Sungjong's Confession

My Best Friend is A Cross-Dresser?

[Sungjong's POV]

Today, we got up really early—or in a more specific way in my case, got woken up by Yun who poured ice cold water at my face. Not only did I get pissed off by the feeling of being wet on a wet bed but the mere act itself was just undeniably irritating. Her reason was that if I didn't wake up at that moment, I'd be left behind. Having no choice but to give in to the threat—may it be real or not—I just got ready then left with the others for Disneyland with a groggy, bad attitude to match. 

When we got there, the first thing we did was watch the parade in which Sungyeol and L took countless pictures of using Hoya's really expensive SLR. Hoya wasn't really a fan of taking pictures deeming him as one of those rich people with stuff that they barely use but bring around 'cause they can pay for it so easily. Anyways, long story short, Hoya's camera is now L and Sungyeol's to share for the day. 


After the parade, we grabbed a bite to eat then proceeded to the next ride, "Splash Mountain". 

"This line is killing me!" whined Sungyeol as he pointed to the long procession of mixed people: some were bored, some were sore, some were sweating, some were complaining and some were just any combination of these or even all of the above. We're like bittersweet zombies: we suffer the line for the awesome ride.

Ren read the sign in front of us that stated that we're still an hour away from the ride.

"Are you kidding me?" Sungyeol pulled his hair and his eyes grew big in frustration. "I'm tired, hungry, and bored as hell."

Ren sighed. "But we just ate."

"Exactly!" yelled Sungyeol. "This is pure torture." Sungyeol, if you think this long wait is torture, then what I'm experiencing with Yun is probably worse than death itself; she purposely stays in the other side of the group, trying to get as far away from me as possible. Oh, and to top it all off, I have to confess today, yeah? So quit complaining about torture ‘cause compared to me, what you’re experiencing is nothing.

Tiffany's face brightened up, pointing her finger to a far off distance. "Guys! The line's moving!"

"Really?" we all said, relieved. Finally, it's been ages since it moved. 

Indeed, the line was moving forward; I could see the people from far away. But by the time it was our turn to move, the line actually just shortened by one measly step.

"GAAH!!" groaned Sungyeol. "I wanna ride now!" He then started blaming Hoya. "I told you that you should've bought me some bottled water a while back!"

"Dude, that water's so freakin' expensive. It's not worth it," Hoya argued. "You should've finished your soda a while back. Now, you have regrets and it’s not my fault."

Sungyeol pouted like a childish child. "Stop acting like you're my papa."

Hoya slapped his hand across his face at the thought of his role as the ever so responsible Papa Hoya. "I'm not your Papa."

"Okay, Papa Hoya," replied Sungyeol like a troll.


An hour of endless whining, step-by-step moving, and zombie walking, we finally got to the ride and of course, they took the initiative to isolate Yun and I so that we could sit together. When we took our seats in front, Yun literally stuck herself to the very edge, forcing herself to maximize the distance between us. Does she really hate me that much?

I decided to piss her off by attaching myself to her but she kinda shoved me away and if it weren't for my trusty seatbelt, I would've fallen off the log. 

"Quit messing with me," she said in a harsh tone.

With a shrug, I simply replied. "Whatever. But I bet you one hundred percent that you will resort to clinging onto me when the time comes that we have to take the big splash."

"I bet you one hundred percent that I won't."

"You will—"

"I won't."

"You will."

Yun couldn't give another "I won't" for the ride was already going to start and damn, Sungyeol was already overeunthusiastic.

"Woooo!" he yelled while flailing his arms around. FYI, the log wasn't even moving yet.

And now it did.

The ride started off just fine but Yun and I were so quiet; I couldn't really enjoy the ride 'cause she made me feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, the people in front of us were having the time of their lives and I need not say who was the craziest. The craziest one was yelping out high-pitched screams and it wasn't even the big dip yet—we were just splashing here and there. Trust me, while it may sound amusing, it gets pretty annoying after sometime.

