Chapter 1 :

Just Friends Too . [ONESHOT] [SEQUEL]


Just Friends .

Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul regretted saying that .

Nichkhun didnt mean it at all; Jang Wooyoung isnt just a friend . Nichkhun dont know what Wooyoung is to him but Wooyoung and Khun are more than ‘friends’ .

a closefriend ? a bestbuddy ? a huswife ? ....a lover ? Nichkhun pondered but shook his head at the latter .

It cant be that Nichkhun loved Wooyoung like a love song , right ?

But Nichkhun cant explain the stinging feeling he felt at dead night whenever he was woken up by the chills, only to realise Wooyoung is not there by his side . Nichkhun used to not need to worry about these chills because sometime at night , Wooyoung would come in , nudge his blanket and then slip in to sleep beside Nichkhun . and Wooyoung would hug Nichkhun tight ; providing soothing warmth before the chill gets in .

Nichkhun fisted his hand and push it against his heart , trying to rid the all-too-familiar stinging pain .

“Khun ?"

Nichkhun wanted to be alone ; that is if Khun cant be with Wooyoung .

“Hey Taec , is Wooyoung back yet ?”

Nichkhun missed Wooyoung so much .

Khun didnt know why Wooyoung left them so suddenly . After Woo called Khun ‘Appa’ and Vict ‘Umma’ , he left for Seattle . His reason was that he missed Jay . But why now of all time ?

“...nope .”

Nichkhun heard the sympathy in Taec’s voice .

“Then call me when he gets back . If not , dont come in .”

Khun then heard the door shut and sighed .

Khun didnt intend to be rude to his bandmates but with Wooyoung gone , Khun didnt feel like doing anything . Wooyoung had been the one who would stick to him like glue , approaching him , letting Khun hug him and love him like a big brother . Wooyoung had been the bridge to the band ; no matter how much it seemed like Khun was the one being sociallable .

Big brother ? Is that what Woo is to Khun ?

Khun shook his head again . No , it feels more then that . It feels like Woo is Khun’s ...lover ?

Once again , Khun shook his head .

Why cant he find a better word to describe them except for ‘love’ ? Khun wondered .




“Hey Khun . Get up .”

Khun didnt know when he slipped into darkness . Everything in that room felt the same ever since Woo left .

“Is Wooyoung back yet ?” Khun asked in a croaky morning voice hlaf-heartedly ; having a hunch Woo isnt back yet .

“aniyo .”

Having missed Woo so much , that gave Khun a big flush of temper .

“Then dont come in . Go and get him back from Jay hyung . What is he doing there anyway ? Its been weeks ? Months ? I dont even know how long ! but i missed him so goddamned much please go get him .” Khun hissed .

There was a few seconds of silence before Khun felt his bed tipped a little to the right . Bracing himself for the worst , Khun froze .

“Khun , you’ve gotta stop acting this way , man .” Taec finally spoke in English .

“Acting in what way ? I miss Jang Wooyoung so much ; is that something you find diffilcult to comprehend ?” Khun said while glaring at Taec .

“Then what the are you doing here , locking yourself in your room , keeping yourself filthy , glaring at me , shouting at your other band members that are actually caring enough to ask you what the is wrong with you ?”

“...I’m sorry . Its just that , ... dont know what i’m feeling right now . Everything is so messed up . I miss Woo , but the word ‘miss’ is so vague , too general . I ...i feel like I can die without him he-”

“Then get your sorry to Seattle and go apologise to Wooyoung .”

“..apologise ? whatever for ? i dont think i did anything wro-“

Wooyoung is just a friend . Hes always sticking to me , so I feel bad to leave him alone , you know ? Anyway , hes just like our son , isnt he ? Always coming to get us everytime the others comes to visit us . He should call you Umma now , shouldnt he ?

“..those words .”

“Yes , you pabo . Wooyoung kept repeating it over and over again that time when i was sending him to the airport . What nonsensical sentences are those ?”

“It felt wrong when it came out of my mouth . tho i have no idea why .”

“go to Seattle . Maybe you’d find some answers .”

Seattle ? Khun thought . 

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me Khunwoo too. Thanks for the story!
congratssss ;)
Congrats :D
elliptical #4
congrats x
wan-an #5
i love ittt~
chaoan #6
this seems interesting~ i like it
woozyforevah #7
Chapter 2: ashabdftgdid. gahd this is so fluffy... sort of xD
whiteshirt #8
sadbcdfs!! kkeyboard error!!

lol because this is so nice!
"khunfused" ahhh^^ classic!
"White stuffs ...? Jay Hyung is too much of a ert for his own good ." Khun whispered and softly chuckled<br />
well, it's a lovely fic...