The Big Announcement

My Best Friend is A Cross-Dresser?

[Ren's POV]

The plane had already landed when I woke up with dried tears and drool on my face. Tell me why did they have to play a drama so late at night? Well, better that than a horror movie that could scar me for life. 

I wiped the drool off my face with my sleeve then proceeded to wake Sungyeol up who surprisingly got up easily. The real problem was L who was basically a log—no—a boulder and a pain in the to wake up. Aside from him being a heavy sleeper, he was blurting out random nonsense like, "Oh, Yeol, it's late already.", "Not now, I'm busy taking pictures." and "Run! My fangirls are gonna eat you alive, Yeol! GAH!". Sungyeol got so embarrassed that he rolled up some tissue and stuffed it on L's mouth so that he would stop talking. Afterwards, he slapped L thus, waking him up. The funny thing was that L got so shocked that he spitted the soggy tissue that was gilled with his saliva right at Sungyeol; it shot directly at his right cheek then slid down to the floor in all its slobbery grossness. Having no choice, Sungyeol picked it up and stored it inside his backpack for the meantime then the three of us exited the plane.

As for Sungjong and Yun, they're fighting as usual; groggy, in fact so they looked like bickering drunk people. They fought basically everywhere and anywhere without knowing anything about being shameful. And yet again, I would like to consult their so-called assigned guardians A.K.A. Hoya and Tiffany. Seriously, those two should know how to restrain the duo before my brain explodes!


The hotel wasn't bad at all. Good beds, good bathrooms, hot water: there wasn't anything that I could complain about at all aside from the vast amount of room mates that I have. Hoya thought that it would be more convenient to have everyone except Yun and Sungjong in one room so that we could plan our plan more efficiently. While he does have a point, I still have this selfish wish of having my own room. I mean, just by the look of these people, I know—I just know that they have weird sleeping habits. I got a taste of it by seeing L a while back. Oh well, I wasn't the one in charge of the accommodations so I gotta stick with what I've got.

Anyways, as I said, the bickering duo are roomed together and they're just in the one beside ours. Sungyeol thought it would be interesting to secretly sneak in a recorder and spy on their every word. I gotta agree with him, it is kinda intriguing since they're like, alone in a room and all. When I asked how'd he sneak the recorder in, he simply told me that they didn't notice him entering and leaving the room while they were bickering. Sigh, and just when I thought that he used some uber awesome stealth skills. 

We watched them from time to time but then there was nothing out of the ordinary really; after they were done fighting about who will get the better bed and fighting about who has a better body, nothing interesting came out anymore so we just unpacked our bags and took naps with the accompaniment of Hoya's Chris Brown lullabies that blasted out of his laptop. I, for one, had a hard time sleeping especially when "Look at me Now" was playing with Busta Rhymes bustin' out whatever gibberish he was rapidly saying but eventually, I was able to at least get half an hour of sleep.


When we woke up, the two were still at it. We got into their room and saw clothes splattered all over the room; it's kinda like those times when people have pillow fights with the feathers being flown everywhere except, in this case, instead of feathers, it's clothes. Our jaws dropped as we froze. But for sure, we all had the same thought in our heads and that was the thought of being unwilling to help them clean. 

"We're not cleaning that for you," I said in everyone's behalf. "And that's a final."

"He's cleaning!" yelled Yun.

"She's cleaning!" yelled Sungjong.

Hoya sighed, went to the center of the room in the space between the two beds and slid the tip of his foot across the floor to make an imaginary line and said, "One will clean that side and the other will clean the other side. I don't care whose clothes are where as long as this room's gonna be clean." He gave Yun and Sungjong authoritative glares. "Got it?"

"Got it," said Yun like a disciplined child.

Sungjong pouted. "Got it, Papa Hoya." 

"But clean those later because we have a surprise for you," Hoya said with much excitement.

The two scratched their heads while the rest of us dragged them out of the room and into the car. 


"Where are we? I wanna sleep!" whined Yun. 

Here we stand in front of the house that Yun and Sungjong's parents are living in. Yes, the four are in fact, living together. How exactly did we track them? I had no idea. But all I know is that Hoya and his amazing group of bodyguards are good at finding people. I can't wait to see their reactions when they see each other. Oh, and not to mention, how the audience would react as well. For that specific reason, I bought a ton of tissue that I got from the hotel's bathroom before we left in case there'll be an excessive amount of waterworks. 

"Don't worry, we're in a good place," said Tiffany with a big wink. "A really really good place."

Tiffany knocked on the door twice and a few seconds later, the door was opened by a woman wearing a black mid-length pencil skirt and a sapphire blazer. It was Sungjong's mother. She was shocked without a doubt the moment she saw us—specifically Sungjong. 

She excused herself for a moment, leaving the door opened and shouted, "Everyone, Yun, Sungjong and a few of their friends are here!" 

