Bad Day

Heart of Gold

"One... two..." Jihyo counted quietly to herself, waiting for the rumble of thunder that would follow the lightning. "Three..."

Three seconds. The crack of thunder when it came was louder, the storm was coming closer.

Jihyo wrapped her arms tighter around her knees as she crouched with her back braced against the tree behind her. They had retreated back under the cover of the trees as the rain had increased, though it didn't make much difference. Heavy raindrops pattered on her hood and shoulders. Their parkas were thick and waterproof, so they provided some warmth and protection, but Jihyo's jeans and shoes were wet and her legs and feet were really cold. The wind had picked up since the bad weather had moved in, dark clouds filling the sky as it began to storm.

Things just kept getting better today, she thought grimly.

There was another flash of lightning and she started to count again.

"One... two... thr-" The thunder sounded like it was right overhead. "It seems crazy to just sit here," she said, leaning her head closer to Jongkook's so she wouldn't have to raise her voice over the noise of the rain. She gestured reluctantly to the crashed helicopter. "Shouldn't we go back inside? At least it would be dry in there."

Of course what she wanted more than anything was to be away from here altogether. But they were in the middle of the forest on the side of a mountain. There could be trails or roads nearby but they wouldn't know where to being to look, and getting lost was much more likely. If they could even make it that far. She wasn't too badly hurt - she could walk at least - but Jongkook was more seriously injured. She knew the sensible thing was to stay right there, at the crash sight, because that's what searchers would be looking for.

If only that didn't mean sitting outside, wet and freezing cold in the middle of a storm.

Jongkook, who was sitting beside her, his injured leg stretched out before him, shook his head at her suggestion. "No, I don't think that's a good idea. Look at the stream, the water-level has been rising, haven't you noticed? If the water got too high it could could flood, it's too dangerous."

She had noticed. It had been a small, quiet stream a few hours ago. But since the rain began the water had started moving faster, creeping up the bank where the helicopter was lying. She hadn't thought about it flooding, but if the rain didn't stop...

"But you're right," Jongkook continued, "We can't just sit here. I think we should look for some better shelter up amongst the rocks, just till the storm ends. We shouldn't go too far away, though, in case someone comes."

She bit her lip and said what she knew they both had to be thinking, though neither of them had admitted it yet. "Oppa, no one's coming for us right now, are they?"

"You don't know that, I'm sure they're looking for us, it's just -"

His words were cut off by a loud crash of thunder, making them both jump.

It's just the weather was so bad.

Jihyo shivered, pressing closer against his shoulder, strong and solid beside her. She couldn't help thinking of the times outdoor activities on the show had been cancelled for much less than a storm like this. Could even the emergency rescue services be out looking for them in all this? And even if they were, would they be able to see them in the heavy rain?

"If only our phones worked."

Jongkook hesitated, then said, "I was thinking... we could try the radio. It might be working. At least if we could let someone know we're here and we need help..."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, and we should check to see if there's anything we could use in there. There might be a first aid kit, or blankets, something like that."

"A first aid kit? Why didn't you say so before I used my shirt on your leg?"

"I didn't think of it."

"Ah, really."

"You didn't think of it, either."

She huffed, but let it go. It didn't matter now, she thought, rubbing her hands up and down her shins. "It's going to be dark in a few hours, you think we'll be here all night?"

"I don't know. I hope not."

"What if it rains all night? We'll freeze to death out here."

"I just think we have to be thinking rationally about this, and be prepared."

Be prepared to freeze to death, right, thought Jihyo. Beside her, Jongkook started to stand, pulling himself up carefully, using the tree trunk for support. He was having trouble with his bad leg.

"Stay here," he said, taking a few limping steps before she jumped up and followed.

"I'll do it, oppa. You shouldn't be moving around."

"It's fine, just stay here." He tried to wave her off but she moved around him to block his path.

"I'm in better shape than you. Don't be so hard-headed." She would have gone ahead but he caught her arm to stop her and he didn't look happy. She put on a smile to show he was taking this too seriously. "Cheer up, okay? It was an individual race today, right? I was planning to win. Don't think you can stop me."

"Hey, this isn't a game. I can't just let you... You know it - it won't be easy in there, with the - the bodies, Jihyo."

"I know. You think I don't know? But you're hurt, you're more hurt than you're admitting, and it will be easier for me. Let's be rational, you said. Someone has to do it, so it may as well be me. Will you stop arguing? Aish, I could have been finished by now."

She continued to stare at him, showing more bravado than she really felt. She could be just as stubborn as he was. Finally he sighed and let go of her arm.

