Last Call

A Little Bit of Rain

Word Count: 2,168
Warnings: This is set in the past, so we're working our way up to get to the prologue. And that is somewhere around chapter 7. We got a ways to go lol. But remember, drink responsibly and practice caution when picking up people at bars. Life would be SO MUCH EASIER if we all could get a Yixing at our local bar.



"So bored, so very bored. Why did they invent rain and why are people compelled to stay home when it's raining!?"

"Well," a wide-eyed, slender man leans against the bar counter, "we have that couple over there in the corner, so your point is kind of invalid. Besides, at least you won't have to leave through some guy's window tonight."

Jongdae scowls at the couple, "That Jongin, I had so much hope for him. He was a mess, my mess, I never gotten so much entertainment watching his drunk self cry about his love life." He ignores the disapproving look from the bartender, and runs his fingers through his hair, "I spent the better part of a whole year trying to convince him that I'm a fine piece of-."

"You can't say . Your is flatter than pancakes. In fact, your back is actually in the running for being the longest back in the world." The bartender flashes a professional smile, "Congratulations Jongdae, you must be so proud."

"You're ing terrible Kyungsoo, and I hate you as well."

"Such language, you used to be so cute and innocent," Kyungsoo says despondently, "you let those gay boys ruin your mind. Hard to believe that you're still a though."

An acrimonious look befell Jongdae, "Why do you hate me? Aren't bartenders supposed to be nice to their patrons?"

Kyungsoo shakes his head, "That's propaganda spread by those bs PR people. It'll be a cold day in hell when I happen to give a damn about the crowd of drunkards that try to hit on me and don't even tip. Cheap bastards." After an irritated exhale, a moment of sympathy is hinted in his tone, "As for you," he begins softly, "I'm toughening you up for the real world. I quite enjoy you if I were to be completely honest. You let me berate you and you still tip a good amount."

If it wasn't for the fact that Koreans were scarce in the bay area, and the ones that he found were complete pompous asshats that can only see as far as their own nose, he would have dumped Kyungsoo for another bartender. Still, Jongdae flips him off and it is returned in kind.

"Are you going to stay until closing? You have about twenty minutes before last call and then I'm kicking your bum out of my bar."

"Yeah, why not? There might be a god that looks out for little 'ole gay boys and he might send me some ."

There's a disapproving look in Kyungsoo's eyes, but he dismisses it because he knows that Jongdae will actually pay his tab before he leaves. "I don't know what type of human will come into a bar at almost two in the morning while it's pouring outside. If one does, he can't be right in the head."

Jongdae gives some snappy comeback and the two get into their habit of trying to out snark one another. They spend the better part of ten minutes going back and forth, talking about nonsensical things such as: their jobs, guys, and other topical interests they gathered from the news. Even though Jongdae didn't have many friends out here, he was glad Kyungsoo was one of them.

"Alright buddy," Kyungsoo glances at the clock, "last call. Do you want anything before I kick you the hell out?"

A quick look down on the table and Jongdae counts three- it's actually four- glasses lined up in front of him. At this point he's not going anywhere, he can walk home, and this is a generally safe area if you respect that hookers while they work. So what's one more drink going to do? "Give me a Screwdriver."

"Simple, fruity, and something you're not getting anytime soon. Alright, coming right up."

While waiting for his drink, the entrance's bell rings and both guys turn towards the door. A well-covered man, dripping wet, walks in and shakes like a dog straight out of a bath.

"Oh for the love of- Welcome to Queen's Quarters!" Kyungsoo flashes a gummy smile and slides an orange drink towards Jongdae, "You made it just in time for last call! The rest of the seating areas are closed, but you can sit next to my cute friend Jongdae, right over here," he dodges a wayward straw and gestures to the immediate area in front of him.

"Okay," the man replies while hanging most of his coverings on the coat rack. He eyes his surroundings curiously as he makes his way to where he was directed.

