CH. 04

Fourth Story: Master of Wind

Soo Eun gasps. 


"Wha... what did you just say?"


"I am immortal." 


And that is enough to make Soo Eun suddenly passes out. 




Soo Eun opens her eyes slowly as she feels the sun light hits right onto her eyes. She scrubs several times before realizes that she is not in her room at all. Her room is not this dull; there is barely things indicated that someone has been living there or such thing like that. She gets up and walks around to examine the room. It is grey-theme bedroom, but not that fancy grey-theme bedroom; it is a real normal bedroom. 

"You should be responsible, Sese. Your nervousness suffocated her."  She hears a conversation from the door. She realizes that there are some people talking outside the room. 

"I am sorry. I was afraid that she would yell or slap at me, or worse, laugh at me."

"How long do you need to live in order to encourage yourself?"  Another voice than those two voices join the conversation. Soo Eun puts her ear onto the door for getting the conversation better. But this is a bit weird for her. She can hear the conversation clearly as if her hearing ability is increased in a point. They are not shouting; they are talking normally, but she can hear it too well to be true. "You have been living for hundred years, Oh Se Hoon." 

Now she gets it. Se Hoon is there with his.... friends, or brothers. Soo Eun remembers what he had said to her that night. He revealed that he was not human... at least not Earth's human, and he was immortal. Immortal. He can't die...he has lived for hundred years....

Soo Eun falls down and closes for keeping her making any sound. She doesn't know how to react. Is she scared? Yes, of course. Your new crush or something like that just told you that he was not any normal human being at all. Does she want to leave? Frankly, no. There is this pulling feeling in her heart that tells her she can't just leave him like this. But her body wants to leave; this is not normal at all. 

"Have you told the whole story?"  

"No...I mean, she passed out when I said that I was an immortal. What would you think she will do if I tell her the whole truth?"  What truth? Is there something else I should know? 

"So, what are you going to do? You brought her here and I believe that her mother is searching for her. I just wiped the memory about the incident last night but I can't wipe her memory of you."  What? What is going on? Why? Why is this so confusing? Wipe memory of you? Who? What are they talking about?






"Soo Eun-sshi!"  Se Hoon knocks the door upon hearing her scream. Soo Eun stares in disbelief to the girl that just showed up instantly. Soo Eun looks to the window and it is never opened. The only door is the door that she puts her ears onto. So from where is this girl--

"Don't worry, Sese-ah, I am here. She just screamed after seeing me,"  Byul answered lightly and the constant panicked knocks are over. 

" are you...what are you..."

"Hey, your reaction is really like a normal person! You don't look like you have his power now!"

"What? What are you talking about? How can you end up here without--"

"Because of this."  Byul disappears in poof and shows up sits on the bed. Soo Eun still stares to her like she is an alien or something. Wait...."Are you an alien? Are you like Oh Se Hoon-sshi?"

Byul smiles, "yes or no. It depends on what angle you do want to see."

"I don't get it."

"I am an Earth's human, but once I got entangled with one of them, they made me not Earth's human anymore."  Soo Eun blinks her eyes several times while digests the information. 

"Made? What do you mean? Is this some kind of Twilight story got real?"

She hums, "you can say that. It's like I am...we are Bella and they are Edward."


"There are eleven of us, so far,"  her eyes sparkle and hint something, but Soo Eun can't even think of any possibilities even though she catches that, "and each of us gets their small scale of power. I heard that Sese has told you his power."

"Sese...yeah, Oh Se Hoon-sshi's real name is Sese,"  she remembers that, "he...he demonstrated to me about his...airbending. Or some sort like that."

"Airbending. I like that word,"  Byul grins, "maybe I can use that to call his power. My power is teleportation since my husband is Master of Teleportation...well, technically, we haven't married yet, but the preparation is ongoing so--"

"He told me that,"  Soo Eun speaks, "he told me about his other brothers. He told me about two of them."

"My husband, Kai, and Lulu."


"Yeah, they have weird name but don't worry, you can call Kai Kim Jong In and Lulu as Lu Han. Lu is the family name."  Soo Eun feels like her head is spinning. She sits down at the floor and Byul goes quickly there (with her really inhuman pace). 

"Do you want to hear my story?"


"How I am ended up here,"  Byul smiles, "I was adopted by my husband when I was a kid. None of us really knew that we were destined to be with each other. We...He raised me well and really showed me on how being loved is. I was so happy even though I knew that my family here wasn't normal family, but they tried their best to become my family. Once I found out that I had to.... marry my father, I was devastated. However, I found out that he was more devastated than me; he thought that he would be going to taint me. That's how we understood each other and agreed that we were... and we are falling to each other." 

