How To


The pictures are resized to keep the layout pretty; you can open them in a new tab to see them more clearly. If you're having trouble, don't hesitate to ask! :)

Editing this layout is a bit more complicated than the other ones, I'm sorry ;; Here the plotlines/reviews work in pair which mean that you'll copy and paste 2 plotlines/reviews boxes (in the same line) instead of just 1.

HOW TO [ + ] add or remove plotlines

  • at the end of the source code, you should see the world +available followed by a tag < /div> and then another one just below. start selecting from the tag < /div> alone (the one below) and scroll up.
  • scroll up and you'll see +available again, keep scrolling until you see it once again. you should select everything until the tag
    < div style="width:270px;float:left;margin-top:20px;" >

  • then if you have an even number of plotlines it's simple. you go back to the end of the source code and paste the code after the
    +available< /div>
    < /div>
  • if you have an odd number of plotline, you do the same (paste the code after the < /div>) and then we have to remove the plotline box on the right.
    how? you scroll down once again, to the end of the source code, and you select from the < /div> alone to < div style"width:270px;float:left;margin-top:20px;" > and you erase it.

HOW TO  [ + ] add reviews

  • it's the same method, expect with a review box. at the end of the source code, you have this ☐ followed by a tag < /div> then another one just below. start selecting from the tag < /div> alone (the one below) and scroll up.
  • scroll up and you'll see ☐ again, keep scrolling until you see it once again. you should select everything until the tag
    < div style=width:270px;float:left;margin-top:20px; >

  • then just like we did for the plotlines, you scroll down until the end of the source code and you paste the code after
    ☐< /div>
    < /div>
+ howto
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Chapter 3: also gonna use this
Chapter 4: chapter 3: using this
Alikii #3
Chapter 4: Using this
MeiBei #4
Chapter 6: Using this
I'm using this. Thank you so much~~ :3
using is! thank you!
Using this, thank you!
Chapter 2: using this!
using this <33
WannaApp #10
Using this!! Thanks ^^