
[One-Shot] Statue


After their honeymoon, Minzy and Taemin finally went back to Seoul and see their new house...



it was actually Taemin's gift to Minzy...Taemin finally revealed the house then asked Minzy "So? *smirk* what do you think?"

Minzy replied "I love it!!! it has a lot of space!! we can do a lot of thing in here!! Thank you" then kissed her husband. Taemin can see the happinness in his wife's eyes. "I knew you'd love it! Come here let's check out the rooms!" grabbing Minzy by the waist and leading her inside.

After touring Minzy around the whole house, the newly wed finally settled in their room. Since both of them are tired from their trip, both of them decided to shower together and rest that night. After kissing and saying their good nights to one another... Minzy immediately fell asleep. Taemin just stared at the girl beside him whispering "I still couldn't believe that you are finally mine... thank you very much for being mine" and kisses her forehead.

Even though Taemin also felt exhausted, he cannot fall asleep. It was already in the middle of the night and Minzy was fast asleep, Taemin just stayed awake looking at his wife's beauty telling himself "there was so many times that I am sure that you are going to walk out of my life because of my stupid mistakes, yet you just held on my hand tighter saying everything is going to be alright and that you trust me more than anything else....for that thank you....I am indeed the luckiest guy alive"

Taemin thought of the time when he became a real jerk and hurted Minzy a lot of times. He let out a tear in his eyes asking himself again what the reason could be when Minzy could have any man he wants, yet she chooses him. 'I guess you could see my the real me and my potentials. Thank you for being my miracle'

Taemin, like a statue, was stuck staring right at his beautiful wife, frozen and so amazed how Minzy can take him back each and everytime their love collapsed. Taemin saying "So when I cannot say anything more infront of you everytime I disappoint you, please undertand that I just can't belive how utterly beautiful you are and I don't wanna lose you by saying something stupid yet again."

"Do you know what I ask myself all the time? I ask why you are even with me, after everything I've put you through...WHy do you always make it hard for me? It's like you're living and I'm the one making you do so... But you know what my Mingkki-ah... your love is so warm that it makes my shield melt down... Everytime were both at war... I couldn't last a second.. I'll come running around, begging for your forgiveness..." He was shedding a lot of tears now... how can he say this words to his sleeping wife... why can't he say it directly on her face... "From now on, I promise to only make you happy... and I will forever thank God for spending extra time in sculpting your heart...there is no explanation... it's like you love me more than I love myself..." Kissing Minzy on the tip of her nose....


At the sound of Minzy's voice...Taemin immediately flew away from Minzy's face... "you were awake all this time?" Minzy just smiled and nodded while wiping her husband's tears. "Thank you for saying all of this to me..."

Taemin couldn't believe what just happened... after pouring everything out of his heart... he couldn't seem to find the right words to reply to his wife... he just looked right Minzy's beauty, like a statue, Minzy started staring at him with a confused looked like Dougie, her dog. Taemin finally snapped out of his zone and told his wife...."this is because I love you really really much... Please be with me until the rest our lives"

Minzy just smiled saying "Of course Taemin-oppa... I will forever be by your side because that is how much I love you..."

With that... Taemin pulled Minzy in for a kiss, ---a sweet and reassuring kiss, a perfect kiss--- and they hugged each other tightly.... Taemin then started humming a song to put Minzy into sleep.......


kyaaaaaaaaa!!! i didn't know how to end it... i know i at this!!!


comment please ^v^


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azndramafreak #1
Chapter 1: This was a very cute story. Thanks fkr the upload! XD
aigoo so sweet<br />
make a sequel!! :)<br />
taemin as a husband is to die for XD
destruction #3
Bath together O__o ? ...omo....
Can you send me the link of the picture above!! I'm dying right now because of that picture <3
Chioshinee #5
CUTE :DD!!!!
2ne1ab #6
GGGGGGGgesus... that was sweet as fic )
ohh~~~ so cute so cute, taemin such a sweet husband to her ^^~