Soo Eun hears her story and a question pops out in her heart. "Destined to be with each other? Is there some kind of pact or--"

" do I tell you about that?"  When Byul is pondering, the door is knocked again. "Who is it?"

"It's me."  Byul smiles while Soo Eun doesn't recognize that voice at all. "Get up. He will check on you. He's our doctor." 

"You have a private doctor? Or--"  She remembers again. Sese told her about 'Master of Healing.'  Byul opens the door and Lay is there, smiling nicely while bringing a bowl of water. "I have to treat her."

"Go on, although I must say, she is fine."  Soo Eun bows to Lay. "His name is Lay and he is Master of Healing. By the way my name is Byul and I am Mistress of Teleportation. Nice to meet you, Jung Soo Eun-ah." 

"So, what do you want to know?"  Lay asks Soo Eun who keeps looking like she is in lost. 

"Destined to be with each other...that Byul told me before...what is that? And does that have something to do with me?"  

Lay smiles. "I know this is confusing but the one that needs to explain the whole story is Sese, who is now going out to school."


Lay pushes her down to the bed again, "no need to. Chen and Kyung are taking care of it."  Chen. Kyung. Kim Jong Dae. Do Kyung Soo. "As for now, I can only tell you our history."  And he does it. He tells her about how their world was, how the war happened and is happening now, and of course, the Tree of Life. "You see, we can't choose our wives freely like normal humans. Our wives are chosen by the Tree. That is why Byul told you about 'destined to be with each other.' It's because the Tree chose Byul upon her birth, just like others. Once we share our blood, we are connected to each other. Like Byul, she has Kai's power thanks to the sharing blood ceremony."

"It sounds like--"

"Vampire? Don't worry, we might be the original community who bore up that vampire thing into humans' myth."  Lay smiles and shows his dimple again, "but that doesn't mean we eat blood. We still eat normal food and drink normal drinks. So do you understand?" 

Soo Eun nods. "When will you bring me back to my house? My parents must be searching for me!"

"Well, that is something that Sese should tell you....but please, enjoy your stay here! There are Dong Ah and Sae. They are also mistresses of their husbands' respective... ah well, they are Chen's and Kyung's wives."

"Dong Ah?"  She then gasps, "as in Song Dong Ah? The model and the--"

"Well, you can check it out by yourself."  She jumps out from her room and literally runs toward the downstairs, leaving Lay chukcling. "She already has the air trait." 




Jung Eun Soo is frantically panicked about her missing daughter. Nobody even remembers everything; not even her remembers something. Her husband said that she might have gone to school but Eun Soo knew that isn't true. She locked her up and now she is gone. That is impossible. 

Unless she got out with some helps. Where could possibly she find the helper other than her new school? 

And so she goes there. 

"Mrs. Jung,"  the headmaster speaks. They are now at his office, "I am afraid that Jung Soo Eun isn't here... but somehow her homeroom teacher got letter from hospital, saying that your daughter is there. I think that you know--"

"No! I don't know anything!"   This so called teacher is helping her

"Well, let me call that teacher right away."  And so Che rushes up to go there and...

"Chen?"  His smile disappears after seeing Eun Soo there. 

"Oh, do you know him, Mrs. Jung?"  The headmaster asks, although he is confused about the Chen name. Chen looks like seeing a ghost. He can't speak or run away from the scene. 

She can compose herself and smiles nicely, "I am afraid so, Headmaster."

"Oh, okay."

"May I speak with him privately?"  Chen gulps. He prays in his heart that something has to help him and then he looks to the window. 


Sese's butterfly is there. 


Chen smiles. "Go! Tell him!"  He whispers that quitely and the butterfly goes away to the field, where Sese's class is having gym class. They are now playing baseball and Sese is playing as a catcher. The butterfly approaches him and stays on his shoulder until his face shows horror. 

"CATCH THE BALL!!!!"  But he doesn't move. His team is screaming but he doesn't even hear it. He throws away his glove and runs to the teacher, "SIR! I AM SICK! I NEED TO GO!"  And without waiting for confirmation, he runs toward the headmaster's office. Doing his power (making people unconscious) he can pass those people easily without being asked. 

He bargs into the room and finds Eun Soo with Chen. 


Silence takes them all suddenly. 


" are here?"  Eun Soo stutters after seeing Sese, again. His face hasn't changed at all; he still can pose as high school's student. 

Eun Soo then can compose herself and smiles again, just like she did before, "well, Chen is here so why wouldn't you?" 

