Where is Romance?


She is 16,

She must marry someone.

Someone picked by her parents for her happiness.

For their happiness.

For everyone's happiness.

Someone who cares about her.

Someone who is perfect for her.

but the thing is

you know who is perfect for you

parents don't know who is perfect for you

And she never wanted the perfect one

it is ok

because she is 16 and she believes that she does not need romance

she is carefree

she is cheerful

she is light-hearted

and one day, she wonders where romance is.

Is there one for her?

Will there be one for her?

But life is full of dramas and she doesn't think he is ready for it. 

He was perfect but is he really for her???

she knows.



My first story. hehe. This story is based on my own ideas. If there are stories that are similar to this, please understand that it's just a coincidence. 


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yehet_94 #1
Chapter 2: Waaaa so interestinggg..update soon :)