Jongdae slides his drink back-and-forth between his hands and watches the man approach him. Like any good slightly inebriated bar patron, he thoroughly analyzes the poor man to the upmost detail. He first looks at his height, second, his fashion sense, third, his ethnicity, and finally, etch every single detail from his face into his brain. As it stands, he appears taller than him, his style is casual yet well-put, he looks to be from Chinese decent, and oh lord, his face is beautiful. He never had a type before, but he sure does now. Jongdae's blood starts pumping faster when the man takes the next to him.

"So," Kyungsoo catches Jongdae staring at the new guy, clearly understanding the situation, and smiles suggestively at him, "what can I get you big boy?"

"Black-tea vodka with ginger ale if you have it."

"Sure, coming right up." His smile dims as he leans exceptionally closer to Jongdae, "Looks like your god pulled through," he whispers, "don't this up ."

Jongdae immediately pushes him away and aggressively whispers, "Will you go away!" They both scowl at one another one last time before Kyungsoo turns around towards the bar. It takes a brief moment for him to regain composure, when he turns to face the new guy he was already staring at him. "H-hi!" he kicks himself for saying that louder then intended, "how are you? My name is Jongdae."

The man gives a charming, calm smile, exposing his single dimple that makes Jongdae squeal a bit, "Yixing. Nice to meet you Jongdae."

If there ever was a time where Jongdae wished that he wasn't a with al experience at picking up guys, it was definitely now. "Yixing?" he tries to add an alluring tone to his voice, "that's a very cute name. Are you Chinese?"

"Yes," Yixing replies simply, still smiling with that lone dimple showing, "Jongdae is a.. Korean name? Are you Korean?"

"Yeah, haha," Jongdae chuckles and nods one too many times, "I actually just moved here from South Korea about three months ago. Still new to San Francisco, but like, it's fun and stuff.."

Yixing returns the chuckle with his own and rests his head on his palm, "Me too, I just moved here from China two weeks ago. Still find this city to be.." his gaze spaces out then taps his thigh with his free hand, "I think the word is.. scary?"

His imperfect grasp on English paired with his heavy accent makes Jongdae blush a little more then he'd like. "The city was scary for me too when I first moved here," he takes a few sips of his drink and notes that the alcohol is definitely starting to kick in. It's probably because of the fifth glass of alcohol that he lowers his guard and feels that it's okay to open up to Yixing. "But you know," his face starts to flush, "the city isn't really scary at all. Once you find a routine, everything just sorts of.. clicks into place. I grew to like this city a lot, a lot better than living back in Korea. There's only one problem that I really don't like."

"Problem? Like what?"

Not the wisest of decisions, Jongdae takes a rather large sip of his drink. The redness of his face takes a feverish tone. "The problem? The problem is that the city gets a little lonely.. sometimes I just want a man to keep me company in bed."

"Damn that was smooth," Kyungsoo- rolling his eyes- suddenly cuts in, placing a dark drink with a green tint in front of Yixing, "I'm going to start closing up now, both of you hand over your cards."


"I'll pay for the both of us," Yixing cuts in, surprising the hell out of the other two, "that's how it works in America right? You buy cute guys their drinks?"

"Huh. Well I did not see that coming, but it works for me!" Kyungsoo grabs Yixing's card before he can be told otherwise. He turns towards the register but, once again, leans closer to Jongdae, "I swear to whatever god you believe in, if you so dare to come back to my bar still a , I will slap you."

Jongdae, too shocked to even retort back, nods incredulously.

Yixing watches Kyungsoo leave and once again the two are, for the most part, left alone. "You alright?" he asks with slight raise in his tone.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I'm just new to all this that's all."

There's what appears to be a puzzled look on Yixing's face, "New to what?"

"You know, uh.." a slight embarrassment hangs over Jongdae, "flirting with guys and having guys flirt with me.. stuff like that. I've never done any of this yet."
"Really? You've never had a boyfriend before?"

Jongdae shakes his head, "No, I've never had a boyfriend before. I just realized I was gay about six months ago."

