Chapter 3

Turns of fate

Next month... it's the time when Yifan will go to China as part of their agency's plan to move beyond Korea. All experienced models in their company will have a series of photo shoots, events, commercials, fashion shows to do in different countries - which lasts from a month to six months. Luckily for Yifan, he only needs to stay in China for three months (Sehun will go to Australia for two months, Chanyeol will be at Indonesia for five while Suho is not yet included in the models that will be deployed as he still fairly new).

Yifan had already told Yixing about this but they haven't brought it up since then. Maybe because they're still a couple that just recently got together or maybe because three months is really a long time for Yifan to be away from Yixing... Yifan doesn't know, but he still makes it a point to not let Yixing hear the conversations regarding that travel. "It's best not to constantly remind him..." he thought. But as silent as Yifan and Yixing are about that separation period, Luhan and Chanyeol are entirely different cases. Luhan would always sulk whenever he remembers it which often leads to Sehun taking him out for a "date like no other". Chanyeol, on the other hand, wouldn't stop talking about it. He would always talk to Suho, saying the five months he's gone should be declared a hiatus period in their quest to woo Chen. "All interaction from the moment I leave for the airport until the moment I come back should be null and non-influential in matters of love," he would declare.
Nonetheless, the said travel is only a month away from today... and Yifan knows he isn't happy counting down those days.

The next morning, Yifan and Yixing found themselves at one of their company's studio. Both of them do not have any schedule for the day so they decided to just spend it at a vacant room in their building.
"You know..." Yixing said. "I don't think I ever experienced such silence in the entire time I worked here..."
"How can you?" Yifan answered. "You have two talkative creatures as your friends. Silence can never be an option."
The two of them were sitting on the floor by the white backdrop, eating some chips and soda.
"Hey 'Fan, do you remember?"
"Remember what?"
"This room..."
"What about it?"
"It was in this room when you first said those things to me..." the younger one said with a blush.
"Oh? Those things..." the other said while trying to recall.
"Those words; before we became official."
"Ah!" Yifan remembered. "Was it here? I thought it was in the other room... What did I say back then? Something like 'Would you be my boyfriend' or something..."
"Can I take you out??" the older said, obviously guessing the statement he said back then.
"No, Yifan. You said you love me."
"Did I??? Sorry, 'Xing. I'm really stupid for remembering small things like that."
"Small things..." Yixing whispered to himself but decided not to press that issue. "It's okay... I'd forget it too... if it wasn't one of the happiest moments for me..." the last phrase barely escaping his lips making it sound more like a moan rather than actual words.
"Of course you would! You're someone who forgets everything even those that are important!" Yifan said as he grabbed his can of soda.
"Why did you say that though?"
"Say what?"
"That you loved me..."
"Because I did... I do!"
"Why DO you love me?" Yixing managed to ask.

In the time that they were together, it was something Yixing was always curious about. Yifan never said it and Yixing never really pushed it. But he needed affirmation, he needed assurance that Yifan wasn't just being his boyfriend for some unknown reason. But does love really need a reason? It must... Yixing decided. It should have. If it doesn't, then he does not know until when this abstract thing would hold Yifan and him together; or how long would Yifan bear to stay with him.