The ride just kept going on with us getting splashed and sprayed on here and there until we got to the part before the big dip. I glanced to me side and saw Yun feeling nervous; it was obvious to me that her heart was beating fast and that she's just trying to compose herself. The peak was nearing and so was her limit; our log just kept going up higher and higher making us feel rather queasy.

"This is it," I said with a smirk, already positioning my hand in the space between us for her to hold.

She just gulped and closed her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, oh, my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Sungyeol yelled rapidly. "Oh. My. GOSH!"

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Yun and I shouted and squeezed each other due to second nature. We were literally tightly constricted in each others arms as the wind cut past our skin sharply, pushing back our hair and scratching our faces. The feeling was weird; it's as if our souls were being pulled out of us while falling down. When the log landed (splashed a total tidal wave at us), we, completely drenched in cold water, instantly untangled our arms and faced opposite each other, pretending as if the previous few seconds didn't happen.

"You guys wet?" I asked.

Ren removed his soaked up vest and slapped it across my face. "You think?"

Indeed, everyone was wet especially us two. We exited the ride then Sungyeol got our pictures while we waited for him outside. Ren was just "casually" drying his clothes, swinging them around to catch some air and having it hang in a random place for them to dry while the two girls and the sissy were shivering. Hoya, being the gentleman that he is with his girlfriend, swung his jacket around her then they both sat on a nearby bench and started talking. Soon, Sungyeol got back and saw L and got concerned in a snap so he carried him and started swaying L back and forth like a baby, claiming that it's faster for L to thaw this way. 

"Yeol, please put me down and lend me your jacket just how Hoya did," said L, embarrassed.

"I'm not Hoya," said Sungyeol. 

"I'll give you a kiss if you put me down."

"Deal." And to make things for sure, Sungyeol got into specifics before he would be let down with a loop hole. He pointed to his mouth and said, "On the lips for two seconds."

With a sigh, L had no choice. The two puckered up and met lips for two seconds then Sungyeol did what L told him to plus a hug. Oh, the lovey doveyness is killing me!  

I, too, cannot hold my concern for her despite the fight so I slowly approached Yun and slyly wrapped my jacket around her from behind. She glared at me and threw the jacket right at my face. "I'm fine," she said sternly. Well, I'm not. Rejected with having nothing in mind to do, I just joined Ren and shamelessly dried my clothes with him.


Our clothes were still a bit wet so we decided to line up for "Mad Tea Party" in order for us to spin ourselves to complete dryness before we move on. As usual, there was a wait but luckily, it didn't take as long as the other one and when we got to the ride, the five guys shared a teacup while the two girls shared another one. 

"Dude, it's so cramped up in here," Sungyeol complained.

"Well, what do you expect? They said maximum of five and we're pretty much grown up so yeah," said Hoya.

The ride started and Sungyeol and L took the wheel and spun the cup as fast they could for us. It was fun at first but after a while, it was making us dizzy. Hoya later on begged them to stop spinning too fast which, in the end, caused him to spin the wheel himself while the couple took selcas as the cup was spinning. I know, they're so hardcore like that. Meanwhile, Ren started questioning me about today.

"Sungjong, stop super gluing yourself to me and get your over to Yun!" Ren placed both of his arms heavily on my shoulders. "Do you even have any plans on confessing?"

"Didn't you see me try to help her a while back? Yeah, it didn't go so well," I replied. "And as I said, I will confess. I just can't find the right mood and time."

"You better do it today," Ren said. "Today."

"Yeah, yeah. I know, today," I replied. "So quit nagging me." But for real, as time flies, the worry and burden that I feel just grows and devours my composure. Let's just hope that I won't be too late so that I don't need to kiss regret's forever.

"Hi guys!" Tiffany happiy waved at us while Yun waved at everyone except me when our tea cups were near each other. I would know, she didn't even look at me. Still, I waved back and even threw my jacket at her face for revenge. Yeah, I aimed that well. Plus, since she caught it, there's a chance she'll come to me and return it and if she doesn't, I can talk to her and ask her for it. Either way, I'd get a chance to speak with her, am I right?

For the rest of the ride, the couple and surprisingly, even Ren, thought it would be fun to spin the cup as fast as it could so they combined efforts to spin it. Hoya and I died.