"Are you looking for one?"

The question catches him off guard and he blushes in great embarrassment. He shies away to his drink and holds it tighter. "Honestly," Jongdae taps against the base of the glass and thinks long and hard about his answer, "I'm too busy to commit to anyone right now, I just want to have some fun here and there."

There's a glint in Yixing eye. He takes a few sips of his drink while carefully watching Jongdae's actions and reactions as he spoke. "So, you're just looking for ?"

"Hah," he lets out a small chuckle; his composure coming back, "I guess you can say that? I don't want to sleep around though. Maybe just with one person?" Jongdae muses throughout his brain for a bit, "I don't know what Americans call it, but I think the term is "friends-with-benefits"? I'm not desperate for it, but all I want is someone every now and then."

Yixing nods slowly, trying to connect some of the dots together. He gauges Jongdae's tone and expression before proceeding, "So," he asks in his usual tone, "are you a ?"

On cue, Jongdae's blood starts pumping in the southern region of his body. He immediately shifts his position on the stool to try to hide his growing excitement. "Y-yeah," he glances his gaze to and away from Yixing, "I'm still a ."

"Well that's good for me then."

Yixing's confidence completely overrides Jongdae's nerves, to his surprise, his voice takes on this seductive, cooing inflection, "Yeah? That's definitely good for you then. I'm not going to lie, you're really cute and I would let you take it away from me."

Yixing smiles a little wider, highlighting his dimple further. The conversation enters an intermission where all either one does is take sips on their drink and creep their fingers closer together. They both silently understood that, for right now, all they wanted was each other's body. It was now time to figure out the details.

"I find it hard to believe that you're not this innocent guy, but I'm not going to complain," Yixing purrs, Jongdae's fingers, "Do you live alone?"

"No.." Jongdae says glumly, "I share a studio apartment with another guy."

There's a hesitated pause. "Well," Yixing begins, "you can come over my place, I don't live that far." The hesitation continues a bit. "It's just that my roommate is a bit uh.. crazy?"

Jongdae doesn't say anything but give him a puzzled look.

"He's a traditional, old Chinese man," Yixing begins to explain, "he's okay, but he doesn't like guys like us. I just can't let him see me with another guy."

"Don't worry, I get it."

"How about this?" Kyungsoo appears suddenly and leans in between the two men, "You sneak him in when the old man is asleep, the brains out of each other, and if you want to be really careful, make Jongdae here leave through the window. Oh, here's your card back so thank you for your patronage, but get the out of my bar."

Before either of them know it, Kyungsoo hops over the counter and ushers them, and the couple who was still there, towards the door and eventually out on the streets.

"Is he," Yixing leans closer to the exterior wall, "is this normal for him?"

Jongdae laughs and slinks in conspicuously closer to Yixing, "Pretty much. So, are we going to your place?"




Next chapter is ty. I never intended to write , but eh, that's how I alluded their relationship in the prologue. Anywho, thank you for reading up to this point! I appreciate it very much and feel free to leave some comments, critiques and even suggestions! I will read them and consider it.

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macysmiles #1
Chapter 2: Uppppppdaaaaaate pleaaaase now
Chapter 2: *facepalm* with love for THIS
I can't wait for it >.<
nightingalesatnight #3
Chapter 2: I absolutely love Kyungsoo in this. I can't wait to see how this story develops and how Chen and Lay became more than just friends with benefits.
EvvA_chRome #4
Chapter 2: Man that's really a smooth start for them to hit on each other I'm in for the rest of their ride! Also soo is such a badass character i love him already. And im so pumped up for the next chapter a jongdae we got there hahaha! I love this story thank you so much for writing this. Good luck on your next update!
EvvA_chRome #5
Chapter 1: I really enjoy reading this, thank you!! And lmao it wouldnt hurt to break the tradition now isnt it? Hehehe and im glad jongdae find a better way of getting wet lol. Good luck for your next update!! Ooh and will we see more chenlay in the future or the series will include another chen pairing as well?