"I ask that butterfly to warn you, not call you here,"  Chen states. He initially didn't want Eun Soo to see Sese at all. He can make something up for the excuse. Well, he is being a teacher isn't a crime; he needs job to protect his real identity. 

"I want to come here,"  Sese answers, "I want to explain about Soo Eun."  Eun Soo's eyes are bulging out. She is not that calm woman again; she looks enraged suddenly. "What do you mean by that? Is she with you? Is she? Does she have? Have you two had--"

"I took her out from your house last night because you locked her up under silly reason,"  Sese replies. His voice is stern and this time, he isn't the youngest one there, "you locked your own daughter because she had this conversation with a boy!"

"And that boy, that is you, right?"  She raises her voice. "Answer me!"

"What if I say yes? What will you do?"

"You can't be with her!"

"My destiny is her!"

"YOUR DESTINY IS WITH ME!"  She growls. Chen looks really worried and afraid. "THAT IS WHAT YOU TOLD ME YEARS AGO!"

"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE, I HAVE TOLD YOU THIS ISN'T WORKING AT ALL!"  Sese yells, "my wrongdoing isn't the reason you can torture your own child like that!"

"She is not my child! She is the demon sent to take you away from me!"

"You are crazy,"  Sese says, "I have told you, even when she was born, that she is my mate. I have told you that we can't never be together. I have told you that the Tree has chosen someone else! I have never ever wanted to hurt you but this is the reality, Kang Eun Soo!!" 

"I AM STILL IN LOVE WITH YOU! DON'T YOU GET IT? YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING!"  She screams and fall down to cry. Chen is confused between approaching her or just letting her like that. Sese looks to her in guilt. "I...I was ready to leave everything to become one of yours. I was ready to be what Song Dong Ah has done...I was so ready...but then you came to me and said that all of them was a mistake! What we have gone through together was a mistake! I was about to be killed by those enemies of yours because they said I was your mate! They said, I WAS YOUR MATE!" 

" just carry her sense...and mine. Since we were together, they thought that--"

"YOU AND MY MOM WERE TOGETHER?"   Suddenly, a yell is heard from another side of the room. They look onto the door and it is wide open. 

Soo Eun is there with Byul, who happily transported her before knowing that she shouldn't even agree in the first place before. 



hello everyone! I hope you like this chapter! 

@dailydreamer : she is not moving on...hoho...she married her for some reasons you will know later :) thank you

@michily : hehehehe :) 

@vinmya86 : now, hopefully she wants it :)

@vinmya86 : I have updated it :) 

@rieru_mashiro : she ended up afraid though hahaha...hopefully you like this chapter!

@13thmembersofexo : yes I was haha and I am happy for it :) hopefully the one that said that he was taken *coughsiwoncough* is indeed taken by someone else, not that ELF thingy hahaha *I am so bad at that...I really feel that it is too much when an idol says that they are taken by fans or something even though it can be true, like they are showing their real gratitude feeling to the fans* and then my bias kyuhyun...please date and tell it to us!!! 

@vothan30597 : thank you, do you like the progress? :) 

thank you so much for waiting! Hopefully you COMMENT! 



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Chapter 12: Awesome...I loved the way how every character is an important part in the plot.
kyaa love your story!♡ btw aku dr indonesia nih~ ㅋㅋ ceritanya bagus ㅠㅠ greatjob author-nim:)
Chapter 10: now i understand why soo eun have se hoon ability, one by one the secret will reveal right? and is that really white princess who talk to lay?? owh eant read more
Chapter 1: akhirnya complete juga, mau baca dari awal lagi deh biar nyambung hehehe...
CosmicLatte00 #5
Chapter 12: Wait! Who's left without met? I hvent been online for a while so I kinda lose track of things.
Chapter 12: Can you please do an epilogue with sehun and his mistress and how she would react after being changed into an immorta? Please author-nim if it isn't such a bother for you hihi
dailydreamer #7
Chapter 12: Omg cliffhanger at the final chapter <//3 this chapter was seriously intense. Woke up and had to read it right away. This story really chased away my sleepiness, hahahahaha. And giiirl you psychic or what?
jneo2202 #8
Chapter 12: Dear author, can use pls make an epilogue that shows sehun and soo eun? Am do tempted to see how soo eun reacts when she knows she has become immortal when she wakes up
michily #9
Chapter 12: So Sese got a mistress? Lucky him! Yehet
kia_fabian #10
Chapter 11: But donghae doing good job with that song...I'm just proud..kai and tao teaser...OMG....why its so hard to try not to like exo..I already try to leave them after Kris leave..but still I can't....just luv them too much