A Deceitful Face

Phantom Memories


“It’s been what?” I asked. “Five years, right? I never thought I’d be standing here again. I know I said goodbye and I said I might not come back anymore. Oh well, I think I’m not really the type of person who keeps her promises, huh?” I laughed. “How are you doing up there, Bom? Are you happy?”
I whisked away all the pain caused by her death. I’m pretty proud to say that I was able to make new happy memories. I let them engulf me, let them control me, let them make me forget. I’m not a crybaby anymore. I’m a sophisticated woman now.
“Who would have thought I’d be seeing you here?”
I held my chin up before turning around. “Kwon Jiyong,” I acknowledged.
“Sandara Park,” he returned in a mocking tone. His eyes then roamed me up and down insultingly. But taunts and insults don’t have any effect on me anymore.
“It’s nice seeing you here again,” I said. “Have a nice day.”
“Why are you here?” he asked before I could even take a step.
“You’re seriously asking me that question?” I asked with raise brows.
“You said you won’t come back anymore,” he gritted, jaw clenched.
“I changed my mind,” I shrugged. “Now if you’ll excuse me.”
His hand circled my arm when I attempted to walk past by him. His grip was too tight that my teeth snapped together from pain.
“I’m not a fool,” he hissed. “I know what you’re doing.”
“Oh really?” I countered. “And that is?”
His eyes went on fire. “Wearing dresses, being flirty and putting make up on your face won’t make you Park Bom. You will never be Park Bom.”
I pulled my arm back and laughed. “Oh, so you think I came back because of the promise I made to Bom? Oh puh-leeze, give me a break! You seriously think I’m still in love with you? Gosh, how high do you think yourself is? Sorry to break this down to you dear but there’s a lot of fish out on the sea and I aim to explore. Just to enlighten you, I came back because of MONEY.”
“How stupid of me,” he chuckled. “Of course you’re not in love with me; you weren’t really in love with me. It was mere infatuation. You’re not capable of loving other people seeing that you lusted after your bestfriend’s boyfriend. You only love yourself.”
“Oh, that. Well, I guess I’m just a betraying ” I playfully said. “And a . Can’t help it, it’s in my veins. If you need my service, just give me a call and I’ll be right in front of your doorstep before you could even blink an eye.”
He was unnervingly still and quiet for two seconds. Then his face went into a mocking one. “Sorry but I don’t take .”
“Aww, that’s too bad,” I feigned in disappointment. “It’s your loss, not mine but in case you change your mind, don’t hesitate to ring me, okay?”
I burst out laughing again. I gave his cheek a tap before walking away. I already made happy memories. The sad ones won’t hurt me anymore.
“Hi!” I greeted. “So, you’re my teacher, huh?”
“I’ve been informed as well,” Jiyong answered tautly.
“I’m expecting to learn a lot of GREAT things from you,” I naughtily played, biting my lower lip enticingly. “So, what would be our first lesson?”
“First, you should know what the appropriate office attire is.”
“Well, I’m the future owner of this company so I’ll wear what I want,” I said, crossing my legs, making my skirt drew up.
“I don’t give special treatment,” he snapped. “The next time you’ll come here, dress properly.”
“What if I don’t want to? What are you going to do?” I asked, leaning forward a little, deliberately showing off some skin.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to find a different teacher.”
“Oh, I can do that. For sure, there are a lot of willing teachers out there,” I laughed.
“Read these,” he suddenly snapped as he put down a monstrous file of folders on the table.
“Tsk, so snappy,” I clicked my tongue. “Where’d your sense of humor go? Don’t you have any sense of fun in your system already?” I joked.
“My sense of FUN died away with Bom.” he darkly said.
“Sheesh!” I rolled my eyes. “I was just joking. Move on already.”
“I can see you moved on very well yourself. Why? Is it because you secretly wanted Bom to die so you could have a chance with me?”
“I’m a B with an itch,” I shrugged. “And if you may, I don’t want to waste time looking back at the past. It’s such a waste of time. You can’t change what happened in the past anymore. But if you still can’t move on, I suggest you go see a counselor or psychiatrist” I said, then changed mood. I playfully smiled at him. “Or better yet, we could put all that angry energy to a good use, a pleasurable one. What do you think?”
“The word WE is nonexistent.”
“Ooh, playing hard to get, huh?” I smirked. “Okay then, suit yourself.”