"Really? Let them in!" said Sungjong's dad as he went down. For sure, that voice that nagged me nonstop would always be easy to spot. 

And so, Sungjong's parents showed us in then we sat on the couches in the living room and greeted each other. Sungjong was so happy that he just hugged his parents and started crying. Moments later, Yun's parents came down so three more waterworks came in. Turns out, no one needed tissues after all. Yun and Sungjong's tears were being in by the blazers and business suits while the people in the background were smiling happy, not tears of joy happy. 

"I missed you so much," said Yun and Sungjong in unison. They didn't bother fighting; they had other things to focus on.

"I missed you too," said the four parents. 

The dramatic moment eventually simmered down and we were able to start a normal flow of conversation. Well, sort of. It began with Sungjong's dad glaring at me uncomfortably.

"Mr. Lee, I'm feeling very uncomfortable with the way you're looking at me." I glanced to the side and saw Mrs. Lee having the same expression. "You too, Mrs. Lee."

"Well, what do you expect? You hit our son with a meter stick!" yelled Mr. Lee.

"B-but, I-I-." Okay, I didn't know what to say here.

Tiffany came in to rescue me. "Ren's actually a nice person. I mean, he's kind of a douchebag and all but believe me, he helps a lot now. He actually thought of this surprise and even paid for our flight on the way here and if it helps, Sungjong beat him up recently." 

"Oh, really?" Mr. Lee patted his son's back. "Very good, Sungjong."

Sungjong chuckled. "Thanks."

"Right, should we tell them?" asked Yun's dad.

"Tell us what?" asked Yun.

The four parents straightened their backs then kept nudging each other. By the look of it, they couldn't decide who was going to announce it but in the end, Sungjong's mom did. 

She cleared then said, "We were supposed to tell you via video call soon but seeing that you're here now, we're gonna tell you." She snapped and ordered Sungyeol and L to do a drum roll.

"Dugugugugugugu," said the two as they drummed the table.

"We are going back home!" Mrs. Lee announced. 

The room was silent.

Seeing that the response was uncertain, she repeated with much more emphasis, "We are going back home!"

"Mom, does that mean Yun and I... won't live together anymore?" asked Sungjong in a slightly weak voice.

Mrs. Lee nodded. "Yeah. Weren't you the one who wasn't so enthusiastic about the two of you living together?" 

"I guess us not going to be living together anymore would be fine. I mean, Yun is kinda bothersome," Sungjong said.

Yun fisted the table. "Excuse me?!"

"You heard me! You're bothersome!"

Yun pointed intensely her finger intensely at Sungjong. "Well, you're a burden!"

"Well, you're a burden, too!" Sungjong retorted. "I wouldn't mind not living together anymore. In fact, it's a good thing for me!"

"It's a good thing for me too!"



"Hmph!" The two said at the same time as they turned their backs on one another.

And that's how our visit was cut short. We had to leave to let the two cool down. Of course, we explained the whole story about why the two are fighting and such. Sigh, just when I thought that visiting their parents was going to get them to stop fighting. Little did we know that such news was actually waiting for us. 


[Sungjong's POV]

It's now around 1AM and I am still wide awake on my bed. I just couldn't help but think about what my mom said earlier. I don't wanna stop living with Yun, I seriously don't. It's like a big part of me will be ripped away if we have to live separately again. Yeah, I wasn't so in to it at first but as time passed, my feelings for her just grew and I started treasuring her more and more each day. What makes this worse is that we're fighting; I don't want us to separate and be enemies and I am planning to confess to her soon and us not being in good terms is not helping at all. I don't even know how to confess to her yet let alone have the guts to talk it out with her and stop this fight. 

I hopped out of my bed and stood beside Yun's. She was surely sleeping; her eyes were closed but there were tears on her face. She just cried herself to sleep. 

"I love you" was what I wanted to say but I ended up mouthing it and shedding a tear. I then went back to my bed, shed another tear, then closed my eyes with a heavy heart. 

Thank you for reading and I hope that you guys enjoyed it~! :D

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kpop_and_ramen12 #1
Chapter 47: Great fanfic! best Sungjong fanfic ever!
great job!
xyper_crash21 #3
Chapter 47: I love this! Please make a sequel author-nim!!!
Chapter 47: sungjong is just amazing!
Chapter 47: sequel please? authornim. kkkk
infinitexo19 #6
Chapter 47: This was one of the best sungjong fanfics i've ever read! Thank u soo much for this great fanfic!
infinitexo19 #7
Chapter 7: Hi author-nim new reader here! I like the story as far as i am right now! Thank u fir this great fanfic!
Chapter 47: such a cute story....though I don't know why anyone would ever run away from Sungjong.... :)
5herL00kAtMe #9
OMO!! This story is great!! The idea is really unique. I'd never had thought of writing a crossdressing fic!! :) Sungjong became really manly at the last part! Love this story!! Hwaiting!! :)
Chapter 47: its doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee