Forgiveness (2/3)

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If the flight to Vietnam wasn't a pleasant one; the first night they spent in the hotel room was one of the most terrible ones for Yoochun.    After his little chat with Jaejoong,  he had returned to his room only to find Junsu had put a lock at the door with a message facing the corridor:   'Go sleep with hyung! I'm tired!'   Yoochun pouted and went to Jaejoong's room. When he knocked the door, he heard noises inside and waited for about 10 minutes until Jaejoong opened. His hyung wore only his sleep pants and the lace seemed to have been tied in a hurry.

-What happened? 
-Junsu threw me out of our room 
-And what do I have to do with that?! 
-Hyung!! You have to give me shelter!! If I'm going to the manager to ask for a new room, he'll know that something happened... he might suspect ... 
-Aich!! Yoochun-ah!! Why now eh? Why today? Damn! - shouted an exasperated Jejoong tearing his hair. 

Yoochun suspected something was not right. His mind was very quick to put two and two together, but not even in his wildest assumptions he could imagine Jaejoong cheating on Yunho with a stranger. However, he dared to ask. 

-What are you doing? 
-Who's there? -asked Yoochun trying to look inside the room
-Eh?! No... No one.. 

Yoochun pushed him aside and entered the room. He indeed didn't see anyone but he found a laptop on the bed with a webcam session started. In the nigth stand was a box of tissues and music sounded in a low volume. 

-Yoochun!! Waiiiit!!!

At the other side of the screen Yoochun could see Yunho, who like Jae wore only his sleeping pants. 

-What the ?! - Yoochun yelled turning around and closing the eyes 
-It's your fault for trespassing witouth my consent- answered Jajeoong approaching to the bed and taking a seat 
-Ajj!! I can't believe... can't you hold for a couple of days? we won't stay here forever!! 
-This is only a whimp, ok? It's been a long time since we have cam... that's all - Jajeoong responded without blushing. 

His level of cynicism sometimes surprised Yoochun; however, at that time the only thing he wanted was to sleep so he reserved his opinion. 

-Joongie, I think it's better to leave this for other ocassion, um? - said Yunho at the other side of the screen looking the discomfort in Yoochun's face.
-I'm sorry, Yunnie ... these two always end up crawling me in their fights ... 
-Don't worry, you're their's your job... we end this when you come back, ok?... I love you 
-I love you, too 
-Bye Hyung- Yoochun replied turning around to wave to the camera to say goodbye to the TVXQ Leader 
-Good evening Yoochun, good luck with Junsu

Saying this Jaejoong slammed the laptop and turned his eyes to his soulmate. His eyes showed nothing of the tenderness and understanding that a moment ago had shown with Yunho. 

-Let me tell you something, Yoochun... you better fix your problems with Junsu soon because I'm not willing to welcome you all the time... my time is taken over almost 99% by Yunho, so you and your little tadpole better go back to be together soon if you don't want to know me more irritating!!! - Jae

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Chapter 3: dammnnn~ ♡♡♡
Chapter 3: this is so cute ^_^ yoosu are cute itself and their bickerings couldn't be more accurate (at least on my opinion) ...this story was amazing ^^
ApinkPanda4ever #3
Chapter 3: Dolphins mating
juntarou #4
Chapter 2: chunnie, you better come up with a good plans to take your tadpole back.

i love all the conversations between jaechun here XDXDXD
Harumi19 #5
Chapter 2: Poor chunnie, he's really trying to fix the situation but junsu isn't helping, he's hurting chun with his actions :'(
Seriously I'm loving your story because you're putting details that indeed happened.
I'll be waiting for the next chapter, fighting author nim :D
juntarou #6
Chapter 1: Lol the cause of their quarrel is Yoochun's for Junsu's XDXD
i haven't see the fancam or the picture of it. is that true? chunnie staring at the dancer's ?
i always love jealous!su. So cute <3
xichery #7
Chapter 1: I like ur story... ^^ please update soon...
arrale #8
Chapter 1: more more more please~
thank you^^