Chapter 7

We Belong Together

"Mm…Sooyoung?" Tiffany said.


"Yeah did you need help with something?" Tiffany shook her head, "then what's up?"


"Aren't you guys worried that Jessica isn't here. I mean isn't this report due tomorrow?"


"No…not really."


"What?! Are you serious?"


"Yeah, just because she's not here doesn't mean she's not working on the project. She's really serious about her work. We just have to finish our part and she just has to finish hers."


"Okay, but I'm kinda worried. She hasn't been here in two days. Do you think we should check up here? I true calling her, but she didn't pick up."


"Well I haven't been to Sica's house in a while. I wonder what kind of food she has?" Sooyoung asked herself, "Maybe we can go over during lunch! How does that sound?"


"That sounds great!" Tiffany smiled and thanked her new friend.


Tiffany was really worried though. Jessica hadn't showed up to work Tuesday or yesterday. The last she saw her she was fine and healthy. She was so worried she couldn't even sleep last night.


Time passed and lunch time came around. The two jumped in Sooyoung's car drove to Jessica's house. When they arrived they were greeted by a maid. The maid informed them that Jessica had been in her room and hasn't come out. This makin Tiffany worry even more. Tiffany followed Sooyoung, who was skipping to to Jessica's room. When Sooyoung enter she ran and jumped in the bed landing on a sleeping Jessica.


"Urgh!" Jessica groaned at the impact. She lifted up on of her eyelids, but of course knew it was the shikshin already, "Sooyoung-ah!! Get off!" Jessica lazily yelled. Sooyoung did and sat next to the sleeping latter.


"What's up with you my friend? Why haven't you come to work?" Sooyoung asked.


"Because I don't feel like it."


"By the way Taeyeon stopped by looking for you."


"I don't care." Jessica shrugged it off.


"Really? Usually you'd be 'did she say anything about!' or 'really! What did she say?' But now you don't care? Did something happen between you two?"


"…" Jessica kept quiet which gave Soyoung the sign of 'Yes! Something happened.'


"Stop getting so hungover Taeyeon. You already know there's no chance with her. Why do you keep beating yourself up?"


"Sooyoung…" Jessica said as she turned to face Sooyoung, "I told her. That's why I'm like this."


"Oh…" was all Sooyoung had to say.


"My heart hurts…and I…I just want to be alone" she said in the edge of tears, "so if don't mind I would like to go back to sleep. You can go raid the fridge if you would like." Jessica sighed and turned back to face the opposite direction again.


"…well if you need anything just call okay?" Jessica nodded, "Okay see you tomorrow." With that Sooyoung left the room.


As Sooyoung passed Tiffany, Tiffany stopped her.


"Why are you just leaving her?" She asked.


"She said she wants to be alone. She'll be okay. Now let's go eat I'm starving."


"But you are my lunch. How are you still hungry?" Sooyoung shrugged.


Sooyoung went down first. Tiffany still stood by the door looking at the sleeping girl.


"No one wants be alone." Tiffany said before following Sooyoung to the kitchen.


Sooyoung was already starting to cook food when Tiffany arrived. Tiffany asked the maid if Jessica had eaten at all and she said no. So Tiffany had asked Sooyoung to make a little more so she can give it Jessica to eat later.


“So why is she like that?” Tiffany finally decided to ask.


“Taeyeon.” Sooyoung answered.




“Yup Taeyeon.”


“Why’s that?”


“She likes Taeyeon. Didn’t you know that?” Tiffany shook her head. “Oh… well she does since forever. It’s been a while since then. She told me she told Taeyeon, finally.”


“But Taeyeon doesn’t like her… she likes…”




“me. Is that why she didn’t like me when we met? She knew who I was and that Taeyeon liked me.”  


Sooyoung shrugged, “I don’t know maybe. What’s the big deal? Jessica doesn’t like a lot of people that she first meets. like me that’s only because I was eating cucumbers when we met.”




“Yeah, she hates them. So I have question for you Ms. Tiffany. Taeyeon likes you, do you like Taeyeon?”


“Not to be mean, but no. I mean she’s very nice and all, but I don’t like her.” Sooyoung nodded.


“We should be getting back to the office.”


“Umm.., I think I’m going to stay here.”


“Okay… I’ll see you later then.”


After Sooyoung left Tiffany made her way back to Jessica’s room. This time she went inside and decided to grab a chair and sit next to Jessica’s bed. She had brought the food and set it on the desk next to the bed. Tiffany hesitated before reaching out and to wake up the sleeping girl.


“J-Jessi! Hey Jess wake up!” Tiffany shook the girl, but the girl didn’t budge, “Jessica wake up.”


“Urgh leave me alone Soo! Go back to work.” Jessica said slapping away Tiffany’s hands.


“Jess, it’s me Tiffany.” That surprised Jessica since when did Tiffany get here further more how did she know where she lived?


“Ti-Tiffany? What are you doing here?” Jessica immediately sat up and looked at the girl next to her.


“I was worried about you, so I asked Sooyoung if we could come check up on you. I heard you haven’t eaten. I told Sooyoung to make you some food. No cucumbers of course.” Tiffany smiled making her eyes disappear.


“Oh… it’s fine I don’t want to eat. Shouldn’t you be at work?”


“I should be asking you the same thing. Why haven’t you been at work?”


“I just don’t feel like going. Plus, I finished all my work.” Jessica said trying to look anywhere else besides Tiffany.


