not a chapter *must read*


I, crazedfan, would like to say, i'm sorry.

I'm truly deeply sorry. I just am sorry.

Sorry for the long hiatus you alls.

I'm very sorry.

So from henceworth, i'll keep updating for all my readers.

Keep supporting and reading. 

I love you ♥♥♥♥♥

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InspiritHamster #1
Chapter 14: Im glad this is umin's story ♡♡♡♡ i love this
XiuminFahimaLove #2
Chapter 14: Wow!!I really love it..I did a great job!!
just reading description and foreword make me fangirling enough *argh* okay stop . lul . hope the story will be great x)
Chapter 14: Loved it.. Thank you author nim for the fantastic story :D
Chapter 14: wow it's so sweet *O*
thank you so much for this super cute story author nim!!!^-^ ♥
Chapter 14: One word DAEBAK !!!! Can't wait 4 d next chap
SaraGM #7
Chapter 13: Apologize ACCEPTED update soon author nimiee
Chapter 11: Omo I just read all chapters in once <3
I really love your Story please Keep going!!!
wawasehun #9
Chapter 2: OMG . iT is very interesting