The way they are

The way they are

Under all the lights, music and loud cheers two persons who both share the same feelings stood together, hand in hand whilst smiling broadly and contentedly.

Both individual loves the warmth that sent tingles all over their body just because of a mere clasp of their hand. What others think of as friendship is something else entirely, they have long since passed the border of friendship and they have come in to terms and accepted what their heart truly desires.

Beneath all the glamour and blinding lights both Luhan and Minseok stay true to what they feel. The stolen glances Luhan casts towards Minseok conveys just how much Luhan wants to pinch his baozi's cheeks and cuddle him like there's no tomorrow.

And the way Minseok lets Luhan's touch linger says that he enjoys it just as much as Luhan does.

The way that Luhan would always want Minseok close to him, and would do anything he can to fend off all those offensive creatures wanting to get too close to his baozi tells how Kim Minseok is Luhan's property!

The way that Minseok lets Luhan drag him anywhere along with him speaks volumes. The way that Luhan would always follow Minseok around and clung to him like a leech and how Minseok just lets him is proof enough of how attracted they are to each other.

The way their bodies are hay wired to welcome each other's touches as if it's the most natural thing in the world indicates how they fit together.

The way that Luhan would gape at Minseok and you'll see his deer eyes sparkle with adoration is enough to see his conviction towards Minseok. The way that Minseok would always tolerate Luhan's jumpy moods and childish ways shows how much he adores Luhan that he is willing to tolerate it just to see Luhan's eyes sparkle with mirth.

And most importantly, is how Kim Minseok and Luhan are behind close doors, where they can express their adore towards one another without anyone to see and judge, where they are the truest and sincerest in expressing themselves, and most importantly where they are free and just them.

When they are alone in the confinements of their shared bedroom,  both Luhan and Minseok are contented to just cuddle and listen to the beat of each other's hearts. Talking about everything and nothing comes so naturally that both are just basking under the preciousness of the moment, their own precious moment.

And the way how Luhan and Minseok's bodies fit together as if a puzzle coming whole, when they cuddle, explains just how right they are perfect for one another.

And the most important part is the way they end their day, Luhan would always kiss Minseok's forehead goodnight and in return Minseok would cuddle tighter in Luhan's embrace and in the peril hours before their eyes close Luhan would always say this: "Goodnight my baozi. I love you" and of course his baozi would reply "I love you too, goodnight".

And finally both would drift into dreamland where they would see each other again. 




A/N:  Yay! My first fanfic and tada it's 

XIUHAN lol. So please forgive me if this is lousy omg forgive me, i tried my best tho. I hope you liked it~



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Chapter 1: awww~ simple yet so beautiful. ♡
woahhhh! this is a good xiuhan fanfic.. write more... ^^
shadeofkim #3
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful, that it almost made me teared up. I love how realistic it seems and all these is just enough.
Chapter 1: First fic?? I dont believe you! You did amazing. Awwww thats so cute. Please write more xiuhan.
lalice2 #5
Chapter 1: It seems like non au relationship analysis of Xiuhan <3 beautifully written :)
You did great authornim, nicely written but can you separate the paragraph? It seems bit crowded.