By the time the ride was over, the guys were pretty much dizzy including the trio who spun the cup itself. We were walking in different directions, wobbling here and there. Despite my dizzy self, I managed to make my way over to Yun only to be covered on the head by my jacket. I couldn't see and my body was moving weirdly so I bumped my head to a pole. Seeing that getting up was useless, I leaned against it with my face still covered to lessen the humiliation.

"Sungjong, you alright?" asked Tiffany. 

"Ughh, what?" I couldn't think straight. "Yeah, just... I need a bench."

I unveiled the jacket, able to see my surroundings again then they led me to a bench. I lied down there, using my jacket as a pillow for my aching head. It's a good thing that the impact wasn't as good as the one I had while playing dodge ball. Now that one hurt like a . Anyways, a few minutes later, I recovered and we went to meet some Disney Princesses ‘cause Tiffany wanted to. There, Sungyeol rushed over to the three princesses: Mulan, Ariel, and Cinderella. He posed with each one while L took their pictures but with each picture, L’s face got a bit glummer. So, he’s jealous.

“L, what’s wrong?” asked Sungyeol.

With a big pout, L replied, “It’s just that you’re hogging the princesses. What about me?”

“Aw!~” Amused, Sungyeol spread his arms wide open, ready for a hug. “Come here.”

As an act of showing his jealousy and at the same time, his want to have his pictures taken with them, he placed the camera on one of Sungyeol’s hands, brushed past him and posed with the three princesses. “Now it’s my turn to have my pictures taken.”

The three ladies were more than enthusiastic to have L stand in between them for the obvious reason that he’s hot. Now, Sungyeol got a taste of what it felt like to be standing in L’s position.

After L’s mini photo shoot with the girls, Hoya and Tiffany’s followed. Afterwards, the three offered for me to go to take a picture with them but I politely refused.

“Pretty please,” Cinderella pleaded. “Just one picture.”

I took a quick glance behind me and saw Yun giving death glares at the three.

“It’s really okay,” I said. “I’m fine.”

Ariel held my hand and pulled me in. “No need to be shy.”

Taken aback by her actions, I just simply nodded shyly.

“Ready the camera,” Cinderella said excitedly.

“Wait,” said Yun who interrupted just as Sungyeol was about to take the shot.

“L-Let me join in,” she commanded, scooting over to the spot beside me, still keeping her distance. The princesses looked a bit disappointed but I felt otherwise. So, she’s jealous?

The five of us posed and when the shot was taken, we thanked the three. Yun was about to make her hasty escape but I caught her by the hand and stopped her without struggle; it’s as if she was weakened and made paralyze by me.

“Hey, what was that for?” I said with a chuckle.

“It’s none of your business,” she replied. “Just stop talking to me.”

“Talk, talk, talk,” I teased.

She remained silent for a moment but after she realized that we were still holding hands, she lowered her head, pulled her hand away from mine and walked to Tiffany. And that’s when I just realized that I was given the opportunity to talk things out with her rather than just . For that, I will slap myself in my mind. I gotta focus; if I miss this chance, who knows when I could still get another one? It’s now or never.


Riding “It’s a Small World” made me feel a bit more positive with its cheerful atmosphere. Once again, I was seated beside Yun but it didn’t matter. It seemed that for that ride, half the tension just went away but I repeat, it was just on that ride. When it was over, she went back to her angry state again. Sigh, this weird fight bipolar is killing me. At least better this than having her pissed at me twenty-four seven. But time is running out; I haven’t even figured out where to confess yet and how. Plus, with her still being mad at me, I don’t think it’d go well. I’m self-debating ‘cause this may be the wrong timing. Then again, what better setting than this? Gah, this is so frustrating; this is probably the hardest day of my life.

We went inside a merch store and I thought of buying Yun something special for her birthday. I was using her ignorance to me as an advantage; she wouldn’t bother to know what I was doing so I just strolled around the store for quite sometime until I realized that I had barely any money left and Hoya’s budget for the extra stuff’s been totally abused by L and Sungyeol. Even with all the effort, I came out of the store empty handed.

