Special First Date

Special First Date

"I can't believe that you've dated for a month and you still haven't had your first date!" Jongup sent a mocking smirk to the seemingly frustrated Junhong.

It was a Saturday night and they were hanging out at the nearby coffee shop again.

"It's not a month yet, we've dated for twenty-seven days." Junhong groaned and planted his forehead on the table.

"Close enough. But still, how come? You date her but never takes her out for a date. How ridiculous!" Jongup sipped his drink.

Junhong detached his head from the table to look at Jongup.

"I... I'm new to this dating thing, okay?"

Jongup scoffed.

"I thought you were the Prince Charming who can charm any girl to date him."

"Well, He Ri isn't just any girl. You know it!"

Jongup shrugged.

"I'm taking her out for our special first date next Saturday!" Junhong exclaimed.

"You said that too last two weeks if I'm not mistaken."

"Well... We were kind of busy at that time, so we canceled it."

"Are you sure you have talked to her about your first date?"

"Kind of?" Junhong mumbled uncertainly.

"You should talk to her!" Jongup patted his back.

"I don't want to scare her away, okay? I mean I'm really thankful that she's comfortable dating me."

Jongup gave him a look, he decided not to interfere his best friend's love life any further.

Junhong found himself dreaming about his first date with He Ri.

He had to plan everything out.



Junhong was fidgeting on his chair with his clammy hands.

He Ri was eating her lunch casually.


"Why don't you eat your lunch?"

"I.... Ummm..."

He Ri chuckled at her boyfriend.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Actually I.... Hmm... You see, we...."

He Ri stopped eating and looked at Junhong with her raised eyebrows.

"We what?"

"We.... We haven't had our first..."

Junhong's voice got softer and he paused.

He Ri blushed and bit her lower lip.

Junhong blushed too and looked away.

He Ri cleared .

"First kiss?" She whispered.

Junhong looked at her with his mouth agape.

"That too. But... We haven't hangout since we become the official couple."

"Wait... Hangout? You mean date?"


Junhong scratched his nape awkwardly.

He Ri laughed.

"So, you're asking me out for our first date? When?"

"Saturday night?"

He Ri nodded.

"Sounds good."

Junhong nodded.

"I'll pick you up at six."

"I'll be ready on time."

Junhong nodded again with a blush.


He Ri laughed at her cute boyfriend.






"Five forty-five." Junhong stated while checking his appearance on the full-length mirror in his bedroom.

Soon, he ran down the stairs to kiss his mom goodbye and darted out.

He had spent he whole afternoon to choose his outfit.

He finally wore a hip hop boy style clothes with a pair of sneakers and walked to He Ri's house.

Five minutes before six, he arrived in front of He Ri's house.

He stood in front of the door for a while.

His beating-so-fast heart was disturbing him so much.

He tried to calm it down but seemed to fail miserably.


Finally, after several shuffling, he knocked the door.

The seven seconds before the door opened sent him to another stage of nervousness.

But when the door opened and his girl stood there, he was so sure that he felt nothing but happiness.

He could do nothing but staring at He Ri.

He Ri smiled at him.

This was the first time she wore a dress and high heels.

But she did a research and got the result that a girl should dress like that for a date.

Junhong was still staring at her with his eyes sending hearts if she looked closer.

But that made her felt uncomfortable.

"I shouldn't trust the internet." She thought and closed her eyes.

"Do I look that strange? Maybe I should-"

"You look perfect!" Junhong blurted out.

He Ri was shocked.

But a smile soon adorned her face.

She stood there with a shy smile.

"You look so perfect standing there, I don't think I can overcome your perfectness. Let me prepare myself first!" Junhong turned and walked away.

He Ri looked at him with her eyes widening in surprise.

Processing what he had just said, He Ri laughed softly and walked out.

"I'm the one who should say that." She said to Junhong's shoulders.

Junhong turned to look at her with apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry that I say something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Hmmm, He Ri-ahh, should we go?"

He Ri nodded.

She waved to her dad who closed the door.

Junhong bowed at him.

They then walked side by side.

"I'm taking you to the cinema." Junhong said to He Ri when they rode the bus to the town.

He Ri nodded.


When they arrived at the cinema, it was so crowded.

"What should we watch?" He Ri asked while checking the available movies.

"Anything you want." Junhong said, he stood behind He Ri.

"But you don't like horror movies, and they are mostly horror."

"Ohh... It's a romcom. We can watch that." Junhong pointed to the poster of a film.

He Ri nodded excitedly.

They went to get the tickets.

"Two tickets, please." Junhong told the lady.

"I'm sorry, sir. There is only one ticket remain."

Junhong turned to look at He Ri.

"Let's watch it next time." He Ri said.

After that they walked out the cinema.


"I'm so sorry." Junhong walked beside He Ri.

"It's okay. It's not your fault."

"Let's watch the horror movie!"

"No, it's okay."

"But... Okay then. Let's have dinner instead! I know a good place." Junhong grabbed He Ri's hand and led the way.

On the way to the restaurant, He Ri saw a girl with two boys.

The boys were touching the girl and she seemed aboout to cry.

She then ran to them and pushed the boys away.

Junhong looked at her in awe.

"Who the hell are you?" The boys looked pissed at He Ri.

That poor girl hid behind He Ri.

"You shouldn't touch a girl like that! Especially when the girl doesn't want it!" He Ri said with a stern voice.

"Ohh yeahh?"

That boy tried to touch he Ri.

She grabbed his hand and twisted it.

He shouted in pain.


The other boy reached out to punch her.

Junhong tried to stop him.

But before he could reach them, He Ri had dodged it and gave the boy a punch in the face instead.

Junhong stopped on his track and smiled.

"That's my girl." He thought.

