
Hi Guys, My Name Is Cho Kyuhyun - [HIATUS]




Have you ever read a story that never ends?

I got one for you.

Well, this story will reach an end. Someday.

This is a story about me and my life.

Shall I begin?




Hi guys. First, let me introduce myself.

My name is Cho Kyuhyun. And I'm at my third year in junior high school.

I'm an energetic freshman and handsome.

I came from a quiet rich family. I got my mom and one older sister named Cho Ahra. My dad passed away when I was three.

My family's not that harmonize. My sister's currently learning music overseas and my mom's living in Busan. She had to move because of her work and left me in Seoul with a maid and butler. But they're . Mom comes home only when she has jobs in Seoul.

Starcraft and Warcraft are my reasons to stay alive.

So what are you going to read now, is a story about my life. And I hope you won't get bored that easily because I don't even know when will this story ends. You can ask the author.

Well, enjoy my life.

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