Just great.


Night time came and we’re now about to watch “World of Color” and damn, the crowd’s piling up already. Time’s running out for me but the good news is that I have a plan—a great plan. You see, it’s crowded right now so when the show ends, I will secretly grab Yun’s hand and drag her into somewhere with barely any people. As for concerns about somewhere, it’s still undecided. But I will find that somewhere when the time comes!

… Hopefully.

The show started and I strategically placed myself just beside Ren who stood beside Yun. Ren flicked my forehead, scolding me as to why I haven’t made my move yet. I told him that I was going to so he just let me be. I didn’t really pay attention to the show ‘cause I was too nervous to make my move and to blurt out at least a single “I like you”; I just paid attention to Yun who was enjoying the show, purely smiling. However, I really did want to enjoy the show with her while, y’know, holding hands and stuff. But setting my fantasies aside, there was something that was bothering me; was she smiling just because of the show or was it because I wasn’t disturbing her for once? Okay, my realistic thoughts aren’t helping me encourage myself.

I noticed the show nearing its end so I quietly switched placed with Ren and positioned my hand just right beside Yun’s, ready to grab it at any given time.

The music and the fountains died hence, my chance. I immediately grabbed her arm but she let go instantly and ran for her life as fast as she could. I didn’t have the time to catch her; before I knew it, she disappeared into the crowd.

I froze for a second until I snapped myself out of my negative trance and chased after her. I practically ran all over the place, forgetting about how tired I was, or how my legs couldn’t carry my body any more. As long as I could stand up, I won’t stop looking for her. I have to say to her how I feel; I wanna tell her how important she is to me.

On a whim, I tried contacting her through her cell phone. It went on voice mail.

“Yun, please tell me where you are,” I simply said then hung up.

Typical, she’d either hang up on me or put me on voice mail.

I continued to scour the park by myself until I just tripped and fell with my face scraping against the ground. Luckily, I didn’t get any scratches but it did hurt a lot and my right cheek became hot due to the friction.

Suddenly, I got a phone call from Tiffany.

“Sungjong, where are you?” she asked. “You and Yun just disappeared without notice.”

“I’m near ‘Space Mountain’,” I replied. “Have you seen Yun?”

“She’s here with us. We found her by the entrance. We’re in the van outside Disneyland right now and the driver’s becoming impatient ‘cause he says that we really have to go. Please get here soon.”

“O-Okay,” I replied, devastated.

I left the park and got into the van where I met up with the seven. I sat beside L and Sungyeol who were already asleep from exhaustion. I, too, was very exhausted but the mere thought of my failure was keeping me awake. Why did she run away so quickly? I mean, I thought that most that she’d do was walk away but it never crossed my mind that she’d go as far as to make herself get lost like that; the only thing I could think of was that she knew on or before I held her hand. I was worried sick not just for myself, but especially for her. What if none of us ever found her? What would happen then? At that time, too many things were running through my mind: how to find her, how to calm myself down and when I do, how to confess to her in the best way possible. A lot of things happened today and I’ve come to the conclusion that things didn’t go my way. I wasn’t able to confess.

Now I ask myself, is this the end of Yun and I? ‘Cause if it is, I can’t believe it; I just can’t. A part of me just died but there’s a small part of me that’s clinging to a faint hope that somehow, I can turn things around.


We’re all back at the hotel and it’s already late. The others have already fallen asleep but Yun and I are still awake. The room had a complete dark blue-violent tint and a somber atmosphere. The clock was ticking with every second accompanied by the wind that blew through the window, softly pushing the curtains into a smooth wave. Beyond them, stood Yun staring at the sky by the balcony in a flowy white evening gown. She never really wore dresses to sleep but for some weird reason, she did today. From my bed, I watched her back. Aside from the strands of her hair, she never moved; it was almost like staring at a still picture.

“Hey,” I said, cutting the silence. “Why’d you run away?”

The wind brushed against her hair for a moment as she kept quiet.


Without a budge, she cut me. “It’s nothing.”

