
Bloodstream [Broken Memories #1]
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“Mark, what are you doing here?” Seulgi asked, a bit harshly.


“Here to see my new girl,” the boy grinned, slinging an arm over Sooyoung’s shoulders.  Her friend looked uncomfortable but nevertheless allowed it.  


“I never actually said yes,” Sooyoung explained, more to Seulgi than Mark.  At his arrival Seungwan’s attention had focused back to the group and she was smiling widely at the pair, though anyone could see the bit of tension she was holding back.  Seungwan still liked Mark, but she had also set him up with Sooyoung.


“Babe, don’t be like that.  I heard, you had a thing for that loser Kyungsoo.  I can get your mind off him,” Mark said, laying a sloppy kiss on her cheek.


Sooyoung blushed deeply and averted her eyes from him.  “I just remembered, I have to go see the health teacher about that assignment due next week.  I’ll see you guys later.”


With that, she got up from her seat and rushed away from their lunch table.  Whatever had just happened, it was clear Sooyoung did not like Mark, but there had to have been some sort of situation in which she couldn’t outright reject him.  She wanted to keep a close watch on the situation in case Sooyoung backed herself into something that would be hard to get out of.


They all parted ways after lunch, leaving Seulgi to feel a rock lodged in her stomach, knowing full well something bad was going to happen soon.


Seulgi didn’t see Kai for the rest of the day, knowing he'd skipped school, but a part of her wanted to see him again even though another part of her wanted to stay away from him as much as possible.  She walked down the hallway trying to forget about what happened the previous night and in the morning.  It was a one time thing.  She wouldn’t ever be recklessly going to a party again and getting high there nor would she be interacting with Kai again.  For Seulgi, she knew her actions had been out of desperation and there was no way she would ever allow herself to make the same mistake again.


A shiver went down her spine as she lifted her phone to check the time.  It was getting late and as long as she delayed going home, the limited amount of time she had to complete her chores in was growing smaller and smaller.  Seulgi rushed to her locker and hastily opened it to bring her books home with her.  The hallways weren’t as crowded since people were leaving the school but she still had to weave in and out of the crowd to make it out.


“Seulgi, what’s the rush? Joohyun and I are going out for smoothies.  Do you want to come?”  Sooyoung called out to her.


“Can’t! I have to be home.  I’ll see you guys later!” Seulgi called back, over her shoulder.


She rushed out of the school and ran as far as she could without losing her breath.  It was cold and the chilly air stung , contrasted by the the warmth around her torso given by her coat.  She slowed down once she reached her neighborhood, legs pumping as fast they could.


Her house was dark inside and it seemed that the heating had been off for a while.  It was as if nobody had been home for days, though in this case that was probably true.  Seulgi the heating to the lowest possible and left her sweatshirt to make up for the rest of the warmth she needed.  She didn’t want to turn it up too high in fear her parents wouldn’t be able to pay the bill.  Even though the both of them worked, their financial situation was a bit tight.


She made her way over to the fridge, relieved to see her mother had already cooked her father’s dinner for today.  All Seulgi had to do was warm it up before he came home.  She grabbed her bag and headed up to her room to get some homework done.  Her assignments weren’t due for a week but she wanted to get a head start unless something came up within that time frame.  


She lost herself in the work, each subject providing her with a good distraction.  She worked hard to learn, not just to take a test and move on.  Seulgi knew that all teachers and adults were right.  What they learn in school may not be applicable in the real world, but school still taught them much.  It taught her how to work hard, meet deadlines, work efficiently and broaden her brain capacity.  She worked in that fashion but soon all the information began to blur together and she couldn’t concentrate.  Seulgi sighed and glanced at the clock. 


Ten minutes left until her father came home.  She sprung up and headed down to heat his food up.