“Wait!” I called as I saw the elevator doors about to close. A hand stopped them from closing. My smirk grew wider as I saw who the person inside the elevator was. I stepped inside and winked at Jiyong, “We meet again.”
“Unfortunately,” he said.
“So, why are you here?”
“The boss wanted to talk to me.”
“Oh,” I mumbled. “You know, I heard that you and Minho got some tough competition for the position. I can help you if you want but of course, you have to give me something in return.”
“I don’t need your help,” he hissed. “And I don’t sell my body to get what I want.”
“Your call,” I shrugged. “But I can also mess with the old man’s decision, you know so I suggest you to be more polite when you’re talking to me. Minho’s been very kind to me, you should be afraid.”
“Meaning, you two has been enjoying each other’s company in bed? No thanks. I’m not that desperate. For all I know, he’s just using you.”
“Ooh, is that jealousy I hear in your voice? Or maybe insecurity?” I taunted. “Oh well, I like being used, I actually enjoy being used by him.”
I was suddenly pushed roughly against the elevator wall. I winced a little but I hid it at once. His eyes were on fire again, his grip on both my arms tightened dangerously.
“Why are you being a-?”
“Being what? A ?” I chuckled. “Why do you have to ask a question you already know the answer?”
The elevator stopped. I pushed him away from me and smirked. When I was out of the elevator, I went immediately to the comfort room. I locked myself in a cubicle.
“Think of happy memories, think of happy memories,” I chanted to myself. I tried to remember all the nights I spent in the club abroad, laughing and just grooving around the city with my newly-met friends. After that, I took a deep breath and pulled a smile. I then went to the old man’s office.
“You said you’re going to give your decision by the end of the month? It’s not even the end of the month yet!” Minho yelled.
“What’s going on?” I entered.
“He decided to give the position to Kwon Jiyong,” he gritted, facing me.
“Why so sudden?” I turned to the old man. “Couldn’t you at least reconsider it? Minho has worked for you for years already.”
“I’ve already made my decision,” the old man waved off.
“How could you do this?!” Minho burst out again. “I’ve worked for you for years! I’ve been loyal and hardworking! I followed everything you ordered me without complain.”
“Exactly!” the old man said. “All you do is follow. You’re not capable of leading. Now if you may, I have something very important to discuss with Sandara and Jiyong.”
Minho turned to me with begging eyes. I shrugged. Oh well, I must admit, Kwon Jiyong is undoubtedly an asset to the company. It’s not really my fault if I wasn’t able to seduce him, right? Minho’s face turned grim. With clenched jaws, he walked and grabbed the bottle of champagne. I watched him curiously as he hit the bottle against the table. And then, he went to the old man and pushed the broken part he’s holding up in the old man’s abdomen.
I was too shocked to move at first. I just watched him push it further in the old man’s abdomen. Then, Jiyong pulled Minho away from the old man and pushed him against the wall. When the old man’s knees collapsed, that’s when I finally moved.
“Grandpa!” I cried and knelt to the floor. “Oh my God!”
The old man chuckled. “You called me Grandpa,” he said then lifted his hand to rest on my cheek. A gentle smile appeared on his face – his first gentle smile.
“Save your energy,” I cried. “Help will be here anytime. Jiyong, call for help!”
“. . . so proud of you. . .” he whispered, a tear escaped his right eye. His hand dropped to the floor.
“Ya! Wake up! You can’t sleep!” I shook him hard. “Grandpa, please! Please not you, too! Don’t leave me. . . .!”
By the time we arrived at the hospital it was already too late.
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Chapter 6: i love this
Unnie I'm here again :( I love this fic so much
Chapter 5: This is srsly...to be honest... unnie.. my most favorite fanfic if yours ? I always read this ?
Chapter 5: That was good af
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 6: It’s so good TT^TT I cried while reading this. Anyway, thanks authornim ❤️
Chapter 6: This is really one of the best...
Chapter 6: I wish it was longer, because I really like this kind of story :) loveee it :)
Chapter 6: Gosh, i thought ji died in the accident.. and yeah it was short.. but love it anyway!❤❤❤
Chapter 6: done another! :))

althought short. i love it! i was actually worried it would end up a sad one. but somehow i feel relieved it didn't :))
jennypish2012 #10
Chapter 6: Authornim! This story is good. Although it's short, I still enjoyed reading it.. Thank you authorning! Looking forward to reading more of your stories!..kekeke