyung. I just finish working. " 

" You better be quick before i decide to kill you, especially your boss! "

" Alright hyung, i promise i will be quick. " Sehun hang up the call and chuckles himself. His brothers might be overprotective to him, but he knows they just care him very much which makes him feels the presence of love from his family.

" It's your brother again huh? " Kris said and Sehun just nodded.

" Wanna give you a ride? " 

" No hyung, i'm okay with walking to my home, it's not that far anyway. "

" Sehun, it's okay. just let me take you home, it's getting late. " Kris insist on giving Sehun a ride and convinced him that he's not busy tonight so Sehun has no choice but to agree with it. Normally he will walk home by himself but today he agreed that it's getting late and not many people walking on the street. 



Suho heard the sound of a stopping car infront of their house. He assumed that Sehun has arrived. 

He opened the front door and saw Sehun along with Kris who sitting in the car.

" Well, are you going to make my brother work until he never back home? " Suho glared at Kris.

" But he's home now, isn't he? " Kris just smirked while looking back at Suho.

" But it's already late, you can't have Sehun all by yourself. " Suho stared back at Kris until Sehun Spoke.

" Hyung, I'm the one who wants to help Kris hyung and stay late, it's not his fault though. " 

" It's okay Sehunnie, you don't have to defend him. "

" It's okay Sehun, your brother are just jealous that we have a good brotherhood relationship than him. " Kris said, keep teasing Suho.

" What?! I'm his real brother and you are just his boss! "

They keep bickering while Sehun just stand there and doesn't know what to do. He already get used to this because Suho and Kris always bickering with each other like an old couple everytime when they seen each other. 



" Guys. are you done argueing? I'm hungry! " Luhan appears infront of the door while rolling his eyes and Kyungsoo standing besides him.

' Thank God, Luhan hyung is here to save me. ' Sehun thought while bid goodbye to Kris and forcefully pull Suho with him before he can say anything.

He close the door and greet Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo just smile while pat his shoulder and heads back to the kitchen to cook. 

After a few minutes setting the table, they sit around the dining table and ready to have their dinner. 

" Kyungsoo hyung always make the best meal. " Sehun says while munching his food. Kyungsoo is Luhan's bestfriend. He always come to their house and cook dinner for them.

" Sehunnah, i help too. you should praise your own brother too. " Luhan said while giving Sehun and Suho a confident look.

" All you do was cutting the carrot. You should be glad that i'm here, or not your brothers might end up in the hospital by your poison food. " 

Kyungsoo just said in a calm tone while all of them laugh except for Luhan. He just pout and glare at his bestfriend. Everyone know that Luhan is a bad cooker, he almost set the kitchen on fire last time. 

" Well, thank you so much Do Kyung Soo for cooking a delicious meal and saving my brothers. " Luhan said in a sarcastic tone while all of them laugh again before continue eating with a happy atmosphere until Suho starts nagging at Sehun about being late back home without informing them. He always nagging like a mom. Even though Luhan is the eldest in the family, but Suho is always incharge and act like the eldest while Luhan didn't mind it.

Sehun remember something and he quickly walked towards his backpack and took out a big box.

" I'm sorry hyung, but i have brought something for you guys. " He settled down himself and put the box in the middle of the dining table. Inside the box is the cakes that sells from the coffee shop. He just pack those cakes before headed home just now. Sehun knows his brothers always love cakes including himself.

" You are always like that Sehunnie. " Suho wants to nag again but stopped when he saw the cake. He felt defeated and soft-hearted whatever that involve with his family. 

" Thank you Sehunnie. " Suho pinched Sehun's cheeks.

" Hyung, I'm not a kid anymore. " Sehun rub his cheeks while Suho wrapped his arms around Sehun's shoulder.

" You see, my little brothers are being so clingy to each other. " Luhan said. 

" We are not kids anymore. " Sehun and Suho said at the same time and walked towards Luhan and gave him a big hug and Luhan almost can't breath.

" Kyungsoo, help me! " Luhan tried to breakfree from the tight hug while Kyungsoo just chuckled and continued eating his meal.

The fact that even though the three of them are growing by ages, but the brotherhood relationship are always strong and never change.






First update after a loooooog time :/

Sorry for my bad grammar.

I will update soon. ^-^








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2526 streak #1
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: hmmmm... interesting, wish there was more!
Chapter 1: Omg you're back. Great!!!!! Thank you so much for the update.
playfull_prinxe #3
omg please start the story~T_T~
Update soon....pweeese.....:(
theperfnerd #5
As long as its Sebaek, m up fr it...hopefully u'll update soon...:D