

                Quiet Sunday morning, birds are chirping, sun is shining and everything seems peaceful. Luhan turns around in bed, reaching his arm out. Normally it would meet an obstacle in form of his mate but this time it just falls flat on the mattress. He lifts his head up from the pillow in confusion  to look to his right with his eyes narrowed, sun blinding him. He sighs and let’s his face fall back onto the white pillow for just a second before he’s dragging himself off the bed.

                He ruffles his already messed up hair and yawns, stretching his arms. He makes his way towards the bathroom, knowing that he’ll find the one he’s looking for in there for sure. It’s been a while since this started and he got so used to it that he doesn’t even hear it when his mate jumps out of the bed in the middle of the night. Or an early morning for that matter. Morning sickness shouldn’t be this bad but it happens to women. That’s what Lay said.

                They’re expecting a baby and his mate is four months along. He tries really hard to do anything he can to make this easier for her, but there’s only this much he can do. He can’t exactly tell the baby to stop making his mom sick all the time. It makes him extremely annoyed to feel this powerless and he gets angry every time he sees her struggling. He does what he can but he can’t make everything go away. He decided he’s going to get some rest only when she does, she’s the one feeling the urge to vomit every day, not him after all. Plus there’s also a fact that he can’t sleep alone at this point, the bed just feels too empty.

                He sees a figure of his mate curled around a toilet and he sighs. He knows she won’t listen to anything he says especially him nagging about sitting on cold tiles, so he just leans on the doorframe and asks:

- How bad is it this time?

He gets an incoherent grunt as a response and he figures it’s just as bad as always. He bites his lower lip and makes his way over to sit beside his girlfriend on the ground. Still little unconscious, not really seeing what is in front of him, he brings his hand to his mate’s back mechanically  to rub it soothingly. Sometimes he gets hit for doing things like this. He gets it, it’s not really pleasant to be seen puking all the time, deepening the friendship with the toilet. Besides he can’t even begin to imagine how that feels. And just as he thought, his hand gets slapped away with  a sharp “Go to sleep!”. He’s not even surprised anymore. He’s heard it before. But he knows very well that it’s just for show. She always feels better when he’s there, even if she doesn’t show it.

- Can I go to sleep here then? – Luhan asks, yawing.

- No, go back to b… ugh…. – she brings her hand to . – That was close…

- Want some milk then?

- Yes, please… - she sends a faint smile in his direction, before going back to killing the toilet with a murderous look. Luhan chuckles softly and heads towards the kitchen.

A hot, steamy cup of milk always helped. He didn’t exactly understand why, but his mother said it’s a traditional thing and her mother told her about it too. Well, he can’t argue with that, can he?

. As he stands by the counter waiting for the milk to boil, he thinks he’s happy. All this seems to be really tiring, pregnancy that is. But somewhere between running to the store for ice cream and boiling this milk is some kind of peace he found. Their life seems to be full of chaos, and it really is, but somehow he feels calm. There is nothing else he wants more in life than what he has now, and he realizes that he’s right where he belongs. With his mate and with their little monster that is supposed to join them in a while. A grin sneaks itself up on his face and he nods his head to nowhere in particular.

- Why are you so happy? – a moody voice says.

- Huh? Oh, nothing. – Luhan answers cheerfully. – It will be ready in a minute. - He adds pointing to the pot with milk.

- No rush, no rush. I’m used to it already. – He watches as she smiles warmly, looking at him. She looks cute, bed hair and all.

There is silence around them when he pours the milk into two cups. And even though nothing is said or done they can’t stop themselves from smiling. He sits in front of her, watching her taking sips from her mug. Just when he was about to tell her how pretty she is, her face scrunched up a little in discomfort.

- Ugh… - she muttered.

- What is it? Does it hurt anywhere? – He asked worriedly, going around the counter to stand beside her. She had her hand placed on her stomach.

- Uh, no it doesn’t hurt, it’s just… I think he just kicked… - she looks at him with wide eyes, a little bit shocked but at the same time excited.

- What? Really? You think he’ll do it again so I can feel it? – A flow of excited words comes out of his mouth and the smile immediately returns to his face.

She laughs at him acting like a five year old that asks his mother if he can play with the new toy. He gets these sparkles in his eyes that she loves to look at. It gives her energy. Trying to hold back her laughter, she grabs his hand and places it where she felt the kick. She can see him getting impatient and a little bit disappointed when nothing happens for a while but when the baby kicks again, he nearly jumps and starts laughing maniacally.

He starts rubbing her belly and brings his face near it.

- You think he’ll hear me? – he asks looking up at her.

- I don’t know, probably. – she says, placing her hand on his back.

- Hey, little one. It’s daddy. Are you comfortable in there? Off course you are, it’s mommy after all. – he says with a stupid smile on his face.

- Hey, what was that supposed to mean, huh?

- Nothing in particular. – Luhan answers with a mischievous smile.

- Right… - he grins and continues.

- Daddy just wanted to say, that we can’t wait to see you. We really want you here, so take your time, growing up healthy, ok? Oh, and please stop making your mommy sick, ok? It would really.. oh! Hey, he kicked! He can hear me!

- Haha, sure he does!

- You don’t think so?

- I didn’t say it…

- Oh really?

- Yep.

Luhan starts tickling his mate gently, moving his face closer to hers with intention of kissing her. These kinds of kisses are his favorite. When they kiss, being so happy, they can’t stop smiling. He hopes this can last forever…




This is supposed to be the wolf!au but there isn't really much stuff about wolves, so it can still be taken as a normall life fic. Whatever you want it to be :)

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