“Okay, but you need to eat. You look really pale.” Tiffany said and rose the fork up to Jessica’s mouth.


“What are you doing?”


“If you’re not going to eat yourself I’ll feed you. Now eat!”




“Come on you big baby!”


“No!” Jessica stubbornly said again.


“Do you want me to feed another way then?”




“Like this.” Tiffany put the food in then moved close to Jessica.


“Wait, what are you doing?! Fine! Fine! I’ll eat!” Jessica finally gave in just as Tiffany was about to put on hers.


Tiffany backed up swallowed the food and smiled. Jessica grabbed the food and began to eat as she furrowed her eyebrows.


“Good girl.” Tiffany smiled again.


“Whatever!” Jessica mumbled with full of food.




“UNNIE!” Joohyun shouted and ran to hug Jessica. “Where have you been unnie. I missed you!”


“Unnie was busy with work sorry.”


“It’s okay unnie’s here now!”


“Again! What about me?!” Tiffany whined.


“Mommy sees me all the time!”


“Yeah, but mommy still misses her Joohyunnie!” Tiffany said hugging Joohyun tightly.


“Mo-mmy, yo-u’re squishing me! I can’t - breathe!”


“haha sorry!”


“Joohyun-ah!” Yonna shouted and came running towards the girl, “Does Hyunnie want to go play?”


“Can I?” Joohyun looked at her mom.


“Of course!” Tiffany nodded and the two went sprinting to the sandbox.


Tiffany and Jessica followed after. Just then Tiffany remebered something.


“Oh my god Jessi! I didn’t finish my report! We have to go back to the office!" Tiffany was freaking, but Jessica just chuckled.


"Tiff it's fine."


"What are you talking about! Its due tomorrow!"


"I'll handle it okay. You worked hard enough you should rest and spend time with your daughter."


"Are you sure?" Jessica nodded.


"I have to go. I'll see tomorrow at work." Jessica and was about go, but Tiff called out to her.






"D-do you…um…w-want to come over for dinner tomorrow?" Tiffany stuttered as she shyly asked.


Again Jessica chuckled, "I would love to." She respond.


"Great! I'll see tomorrow."




Instead of heading home Jessica went to the office. Sooyoung was still there finishing up her work before tomorrow.


"Hey you're up! I thought you'd still be in bed until tomorrow!" Sooyoung literally shouted.


"Aish! You're so loud Shikshin! I'm here to finish up some work. Now where's Tiffany's things?"


"Right here. Why?" Sooyoung gave Jessica a questioning look which then turned into a smirk.


"I'm helping her out since it's her first time doing an assignment."


"Do you want to finish mine too."


"No! Do your own. If didn't spend all your time eating you could've gotten that done yesterday." Sooyoung then pouted at Jessica's statement. Jessica smirked and Sooyoung stuck her tongue out. The sunset and the sky became black. Sooyoung had gone home which left Jessica alone in the office. She could clearly see that Tiffany's was doing a good job, but not at a fast enough past. It would take her all night to do and since it was due tomorrow she left no time to waste. She worked until the light of the next day shown.




"Jessica you know it is disrespectful to wear sunglasses while in a meeting right?" Said Jessica's father. She ignored it though, like usual. The meeting went on and Jessica fell asleep again. After the meeting her team decided to have a victory lunch. Jessica on the other hand decided to head back to her office to catch up more much needed sleep.


"Come on Tiffany!" Yenny said, "We're all gonna go out and eat."


"Do you mean you and Sooyoung are gonna eat while rest of us complain about how you two are stealing our food." Hara joked making Sooyoung and Yenny pout.


"Haha," Tiffany laughed along, "I think I'll catch up with you guys later. I'm going to check up on Jessica."


"Okay suit yourself. More for us!"


"Okay have fun guys." Tiffany bid them farewell and headed to Jessica's office. There she saw Jessica peacefully laying on the couch. Without her sunglasses Tiffany could clearly see the dark bags underneath Jessica's eyes. "What happened to you?" She asked the sleeping girl. She then began unconsciously   Jessica's hair and watched her sleep.


She then stopped when Jessica started fidgeting in her sleep, "Tae please. Please, Tae it hurts." Jessica mumbled, "Why not me Tae? Why not me?"


'I guess she really does like Taeyeon. Who am I to get in the way of that.'



A/N: Hey sorry it's been a while. Sorry if this update is kinda short too. Anyways almost to 200 subscribers that was quick! Thank you guys so much for your support I really appreciate it! You guys are jjang! Thanks to the upvoters Jeti418, SoNyuh0016, ikkasone, mostilla, and 94Jeti, sorry if I spekt any names wrong and of course thanks to the subscribers that I can't all name, but again thank you thank you so much! Okay til next time.

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Chapter 16: Beautiful jeti story ❤️
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 16: Reread this cute story again
Chapter 16: Ahhh sweet u add yoonhyun at the end of story....thanks for ur story thornim
Chapter 8: Uhhh...goodnight kisses☺️
Chapter 2: Ahhh joohyun's mommy is tiffany??i'm so curious..
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 16: Ah this would the the first time i write a commentbhere. But i already re read this for the 4-5th time. Its just too good. Thank you for making fanfiction to read whenever i can't sleep!!!
Chapter 16: This was a very simple and wholesome fanfic yet it elicited various feelings. It also did not drag too long to be able to induce rainbow vomit because of all the fluff. Good job!
Chapter 16: This is good.. ^^
Chapter 16: I love it ♡
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #10
Chapter 16: This is so sweet i love it!