Waking up

Heart of Gold

"Jihyo! Jihyo-yah, can you hear me? Song Jihyo!"


When Jihyo opened her eyes, everything was a blur. She blinked several times, lifting her head slowly.


"Jihyo? Jihyo, answer me, will you?"


Even as her vision began to clear, nothing made sense. Where was she? What was she seeing right now? Everything was confusing, and her head - her head was pounding - and why was Kim Jongkook yelling at her so loudly?


"Yah, Kim Jongkook, stop talking," she said, trying to turn her head to look at the man who was shouting right in her ear. Why was it so difficult to move? It was like the world was upside down.


"Jihyo, thank god, I thought you were... You're alive. Are you hurt? Try not to move."


Alive? Of course she was alive, why did he sound so relieved?


"Oppa, what..." She stopped as it all came back to her.


The helicopter - they were in a helicopter, she was still buckled into her seat - and they had been flying, but they had dropped suddenly, like they were falling out of the sky, and the pilot, she remembered the pilot's voice over the headset as he said he had to make an emergency landing.


She remembered thinking it was strange that he could sound so calm when she was too scared to even scream. Because they were flying over the mountains in the middle of nowhere, there wasn't anywhere to land.


She remembered Kim Jongkook's hands clutching hers.


She remembered the ground rushing up beneath them -


"We crashed," she said. "Oppa! We -"


"I know, I know, Jihyo. Listen, are you hurt? Does it hurt anywhere?"


She barely heard him. They had crashed, the helicopter had crashed - how were they alive? And what about the others?


The helicopter was lying at a strange angle, and she was hanging almost sideways in the straps, lying cramped against the side hatch. She craned upwards to see between the front seats.


And then she wished she hadn't.


She could see the pilot, but his body looked wrong, his head at an unnatural angle, and there was so much blood. And the other figure she could see. He had been thrown forward out of his seat against the front windows. She knew it was Kim Ki Jin, Kim Jongkook's VJ. He had been sitting just there in front of them, filming the two of them during the flight. But it didn't look like Kim Ki Jin anymore.


He was dead. They were both dead.


She swallowed hard as her stomach lurched up into , and tore her eyes away from the horror before her, turning instead to look at the man beside her.


"Are you okay?" she demanded. It was suddenly the most important question in the world, and she needed an answer now.


Jongkook was staring at her, the expression on his face full of fear and uncertainty. She'd never seen him look like that before. "I - I don't know," he said. "Are you?"


"I don't know." She started to shake her head but had to stop, squeezing her eyes shut as renewed pain burst behind her eyes. For a moment she almost threw up, and had to breathe slowly and wait for the nausea and the throbbing in her head to subside.


Finally she opened her eyes again and met his worried gaze. He reached over and grabbed her hand, and she squeezed his fingers tight in hers.


No, she wasn't okay. Nothing was okay. But she was alive. And he was alive. It was a start.




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typhoonam #1
Chapter 3: Please update authornim ^^
Update '______'
please update soon :(
Any update author nim ?!?:(
Spartace forever
hlivajspartace #5
Chapter 3: Update soon can't wait to read what happen next.
Chapter 3: Update please
Chapter 3: update please...dying to know what happen next here....please~~~
typhoonam #8
Chapter 3: Awesome story... please update soon. Curious about what is going to happen.
kinki1984 #9
Please update soon!Hopefully the love plot between kjk & sjh will slowly appear!Finger cross!!