Forgiveness (3/3)

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The late night wasn't better for Yoochun. The concert went lightly and they were able to cover their differences on stage but not too many interaction between Junsu and Yoochun was seen. Jaejoong on the other hand was more sensual than ever, due to two principal motives: he tried to cover his friends' misunderstandings and Yunho.

His dear Yunho had told him he would seen his performance on streaming because he didn't have projects for the night, except memorizing some lines for his new drama.

Later, after Yoochun was thrown away from Jaejoong's room, he went to to his manager 's room but was unable to sleep. He stood up, made some exercises, watched TV, read and even heard music, until his manager got bored and sent him away for a walk.

Yoochun went to walk around the pool, feeling in the mood to breath some fresh air. As soon as he went closer he heard splashes and movement in the water. He tried to get closer trying to make no noise.

There he found a Junsu swimming, oblivious to his observer.

The red hair was going deep into the water, at the middle of the pool. He looked like a spot of blood and Yoochun was sure that if someone else would have walked in that direction he would have been pointed out as the witness of a 'pool murder case'

When 10 minutes had passed, Junsu felt a strange but known sensation and turned to look. He saw Yoochun looking directly at him whith his eyes half closed.

-YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!! - yelled the dolphin almost tripping in the middle of the water
-I stay here
-Very smart... I mean here by the pool!! Are you stalking me now? - asked Junsu
-Umf! I have better things to do... - snorted Yoochun without moving from his spot

There it was. The indiference attitude.
Junsu got surprised. He hadn't seen that in a while. It was normally Yoochun who was after Junsu trying to get his attention with jokes or saying sweet words, while Junsu ignored him or just laughed about it. Yoochun was weak against Junsu because he considered him so cute he couldn't handle it.

-Now, you're upset??? - yelled Junsu swimming in the contrary direction like running away from Yoochun - after all you had done to me?! What the ?!
-WHAT HAVE I DONE?!! - shouted back Yoochun - YOU TOLD ME TO LOOK AT HER SO I DID!!
-I didn't tell you to look at her on the stage!! That was totally your doing!

Junsu went out of the pool, water sliding across his perfect body. Yoochun was drooling but he had to remain calmed if he wanted to fix things with his boyfriend.

-I was just comparing! I wasn't looking at her with desire!!! I just had yours the previous night
-SHUT UP, DAMN IT!!! WHAT THE HECK!! SOMEBODY COULD HEAR YOU!! - yelled Junsu blushing from head to toe. In two seconds and by Yoochun's provocation, the color of his skin could be confused with his hair.

-Very childlish; all this is your fault, your inmaturity, your... - Junsu was drying his body with a towel while talking, his voice slightly high because they were in opposite sides of the pool.

Yoochun turned around and walked back to his room.


Yoochun kept walking really fast, scared he would succumbed to his temptation. He had get Junsu's attention so it was a good advanced. Now it was time to play the hard to get tactic. It generally worked only in girls but Junsu had always had this attraction for challenges and for him Yoochun had always been a challenge.

Once inside the building, Yoochun ran up to his manager's bedroom, went inside their bathroom and opened the cold shower. He got in, still wearing his clothes, breathing heavy due to his asthma.

"Damn that...that... wet... "

Slowly the bulge in his pants cooled off.


 -Are we a happy family again? - asked Jaejoong hugging Yoochun and Junsu who were walking in front of him


-I wanted to try. - answered Jaejoong defeated when none of his friends answered.   The guys were back in Korea and as soon as the three of them put a step out of the airport they could hear the fans cheering. Jaejoong didn't spare a look back and went into his limo as soon as he can, in direction to Yunho's house. He didn't even say goodbye to the other two.   Yoochun and Junsu stayed a little bit under the sun when suddenly Junsu saw his chance to walk away from Yoochun.    -Jun-chan? - Fukutaro asked when he felt Junsu's arm around his - what is it? -Let's go together hyung!   -Are you sure you don't want to go with... - asked Fukutaro a little scared, feeling the death stare of Yoochun -Who? Jae-hyung left already... he's gonna be busy for some time -But... -Lets' go Fukutaro-san~ ~ -said Junsu with a cute voice - I have things to do today in the afternoon...Dracula is not over yet.    Yoochun breathed heavy and hugged  by the waist to one of the female dancers who was in fron of him.    -Hey beauty, do you want to ride in my car? I have the back seat for you   Junsu stood up but when he turned around all he could see was the hair of the llitte woman getting in the car, giggling.   His heart paralized for just a minute when he heard Yoochun mumbling: Back seat, back seat... put you on my back seat...   *** The next concert was gonna be hell for Yoochun and he knew it. Not only he had ignored Junsu but also provoked him! He sure was screwed but what else could he do?   Yoochun couldn't stand all that freaking attention the doplhin was given to Fukutaro. Jaejoong's new manager had been so hipnotized by Junsu's amability the last time they had traveled together to the mountains with JaeSu, that for the end of the month he had turned into Junsu personal assistant which was perfect for Jaejoong who wanted less and less people around him now he had Yunho back in his life.   His cellphone turned off and he saw on the screen Jaejoong's name.   "Hey!...   Yoochun put the phone away from his ears and heard Jaejoong yelling at the other side.   -ARE YOU FREAKING OUT OF YOUR MIND? JUNSU JUST TOLD ME EVERYTHING!! YOU TOOK THAT IN YOUR CAR!!! -It wasn't the same dancer...- Yoochun to defend himself -DONT CAREEEE!! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? IF YOU WANTED TO FIX THINGS NOW YOU'RE FAR AWAYS FROM THAT!! -Does he say so? -HE DIDN'T NEED TO TELL ME ANYTHING! HE WAS SO PISSED HE LOSE IT DURING HIS MUSICAL... HE STOOD THE DAGUE INTO THE CRUX WHILE PERFOMING ON DRACULA. HE MADE A ING HOLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PRESENTATION!! YOU BETTER KNOW THAT'S YOUR DOING!! MY ANGEL MIGHT GO TO HELL FOR YOUR FAULT!! HE EVEN CURSED!!!  -He always cursed... -
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Chapter 3: dammnnn~ ♡♡♡
Chapter 3: this is so cute ^_^ yoosu are cute itself and their bickerings couldn't be more accurate (at least on my opinion) ...this story was amazing ^^
ApinkPanda4ever #3
Chapter 3: Dolphins mating
juntarou #4
Chapter 2: chunnie, you better come up with a good plans to take your tadpole back.

i love all the conversations between jaechun here XDXDXD
Harumi19 #5
Chapter 2: Poor chunnie, he's really trying to fix the situation but junsu isn't helping, he's hurting chun with his actions :'(
Seriously I'm loving your story because you're putting details that indeed happened.
I'll be waiting for the next chapter, fighting author nim :D
juntarou #6
Chapter 1: Lol the cause of their quarrel is Yoochun's for Junsu's XDXD
i haven't see the fancam or the picture of it. is that true? chunnie staring at the dancer's ?
i always love jealous!su. So cute <3
xichery #7
Chapter 1: I like ur story... ^^ please update soon...
arrale #8
Chapter 1: more more more please~
thank you^^