
For you

„Seung Hyun shi, please tell me, until I start freaking out why in the world did you went to airport? Did you try to escape? Don't you know in what way that could ended? Of course you knew, but I never expected such rebellion from you of all people. Seungri for sure, but you?!“

„Yaa! Manager nim, what do you mean by that?“ – Seungri interrupted pretending to be offended. „I'm just a friendly panda.“ – He gave a goofy smile.

„Exactly! And don't interrupt.“ – Manager nim was angry but he knew us so well, so he was bit surprised. Still, in all anger he never missed the opportunity to tease Seungri.

„Than don't mention my name for pandas sake.“ – Seungri made an angry face and gave a big hmph.

„Yaa!!! You dare you speak that way to me?“ – And that's how pillow fight started.


My plan to escape for Jeju-do did not went well since few people recognized me. Was it my blue hair? I knew it's time to change it. I went inside the airport building really fast, more like running fast, looking back every few seconds 'until I bumped into someone. A girl.

„Miss, are you okay? Did I hurt you? Here, let me help you.“ – I asked with hope that she will understand me because she was foreigner and my English level was not so good. As she looked up I couldn't help to notice how beautiful she is. Nothing extraordinary but still, there was something...interesting.

„Miss can you hear me? Can you stand up?“ – But all she did was looking at me with indifferent face. One second, two....still looking.

„Are you okay?“ – I asked with really lousy English as I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up.

„Yes...“ – she answered on Korean after few seconds but somehow she seemed uneasy.

“I am really sorry I bumped into you. I was running from someone and did not see you at all, even if I still don’t understand how could I not.” – Did that really came out of my mouth? And did she just blush? My inner self made a little winning grin. “I’m Choi Seung Hyun.”

„That's okay. I also did not watch where I'm going. Bye.“ – In what it seemed less than a second she turned around and start walking away. What?! It ends this quickly? Why? Did I say something wrong? Was that blush cause from something else? „Wait!“ - before I knew it i yelled more loudly than I wanted.

„Can you at least tell me your name?“ – I asked hoping for something, even thought I did not know exactly the reason why.

„Why?“ – she asked while leaning her head on the side like she really wonders. That move left me speechless. „It's not like we're going to see each other again.“ – And bam! As she walked away time stopped for me. Was that result of depressed inner self who cried 'cause of rejection or because of that barely seen small smile?


„Hyung!“ – Pillow hit me straight in my head. „Why are you blushing? Did you meet someone?“ – Seungri asked with a grin on his face. This amused him so much. All I gave him was killing look.

„But, manager nim, why were you at the airport?“ – That question was inside my mind all the time. „How did you know I was there?“

„I didn't. I had to pick someone up. Luckily assistant manager was with me so I did not need to take care of you.“ – Now he throw a pillow at me.



"Miss Jane, did you have a nice trip? President apologizes, he wanted pick you up himself but he had some urgent business to take care of so I'm here instead. I apologize for being late. “ – A small ajusshi who hold a card with my name bowed ninety degrees.

„It's okay. And it's just Jane.“ – I smiled as he opened the car door for me.

„President is really excited to see you again. I don't think I saw him that excited even when he's debuting a new group.“ – Ajusshi seemed really honest.

„Oh, it's hard to believe he missed me that much but I'm pretty happy to see him again.“ – I said with a honest smile while we drove to the restaurant but it was still not fulfilling. Haru was supposed to be here but because of me...



Author's thoughts: It's probably soon to say anything since pretty much you don't know what will this be about but comments are still appreciated. :) Anyway, for those who maybe don't understand italic parts are always past/memories (for me of course). Hope you enjoyed the reading. ^^

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lovingasianfanfic #1
Chapter 1: Hello there! I just read the first chapter of this story. Erm, I don't really grasp the flow of the story yet and also the relationship between the characters because obviously its only the first chapter. hehe I will need at least a few more to be able to understand it. Your English is good considering that it isn't your native language but I noticed two spelling errors. It's pleasant to read and I'm looking forward to how this story unravels =)