I stood up. “If it was nothing, then you should’ve simply walked away.”

She heard me move. “Don’t try getting any closer.”

I took a few steps forward.

“I’m warning you, Sungjong.”

I dashed over to the terrace and stood directly behind her. She still refused to face me.

“I know that you knew,” I said. “And we both know that what I was going to do was far from nothing—very far.”

She clutched the bars of the terrace tightly, slightly lowering her head and scowled.

“Then why’d you run away?”

“I d-don’t know!” she yelled shakily. “I was pissed and I was surprised!”

“Yun, are you crying?”

She shook her head and wiped her tears away. “No, I’m not.”

Without hesitation, I grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around. She was indeed crying—and for quite sometime already. She reached out to grab my shirt but stopped halfway.

“I’m still pissed at you,” she said.

“Just cut the crap, Yun.” I held her hand tightly and pulled her into an embrace. Her face was buried in my chest, her tears were soaking up my shirt and she clutched its cloth. I rubbed her back to comfort her.

She punched my chest. I just tightened my embrace.

“This fight, let’s stop this. We both know that we care for each other and anger’s getting us nowhere. Soon, we’re gonna be living separately and I don’t want us to part with tension. Trust me, Yun—living without wouldn’t feel the same; I’ve gotten so used to you being around—your company is what makes me feel truly at home.”

“I don’t want to live separately, Sungjong,” she said. “I just don’t.”

“Me neither,” I said. “Now, let me take this opportunity to tell you what I should’ve told you a while back…” I lowered my head, my cheek touching her crown. We felt each other’s hearts beating fast. Finally, after a big gulp, I confessed, “Yun, I have feelings for you. I always have and always will.”

We remained silent for a while until Yun looked at me straight in the eye, her eyes shimmering with tears. “I won’t run away this time.”

“Does that mean—“

Before I could finish my sentence, she kissed me softly. It was the best feeling I’ve ever had. All of today’s suffering and everything that I’ve done for her was worth this moment.

When our lips gently parted, I said, “Say, about living separately, let’s just try to talk to them about it.”

“It’s not guaranteed,” she pointed out. “But there’s no harm in trying.”

The wall clock rang indicating that it’s now midnight.

“Happy Birthday, Yun,” I said then frowned a little. “Too bad I don’t have a gift.”

She shook her head. “No, you gave me the best that you could give.”

I smiled. “I’m glad to hear that.”

For the rest of the night, we just chatted on the terrace, talking about random topics and letting time pass by casually with sentiment. While we might not be able to live together anymore, at least now, I can say that I get to be with the person that’s most precious to me.

Hey guys~! I'm sorry that it took quite sometime to update since my internet died on me (sigh...). Actually, until now, I still don't have internet and am just having a temporary source of it. 

I might not be so awesome in these kinds of things but I would like to thank everyone who subscribed an. This story really has been with me through my ups and downs in writing and despite the discontinued fics, this one survived. I appreciate that you guys took the time to actually read my long chapters (some short but yeah...) and also kudos for those who really had enough perseverance to catch up with the story despite it having a lot of chapters already. 

Anyways, once again, thank you everyone for reading this fic and i hope you guys enjoyed it~! :D

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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 47: Great fanfic! best Sungjong fanfic ever!
great job!
xyper_crash21 #3
Chapter 47: I love this! Please make a sequel author-nim!!!
Chapter 47: sungjong is just amazing!
Chapter 47: sequel please? authornim. kkkk
infinitexo19 #6
Chapter 47: This was one of the best sungjong fanfics i've ever read! Thank u soo much for this great fanfic!
infinitexo19 #7
Chapter 7: Hi author-nim new reader here! I like the story as far as i am right now! Thank u fir this great fanfic!
Chapter 47: such a cute story....though I don't know why anyone would ever run away from Sungjong.... :)
5herL00kAtMe #9
OMO!! This story is great!! The idea is really unique. I'd never had thought of writing a crossdressing fic!! :) Sungjong became really manly at the last part! Love this story!! Hwaiting!! :)
Chapter 47: its doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee