Stay with me

Twisted in love

The next morning, as I open my eyes.  I notice something, something is not right.  Normally, Daehyun would be burging in my room, just like Yuri to greet me 'a good morning' but not today.  I immediately put my robe on and headed down stairs, as I reach for the door, a sudden memory came to me.  "Wait a second! Did Daehyun stayed with me last night?" I said out loud, as I talk among myself. I shake my head, "Nah! it can't be, if he was I would find him sleeping at the floor? but why do I have this feeling that something is not right?" I asked myself.  When in doubt that I can't seem to get an answer with just myself, I decided to just go along and find it for myself.  I reach for the door knob of my bedroom door and headed quickly towards the kitchen, trying to get a sense of my memory on what happened last night.  As soon that I reach the kitchen, someone's back is facing me, I knotted my brows.  It doesn't look like Daehyun, but it kind of...weird.  "Dae.." as soon that I spoke for his name, the person turn around to face me, to my dissapointment, seeing Kevin sitting at the spot where Daehyun always sit.  "Ailee, it's nice for you to join us" he then said.  Us? I thought, I look around to see if there was anyone there besides him but, I see no one.  "Who are you talking to? There is no one here beside's you?" I asked in annoyance to Kevin.  Instead of answering me, he just laugh sarcasticly.  As I was about to moved, I notice that there was someone behind me, someone I have never seen before...or have I? The man suddenly grab both my arms so that I can't moved.  This morning is getting more and more strange. "Tsk!tsk! dear...why are you always hesitating my invitation" Kevin then spoke, sarcasm is still in his tone.  "I don't know what are you talking about? Let go of me, this instant!" I demand. 

Kevin got up from sitting as he smirk more evil, with eyes like stabbing me with a tagger.  "You know what your dad wants is to be just like him....but choose to be one of them" he then said.  I felt confused as to what he was referring to 'them' but suddenly it became clear to me. "Himchan.." I whisper to myself, but Kevin heard it and suddenly said "Yes, like your precious guardian of the light, your angel...your knight and shining armor...but where is he? huh? where is your savior? Tch! he was probably dying down that hill, bleeding to death" he then said, that my eyes widen with shocked.  NO!! NO!! it can't be....he can't be dead? Daehyun? Where could he be? What happened to him?  i thought as I shake my head for not believing on what was I hearing just now, that for some strange reason, Kevin answer my thoughts.  "And your so called brother...tch! a traitor to the master....he doesn't belong here...he is not fit to be a demon...just like your father. Master would have killed him if he finds out...hah! I took care of it myself" he then said, proud at what he had done to Daehyun.  "What have you done to my brother, Kevin" I finally then said, with burning eyes.  Kevin suddenly laugh at my question, "What? is there something funny at that?" I asked, annoyed.  Kevin suddenly stop laughing, as he look at me, then walk towards me, he then lean down as he was looking in my face. Close enough for me to hit him but I couldn't since there is someone holding both my arms.  Not able to moved freely when I please.  "Ailee, Ailee, Ailee....what do they have that I don't?" he then asked.

"Does my father know's what you are doing? If he finds out that you are doing this to me, he will kill you?" I then said, like a threat for him to back out.  But little did I know that he wasn't shaken at my words, or the mention of my father for that matter.   Kevin moved his face out of mine, as he look at me like I was a little child.  Damn you, Kevin! I thought.   "Your father...know's about what I'm doing...he was the one who told me to do this to you, Ailee" he then said. For some reason,  I wasn't shocked at his remarks, i was kind of expecting this would happened.  After what happened to Himchan and Daehyun.  Now that the truth came out, I know for a fact that, I must do something to stop him for spreading his evilness.   "Tch! So it is my father's order...I it his order also for you to beat Daehyun?" I asked, as my heart was beating, not knowing what's going to happened next. I stand firm in my spot while the other man is holding me tied.  "No, not really....but he order me to tell him to leave the mansion at once and never returned, but I couldn't just let that know how I hated him, everytime I see you two make's me mad...mad that I could done worst to you can see, Ailee...I have liked you since the day we met in school and I just couldn't stand another guy would be that close to close that...that...UGH!!!" he then said as he punch the kitchen wall.  My eyes widen with a sudden confession from Kevin, it's all coming back to me now. How he treat me, or how he acted when I'm with other guys at school, even tho there is no mutual feelings involved.  

Kevin had been my friend since the day mom and I moved in seoul, little did I knew that he was liking me the moment we met.  The time that he transform into Himchan and kiss me, I felt that he was sincere yet,it was all a haze to me now.  Kevin looks at me with lustful desire of doing something beyond my approval. He waved his hand with one 'shwiss' and the man behind me disappear.  He then walk towards me that made me strattled with his bold action, my feet moved backwards as he was getting closer.  "Ke-kevin, whatever is it your about to do...please don't ..stop this at once..." I said strattled while my heart is beating heavy.  Kevin didn't say anything as he was still coming towards me, like a lion who is hungry for it's prey.  "Nobody can stop me....not even your father....or your guardian of light" he then said, determined to accomplished what mission he had in his mind.   "You will be mine, it or will be mine" Kevin's eyes suddenly became crimson red, hungry for victory, hungry for me.  I closed my eyes as he lean closer, and pray that someone would have save me, but who? who will when the one I loved is missing, and the brother I know is nowhere to be found.  With all the little hope I have, all I could think about is Himchan.  Sadness suddenly rushed towards my whole being, not being able to see him nor touch him.  A tear suddenly fell in my eye and a drop of it was felt on my cheeks.  Like sudden flash of a camera, everything stop, even Kevin. 