The boys didn't seem to give up though, they stood up and tried to attack He Ri.

"I don't really want to fight right now!" She said.

The boys didn't hear her and tried to punch her together.

She tackled one of them down and kicked the other.

They groaned on the ground.

"Get lost!" She shouted at them.

After getting another kick from He Ri, they ran off.

That poor girl had hugged and said thank you to He Ri, she then walked away.

He Ri patted her dress and looked at Junhong.

Junhong hugged her in surprise.

"Please don't hurt yourself!" He whispered to He Ri.

He Ri smiled and broke the hug.

"I'm fine."

"I see. Letr's go."

They then walked to the restaurant.

It was a nice restaurant and wasn't that crowded.


They were waiting for their food when they heard some disturbing noise.

He Ri soon recognized the boys from before, they were back with some other boys who looked like gangsters.

He Ri pulled Junhong and ran in to the back.

Junhong was puzzled.

When he looked to the crowd, his eyes widen in realization.

He ushed He Ri to the back door when one of the boy saw him.

Junhong took He Ri's hand in his and ran.

"Run. Run. Run." He chanted and ran.

He looked back and those boys were chasing him like a pack of wild wolves.

Junhong looked to He Ri and just realized that she was wearing high heels.

He Ri looked down at her shoes too.

"You have to get rid of it!" Junhong shouted.

He Ri nodded.

Junhong took them to one of the curve and came to a stop.

He quickly detached He Ri's high heels from her legs and brought it in his left hand.

He took He Ri's hand in his right hand and started to run again when the boys spotted them.

They ran and ran.

They ran to the main street and spotted a taxi in front of them.

Junhong looked at He Ri and she nodded.

"Taxi!" They screamed.

Before the boys could reach them, they jumped to the taxi and took off.

They were panting.

He Ri looked at Junhong's sweaty face and laughed.

Junhong looked at her feet.

"Are your feet okay?"


He Ri looked at her feet.

"Yeah... They're okay."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and smiled.

"It's not my first time running without shoes on."

Junhong chuckled.


After they stopped the taxi near the park, they walked side by side.

"Let me put on my shoes." He Ri said and tried to take her high heels back.

Junhong shook his head.

They then walked to the bench in the park.

"You shouldn't put them back. You can have my sneakers instead."

"What about you then?"

"If my girlfriend can run bare feet, why can't I walk bare feet?"

He Ri laughed.

Junhong knelt down and took off his sneakers to put it on He Ri's feet.

He smiled at He Ri and sat beside her after he tied the shoelace.

"Thank you."

Junhong stood up and offered his right hand to He Ri.

"Let have our dinner." 

He Ri nodded and took his hand.

They walked closely.

Junhong still had He Ris high heels in his left hand.


They then decided to eat at a street vendor.

It was empty except for the seller-an old lady.

They were practically starving when they saw the old lady came back with their food.

After thanking that old lady, they started to eat without any other words.

Before they could finish half of the food, suddenly it went dark.

"Ohh?" He Ri put his spoon down.

"Aiisshhh!" Junhong graned in annoyance.

It was totally dark in their table and the only source of light was from across tyhe street.

"Ahjumma!" Junhong shouted at the seller.

"Wait! Wait!" The old lady shouted back.

"He Ri-ahh, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He Ri laughed.

"Aiihhh... This is my first date." Junhong mumbled.

He Ri could hear him.

"It's okay."

Not long after that, the old lady came to their table with a candle in his hand.

She put it on the table.

"Thank you." He Ri said to her with a bow.

Junhong stared at the candle with a disbeliving look on his face.

"I... This..." He was speechless.

"It's okay. Let's eat." He Ri said and started eating again.

Junhong sighed and ate.

"This is the real candle-light dinner." He Ri said after she finished her food.

She smiled sweetly at Junhong.

Soon, a smile crept up Junhong's face.

"This is not what I've planned."

"Still... I love it. Thank you."

"I promise I'll do better on our next date."

He Ri nodded.



"Let's not count this as our first date. It's embarassing." Junhong said when they were walking to He Ri's house after they took the bus back.

"Why not? This is a special first date."


He Ri nodded.

"Totally not ordinary."

Junhong laughed.


Finally, they arrived at He Ri's front door.

"Thank you very much for today's date, Junhong-ahh."

"I should apologize instead. This must be out of your expectation."

"No. It's just like what I expected. You, taking me to the cinema, we have candle-light dinner and you walking me home."


"I really love it. It's an unforgettable special first date!"

Junhong laughed.

"You're really my special girl."

Junhong looked at He Ri's shocked face.

A blush was visible on her face.

Junhong then moved forward and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Please look forward to our next date. I don't really know about this stuff, but I'm going to give my best!"

He Ri smiled.

"You can wear my sneakers to our next date."


He Ri just remembered she was still wearing Junhong's sneakers.

Junhong pulled her into a hug when she tried to get the sneakers off.

"You can keep them." Junhong whispered.

"But you-"

"I'll keep these in return." Junhong showed  the high heels in his hand after they pulled back fro the hug.

"Ehh? But... What will do with those high heels?"


He Ri pouted.

Junhong laughed at the sight.

He then gave a kiss to those pouty lips.

He Ri gasped.

Junhong pulled back.

"Go in!" He beckoned He Ri to enter her house.

He Ri nodded obediently and opened the door.

Junhong waved at her when she looked back at him.


He Ri was already in her bed and ready to sleep when he felt her cell phone vibrated.

He got a message from her boyfriend.


Sleep tight and dream of me, babe.

Please look forward to our next date ^o^


She typed a quick reply "Yes" and went to sleep.






A/N :

Enjoy reading!

Pls forgive my mistakes~~

I'll re-read this later ;)




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Hello, this is a great fic.
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Aww~ Junhongie the Prince Charming >///<