"Listen, just be quick as you can, Jihyo. There's lightning and I don't want to scare you but the helicopter, it's made of metal and... you know the lightning could be attracted to it."

That made her hesitate. "I wish you hadn't told me that."

"Well then, just be quick. Or if you don't want to, I'll do it. I should do it, anyway."

"I'll be quick."

His eyes were on her back, watching as she made her way carefully down the muddy bank, skirting the rushing water's edge and picking her way over the rocks. She ducked under the tail of the fallen helicopter, wading the last few steps over to where she could boost herself up onto the landing foot. It was raised up into the air about a metre because of the way the helicopter had landed, lurching half on its side, the rotors slashed into the surrounding foliage that grew thick along the banks of the stream.

She was stiff and sore, but she tried to ignore how much she was hurting as she climbed back in through the open side-door. It was just like any challenge, she told herself. Watch out for the slippery rocks, don't fall in the water because you don't want to be any more wet than you already are, climb back into the crashed helicopter. Be quick, don't get distracted, just complete the mission. And don't get struck by lightning.

Just as she had that thought there was a loud crack and lightning blazed across the sky and she screamed, grabbing onto the door suddenly to catch herself as she almost lost her balance.

"Jihyo!" A worried shout reached her ears.

She hung there panting, and realised it hadn't come anywhere near her. "I'm okay!" she yelled back. "It just scared me!"

Jongkook's voice turned from concern to irritation. "Just hurry up!"

"That's what I'm doing!"

She finally climbed inside, bracing herself against the seats so not to slip on the angled floor. She muttered to herself as she made herself look around. "Yah, Kim Jongkook, don't tell me to hurry up, you're always so bossy, you're worse than my mother. And why did you even have to tell me about the lighting? I would have been fine but now I'm probably going to die in here just because you reminded me I'm in a big, wet, metal box in an electrical storm."

Her eyes landed on a bright orange pack strapped beneath the seat right in front of her. 'Emergency Survival Kit' it said in bold letters. She grabbed it quickly, pulling it free. Then she turned reluctantly towards the front.

"Oppa, I'm so glad you let me do this," she said under her breath.

Jongkook had been working with his VJ for a long time, and she knew they were close. She was glad he didn't have to look at his friend like this.

She leaned over the front seats, trying to look only at the controls and not the two men, their bodies unmoving and unnatural, their eyes blank and unseeing. It's just like a challenge, she told herself, you can do it. Don't think about them, you can't do anything for them. Don't notice the blood, just pretend it's not there. She scanned quickly for the radio, reaching for the switches and dials with shaking hands.

She didn't really know how she got back outside afterward, only that she found herself splashing through water that was now up to her knees and then scrambling back up over the bank awkwardly with the orange emergency kit clutched to her chest. That was as far as she made it before she dropped, pitching forward on her hands and knees as the nausea finally overcame her and she retched violently over and over till her stomach was empty.

She felt arms around her then, strong arms pulling her up against his chest and a hand pushing her hair back from her face.

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I couldn't. I couldn't make the radio work, it was all dead, I couldn't even turn it on and -" She bit off her words, scrubbing her hands on her jeans, thankful for the rain for the first time because some of the blood had got on her but out here it was just washing away.

"It's okay." Jongkook's hands rubbed her back. "It's okay, we had to try. I'm sorry you had to do that. It should have been me."

She shook her head again and collapsed against him, dizzy and shivering, and they sat there together in the mud and the rain as she closed her eyes, tears leaking out as she tried to banish the images from her head. It didn't work, but her breathing slowed and she felt calmer after a few minutes.

"I got the emergency kit." She sat up, swallowing down the acid taste in , and wiping a hand over her face. She'd stopped crying but her nose was running now and she sniffled.

"Yeah, that's good. Come on, are you okay? We should move away from here."

"Yeah, let's go."

There was a long rumble of thunder overhead. It went on and on, echoing around the sky as they got to their feet, leaning on each other for support. Jongkook carried the emergency kit and Jihyo pulled his arm over her shoulder, letting him lean on her as they made their way through the trees to higher ground.


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typhoonam #1
Chapter 3: Please update authornim ^^
Update '______'
please update soon :(
Any update author nim ?!?:(
Spartace forever
hlivajspartace #5
Chapter 3: Update soon can't wait to read what happen next.
Chapter 3: Update please
Chapter 3: update please...dying to know what happen next here....please~~~
typhoonam #8
Chapter 3: Awesome story... please update soon. Curious about what is going to happen.
kinki1984 #9
Please update soon!Hopefully the love plot between kjk & sjh will slowly appear!Finger cross!!