Seulgi had rushed to take out all the food and warm them in the microwave.  She hated the fact her parents preferred all types of foods, from Western to traditional Korean dishes.  According to what mother had cooked, her father's meal was to be a bit of spaghetti along with a bulgogi, kimchi and of course, rice.  Her mother had come home while she was in the middle of laying out the food, but the woman didn't stay to help.  As always after work, her mother went up the stairs and stayed locked up in her bedroom, only coming out after Seulgi's father went back out to drink with his friends from work.


She finished placing the last serving plate full of kimchi on the table just as the front door slammed open, revealing her father.  His eyes were bloodshot, his clothes were torn and he stank of alcohol.  He held a half empty bottle in his bloody hands.  Seulgi backed away as he staggered into the house looking from side to side.  He lifted up an arm that he was struggling to keep up in the air and pointed at her.


“Where’s your mother?  Where is she?! Answer me!” he y

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If anyone is interested in Seungwan and Sehun's story after reading Bloostream, you can check out its sequel, Photograph, by clicking on this link!


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I just ran into this fic! I must say it looks really intriguing. I’m adding this to my “must reads” ^^
woah, overall this story is really good! I finished it in one sitting :D
mymaiee #3
Chapter 28: This story is so beautiful so deep so meaningful. This kind of piece is what I'm living for! You did a wonderful job with my favorite pair, thank you <3
windinmyhair #4
I've subscribed some time ago but havent had the chance to read it up. I'm glad I ran across it again and i finished it in one go. The fact that Seulgi and Kai are real people gave me this feeling I dont know how to describe. Somehow, I'd like to wish Seulgi all the best and I hope she'll grow stronger and even more amazing woman than she already is. I'd like to thank Kai for saving her and thanks Seulgi for letting yourself to be saved. Being strong is not just by bearing everything by yourself. Thanks for proving that :)
douxsoleil #5
So, I just stumbled across your story as I was trying to search for stories that makes my heart flutter(cause most stories these days could not be helped and I am more stoic than usual so it's quite difficult to read) as I tried to look for stories eith depth.
First of all, I have heard of this SeulKai ship a couple of times and I'm okay with it and I know this is not an important point but I am a Yoonkai trash(basically a yoona trash and I ship her with so many people, including girls for christ sake as she is a muse to me) and I have been obsessing over Kai these days and a SeulKai sounds okay just because I found Seulgi to be a cute fluffy bear. So i began. And I did not regret every single time that I have spent reading this.

First of all, I love how human you create Seulgi to be. I can relate to her problems with dealing school, ty people, not trusting friends with her problems, family issues, and conflicting mind battles with herself and her constantly trying to be independent, cause by the end of the day all we get is ourselves. Then you decide to insert sassy punk dude named Kim Jongin who turns out to be just a good optimistic guy who loves his family with a tiny bit of crack for his father's debt. You showed me how Kim Jongin is just a misunderstood guy, shows how society judge us based on attires and faces worn.
You showed me how love is not all about kissing and faces and heartfelt 3 am talks, but it's about two people seeing each other at their most tiest state and yet still be able to love one another. It's about two people growing up as they fall for each other. This stiry made me like SeulKai a bit more.
And Sooyoung's got to be my favorite character. She's vibrant, understanding and true, and I had to quote "The sass is strong with this one" because this reminds me of a Star Wars quote which is also my favorite. Anyway, I had a great time reading this. Good luck on your next story!
Chapter 28: Omg!!! LOVED THIS FANFIC SO MUCH! AH! GREAT WONDERFUL ENDING <33333 QwQ wait so this was your friends real life story? She is so lucky to have a Kai well actually to have him but as Kai in this story! Omg so so so so so so cute! I can't x'D how heart melting. TwT
Chapter 25: Awww...... ;-;
Chapter 22: Who would get tired of looking at my baby bear's smile? c: we'll both of my baby bears >w< but ah! Loved this chapter <3 Awww QwQ
Chapter 21: SeulKai!!! YES YES! *^*/ ahdlsbsjhsjs