"What are you asking?" Yifan asked, obviously taken aback by the sudden seriousness in his boyfriend's voice.
"I'm asking for the reason you're here with me..."
"Because I'm your boyfriend!"
"Chen asked me before..." Yixing began, ignoring the sign of annoyance in Yifan's face. "'Do you think you and Yifan would last forever?' he asked. I answered: 'I would like that very much but it's really up to him now.'"
"Why is it up to me?" Yifan interrupted.
"I told Chen... 'If I had a choice, I would never let go of the person that makes me look forward to tomorrow; the person that makes today seem to pass by so fast; and the person that causes me to remember yesterday with a smile." the younger one continued with a smile on his face. "If everything was up to me, Yifan and I would be together forever. Because I'd like to see him act cool yet fall clumsily every day; I'd like it if he were to pick me up and drive us home almost every day; I'd like it if he continues to take care of me when I'm sick... I'd like it if he would tell me he'd love me as often as his stoic personality would allow..."
"If it was up to me, we'd be together forever." Yifan answered firmly.
"But why?"
"ARE YOU DOUBTING MY FEELINGS FOR YOU?!" the older one asked loudly.
"No, I'm just asking for the reason behind them."
"I don't need a reason!"
"I do...  It would be difficult to live everyday not knowing why your boyfriend is with you in the first place."
"You just said you'd be okay if you just heard those freaking words every day!"
"I'd need the reason behind those first."
"You're being loud..."
"You know I was even before."
"What is wrong with you?!"
"Because you're being a stupid jerk! You keep saying you love me but every time I ask why, you mention no reason! Am I one of your fans that would melt with a single smile from you? Am I one of those girls that you think you can bed just by whispering to their ears?!"
"Right now, you're not far from those girls!"
"Before all this happened, I thought it would be great that you're a man! That I didn't need to deal with the same attitude as those girls I dated! But look how wrong was I then now?!"
"So that's it? You love me to save you the trouble of taking care of another woman?"
"PROBABLY! Or maybe I love you because you're already there every day! You were very convenient!"
"Maybe I just got tired of meeting a stranger and dating so I picked someone who was already head-over-heels for me."
"There! Satisfied?! You asked for reasons and you got them! But I'm warning you: if you don't stop these stupid romance book-inspired dilemmas, I may just not love you at all!" Yifan shouted as he stood up and walked out of the room.


Yixing didn't know if he regrets asking why the moment Yifan slammed the door. It's true he needed a reason as any person needed one to go on; but maybe those reasons were not things he preferred to hear after all. "Was that the truth?" he asked himself and stared at the floor.


It wasn't until late afternoon that Yixing decided to leave the company building. On top of the shock from Yifan's statements, he was unsure if going home tonight is even possible. On one hand, he wanted to go home; maybe Yifan would be at the sofa, waiting for him, and would apologize for the lies he said. On the other hand, he's afraid to go home and see Yifan not apologize and act as if he really did mean those things. 
Yixing was still deciding as he came across a new building in the area. It was a small commercial building that had restaurants on the ground floor and a salon on the second floor. But what got his attention was the music coming from the room beside the salon. It seemed like an exercise studio from below as you can barely see the mirrors at the far end of the room. He decided to take a look; a good way to delay getting home.
As he pushed open the door of the studio, he can see no one. It was just a spacious room with the far wall completely covered with mirrors. The music was playing loudly and perfectly balanced for the room. Yixing entered, scouting the place. The sign on the right says "Red Dance Studio" and the table near the front had brochures for the classes.
"Hello?" a voice broke through the music, catching Yixing by surprise.
"Oh! Hi." he answered. 
"May I help you?" a tall young guy asked as he approached Yixing.





A/N: Hello!! Let me try to slowly put things into motion here... :D i wanted to update earlier, but i felt weird writing about EXO after the recent news about the group... so...
Anyways, I already wrote the next chapter; will probably update tomorrow. Are you guys liking it so far? Lemme know!



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Unicornlaylover #1
Chapter 16: And it was never updated
Chapter 16: *cries
joanna20 #3
Chapter 16: Sehun gonna b the judge. Yixing ab is nt yr fault. I cnt understand what u go through bcz i hv nt experienced it so i cnt say everythg will b alright. I cn just say i will stay by yrself.
Chapter 16: They gonna beat da out of Jongin .. I mean what will hapoen aftar they meet him ?? and who da hell Chen fall in love with ??? And what will happen to jongin ??? I am feeling sorry for him . .Iam soo excited I can't wait for the next update
Chapter 16: Lol..poor chanyeol being ignore bu Chenhun,,i like mature sehun here..cant wait for what happen next..i hope jongin didnt do anything that night..
Chapter 16: Bless this trio for this being a good friend of Yixing. ^^
Chapter 15: Is it luhan who is chen fall in love with??or yixing??:/
Great to know yixing can share his problem with someone..
FancyFeline #8
Chapter 15: Sehun's going to find Jongin isn't he? He's gonna bring the whole squad with him and they're gonna beat the out of Jongin. Or at the very least find out what happened. Because Yixing deserves justice and the truth, and he blames himself far too much to be able to find them himself. I really wish he would stop though, it really wasn't his fault. is never the victim's fault, and victim shaming/blaming is such a toxic mindset to have :\ I'm glad he could open up to Jongdae though.
Chapter 14: Errr....I cant wait to next week huu,uu
Chapter 14: Why?!why you so mean to meeee???w(;A;)w
Cant wait what happens next..