Oh Sehun The Boy of Light

Oh Sehun The Boy of Light

Oh Sehun grew up in the world of color but that doesn't mean he accepted it. He preferred to spend his time in the confines of his room where he danced with headphones in. Music blasting through the tiny speakers and finding its way to his heart. Although he had a bit of experience around the people who lived in color, he wasn't one of them. He had always refused to let them mold him. Sehun didn't want to belong to society. He was his own person and he was proud of that. Sehun had faults of his own though. For example, being naturally curious and stubborn. Those things always got him into trouble. More trouble than he thought he could handle when he walked past another boy on the street on a chilly autumn day.

            He loved autumn, it was his favorite season. Days went by where the sun shone but the shadows still played of their own free will, just like him. He lived in the light but was born of the shadows and he was okay with that. Although he wandered between the light and dark he was sure of where he belonged. He belonged in the shadows hidden in the darkness. Walking around in the sunlight but stopping to stand in the cover of the shadows when the world became too much. Never in a million years did Sehun think that just by walking down a certain sidewalk his whole life would change. That was until he met a nameless boy with tan skin and brown hair. As he passed him on the street he felt some sort of warmth stir in him. Warmth. That was something he certainly hadn't felt in a long time and now that he had, he was definitely not going to let it go. 

            He spun around to see the boy crossing the street several feet ahead with hands stuffed in his coat pocket. At one point, Sehun thought he had lost track of the boy for he took turns left and right down winding alleys and roads. "Could it be that he knows I'm following him?" Sehun thought to himself. If the nameless boy did know, his acting skills were very impressive. Right when he almost gave up, the other boy stopped in front of what looked to him to be a studio. The boy opened the door and walked in. Sehun knew he had about two seconds to decide whether or not he should follow this boy once again or turn back the way he came. Who was he kidding? He had already come all this way, there was no turning back. With that, Sehun bounded forward and caught the door before it slammed close.

            Slipping inside Sehun waited as the darkness clouded his vision and faded away allowing him to see clearly once again. He looked around and found himself standing in some sort of hallway that branched to the left and right at the end. He looked down both hallways trying to remember which way the tan boy went. Moments later a soft melody invaded his eardrums. He followed the music till he reached a door that stood slightly ajar at the end of the hallway. Oh Sehun didn't know whether or not if what he was doing was right but once again his curiousness got the best of him. He peeked through the crack and was surprised to find the room inside almost completely dark. He stood for a moment feeling like his senses were tricking him. He most definitely heard music coming from inside the room but no one was there. He waited silently for any signs of movement and right as he was about to give up on this whole adventure, he heart feet pad across the wood floors of the studio. A song different from the one he heard earlier streamed through the speakers. His breath caught in his chest as shadows began to dance along the walls. A figure in the middle of the floor swayed back and forth dancing in harmony to the rhythm of the music. Sehun stood in shock as he watched the boy that moments ago he thought to be mostly ordinary control the shadows around him. As he moved, they moved with him. He stood there watching as the boy and the shadows moved in sync, completing each other. As the song came to an end the shadows encircled the tan boy in the middle of the floor and he dismissed them with a wave of his hand. What scared Sehun the most? The fact that they listened. The shadows receded towards the walls and faded away into the darkness. With that, Sehun passed out.

            Sehun started to come to but his vision was still blurred. He could barely make out the shape of the tan boy kneeling beside him. As soon as the others face began to come into focus, the other boy was gone, disappearing into the shadows once again. He slowly stood up and looked around the studio but found no trace of the other mysterious boy. With a sigh Sehun started for the door but was stopped when he felt a presence behind him. He didn't need to look to confirm what he already knew but he did anyways. As he turned around, he came face to face with the tan boy. The tan male stared at him with a blank expression on his face. At first, he didn't generate any type of emotion but when Sehun looked into his eyes he could see the unspoken words and curiosity circling in the boys eyes. Sehun wanted to say something more to the boy but he felt like his words would be meaningless. The questions that wanted to be spoken swirled in the air around them but were never asked. The more he stared at the boy the colder he felt. He thought he was actually going to freeze at one point because the temperature of the room just kept dropping. Maybe it was him or maybe it was the overwhelming presence of the shadows all around but he couldn't stand there any longer. If he did, he was sure he'd freeze to death. The darkness normally was welcomed but this time it was different. This time it wasn't just the absence of warmth or light, this time it was the fact that the shadows filled that space were what sent him reeling. Darkness was suppose to be empty but Sehun didn't even care anymore at the moment, he just desperately wanted to be warm again, to stand in the light of the sun and let it thaw him. That very thought scared him. After all, he was suppose to be of the darkness and shadows too right? Sehun had always been someone who was sure of himself. It was the one thing he had was proud of but after meeting this strange boy he wasn't so sure anymore and that thought terrified him more than anything...

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