I open my eyes, and see that Kevin was not near me anymore, a sudden burst of stardust came upon my eyes.  All I could hear is a voice, that is so familiar, yet i can't seem to see who it was. "NOONA!!!" the voice call for me. "Noona, are you ok?" the voice said once again.  When suddenly a siloutte of a man appeared infront of me as it trasformed completely, tall, white skinned, curly hair and it smile like a child.  I search for a familiar scent, he was hugging me, all of a sudden.  As soon that he let go of me, I noticed that it was Zelo all along, "Zelo-ssi, omo!'s really you" I said happily upon seeing the face of assurance.  "Noona, stay with me, ok? I will get you out of here" he then said as he smiled at me.  "But where is Kevin? what happened to him? he was just right here?" I said, confused at what is happening right at the moment.  "Don't worry noona, Yongguk hyung and Daehyun Hyung is taking care of him, hah! he deserved it, he was about to do something unacceptable, that silence attack did work just as we planned" Zelo honestly said.  "Da-Daehyun was here? He was alright? right?" I asked Zelo, not believing that Daehyun would be here when he was got beaten by Kevin.  "Yes, noona, Daehyun hyung was here, he was the one actually that lead us here, and point to us the place's where the guards are,  we better hurry, Youngjae hyung only has a limited time before the transportaion is gone." he said, as he suddenly hold on to my wrist.  

"T-trasportaion? like, being in a different place all of a sudden? but why am I just hearing about this now?" I said still not sure about all this.  I look around for a sign of Yongguk and Daehyun but I could not see them, what I seen was a door ajar.  Where me and Himchan was the other day, where my father had saw us.  "Zelo-ssi, hold on." I said as I stop him from leaving.  "But noona, we have to go now...Youngjae hyung is waiting for us at the headquarter" the maknea demanded.  "It'll be quick, Zelo-ssi...I promise" I said as I was about to leaved him, Zelo don't know what to do as he was looking at me going towards the open door.  "Noona...come on let's go." he called for me, "Noona..." he call for me again.  As I was near the open door, it suddenly closed that I strattled, a bright light with a speed of a strong wind appeared right infront of me.  "And where do you think you are going, my dear sister" he then said.  I look up, my eyes widen to see a smiling Daehyun with Yongguk behind him.  " are alived?" I said happily as I jump to him and give him the biggest hug. Daehyun chuckled with my sudden clumsyness.  "I missed you too, noona" he then said.  "Deahyun, we better's not safe here" Yongguk then said to him as he places his hand at Daehyun's shoulder.  He nodded, Yongguk nodded, Zelo nodded and so did I.   

Stay with lingers in my mind as I found myself leaning on Daehyun's shoulder.  I don't know how they managed to get me out, but I am finally not in my father's mansion but in a place where stars and bright as the sun appeared.   Daehyun then lean on me and whisper in my ears, "noona, closed your eyes" Daehyun said to me, in which i did with a happy heart.  It was blinding until we reach their headquarter.  As i open them, Jongup scream like a little girl seeing his favorite sister for such a long time.  "Aileee, noonaaaaaaa" he then said as he was running towards me, "Ya,ya...slow down will're going to wake Himchan hyung." Youngjae then said to Jongup.  My face brigthen at the sight of seeing Youngjae, Jongup, Zelo, Yongguk, Daehyun and mostly Himchan who was laying down in a bed with oxygen in him.  Daehyun noticed the biggest smile in my face, that made him smile as well.  "Noona, this is just the beginning, you know appa will be furious once he knows that you are not there anymore" he then said to me, with a serious look on his face.  I nodded.  "I know, and I know what I have to do" I said, determined as I seen what had happened to Himchan.  Yongguk walk towards us "Ailee noona, the battle is just beginning, do you think you are ready to face him?" he then said with a stern look in his face, I nodded, "Yes, I'm ready" I then said.  "Very well then, tomorrow morning, we will train you to be stronger to face the biggest demon." Yongguk then said as he was looking at me with hope that I made the right decision to fight my own father, the biggest demon. 



A/N:  UPDATE!!!!UPDATE!!!! hello everyone!! It seem's that all of BAP is in this chapter, right? keke. How do you like it so far?? Good? confusing?? To be honest I was a bit confusing too.  Mian *bows* I kind of wrote whatever pops in my head.  But I did re-read them...maybe I was just in a hurry to type...sorry for the grammar and some mistakes...Mianhamnida...everyone!!  T.T  Last chapter is fast approaching....andweeaaa!!! LOL...Silly me! Hope you guys do enjoy this as much I wrote them...400 views? wow...thank you everyone...*BOWS*  ^___^  I appreciate all you guys for reading it this far...REALLY!!!! from the bottom of my heart I do appreciate all of you that read this, even that it was confusing at times.. keep reading them, juseyo. I LOVE YOO!!!! oh and it was Youngjeas bday today in korea but here in america it will be tomorrow in which 1/ where ever you are, BABY's don't forget to flodded him with greetings..Kamsahamnida!!!! <3  M ^^


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yonggies_vip #1
Chapter 24: If you don't mind me asking, but what does "strattled" mean?
Chapter 1: What does Black Widow look like, Author-nim? Like in The Avengers? Haha, just kidding~ That Black Widow is pretty. And I think you should make the chapter into paragraphs. It's quite not easy to read through cellphone. I hope you wouldn't mind my advice. Have a nice day~ (^-^)/