
A Star's Love

A/N-I've realized that there are times when I have ideas for a oneshot but can't find a song to go with it so not all my oneshots will be using songs.This oneshot doesn't use a song.There will even be some AU oneshots.I wasn't planning on writing a JungkookxIU fic so soon but since I got three requests for it,I decided to do it.This is my longest oneshot yet.Do let me know what you think if possible.Dedicated to shaoyui2331,lucky_gurlz & Luv_Em.Hope you like it.


  There aren't many things that he remembers from his childhood.Even when he tries his hardest to remember,all he has are vague,fuzzy memories but the few memories that he has no trouble recollecting all have a common link.All of his clearest memories feature the same girl.

 The first time they meet,he is ten years old and he had been having a really bad day.He still remembers what he had been muttering as he walked to the riverbank,his most favourite spot.It was something along the lines of "Damn you Luna!You and your stupid fortune telling skills!Saying that today would be a really lucky day for me."Contrary to his friend's prediction,he had been having bad luck all day.He had fallen into  a ditch not once but twice,lost his wallet and was even almost hit by a car.

  Feeling quite pissed off at both himself for believing Luna's stupid fortune telling skills and Luna for giving him false hope,Jungkook  headed to his most favourite spot,the one place that he always went whenever he was feeling down.Jungkook had thought of the place as his own for so long that he had been quite surprised wheh he saw someone else  there.

 Despite knowing he had no claim whatsoever on that place,Jungkook felt his anger increase.He had had one of the worst days of his life so far and just wanted to relax at his favourite spot now but even that had been taken from him.He approached the figure intent on scolding him but halted when he noticed that the figure was a girl and that tears were pouring down her face.Jungkook took a closer look at the small girl and realized that while the girl appeared to be his age,she wasn't someone he knew.

  She must have heard him because she suddenly looked up and her red,tear-filled eyes met his.Jungkook felt his anger dissipate as they gazed at each other.Slowly,he walked towards her at sat down on the ground next to her.The girl who was still crying looked at him quizzically when he did so but otherwise remained silent.Breaking the awkward silence,Jungkook asked her, "Why are you here crying alone?"

  The girl beside him wiped her tears with her hands after hearing his question but didn't answer him.Sighing,Jungkook reached into his pocket and pulled out his hankerchief before handing it to her.Still staring at him curiously,the girl accepted his hankerchief with a grateful nod.Not knowing why the sight of this girl's tears bothered him so much when she wasn't even someone he knew,Jungkook started talking about the horrible day that he had had.

  Although she showed no sign that she was listening,Jungkook continued speaking anyway.He needed to rant and maybe listening to how badly his day had went would cheer the girl up a bit.When he started scolding Luna for her 'amazing' fortune telling skills,a faint smile appeared on her face and Jungkook couldn't stop himself from blurting out, "You look prettier when you smile." before he clasped a hand on his mouth and blushed.

  At the sight of him blushing,the girl started giggling which only made Jungkook's face turn an even darker shade of red.Although embarassed,Jungkook felt himself grinning when he saw her laugh eventhough she was laughing at him.Finally when only a hint of red tinge remained on his face and her giggles had subsided,he held out his hand towards her, "Glad I could make you laugh.Hi,I'm Jungkook." This time it was the girl who blushed while shaking his hand.She then stared into his eyes deeply,almost as if searching for something.Finally after what felt like hours to Jungkook but was in reality less than  a minute,she nodded as if satisfied and told him her name, "Jieun."

 It was years later that she finally told him why she had been crying on the day they had first met.She had lived with her grandmother since she was a child but her parents had suddenly decided that they wanted their daughter back and had forced her to move in with them yesterday.Because she missed her grandmother so much,she had walked until she ended up at the riverbank and had burst into tears.That day was the beginning of their friendship and ever since then,every time Jieun cried,Jungkook was the only one who could make her tears stop.




   Jungkook is walking towards the school cafetaria eager to see his best friend.Being in different classes and the twelve year old vows to study harder so that next year,he'll also be in the first class along with Jieun. "Jungkook.Jungkook,"the frantic shouts of Luna,his old friend shocks him and makes him pause.Heavily panting after her run,Luna reaches him and points towards the school hall before gasping out the one word that she knows will make him move faster than cheetah, "Jieun".

 Not even bothering to give her a chance to  explain further,Jungkook instantly started running towards the direction she pointed,forgetting all his thoughts about lunch.Without even needing to think about it,Jungkook heads to the spot where he knows she will be.Sure enough,he finds her sobbing there and instantly pulls her into an embrace.Once his arms are wrapped around her,her sobs grow louder.Curious about her sudden tears but knowing very well that she'd tell him once her tears end,he just patiently rubs her back and whispers soothing words into her ear.

  When the bell rings,signalling that recess has ended and yet Jieun remains in his arms,still sobbing,Jungkook grasps that whatever it was that triggered her bout of tears,it was serious.In the two years of their friendship Jieun has never once skipped class even when Jungkook begged her to.Jieun tells him to go to class and leave her here after hearing the bell but Jungkook doesn't even deign to reply.He isn't going to leave her crying alone and if that earned  him detention,then so be it.

   Jieun cried for a long time and it was unbearable for Jungkook to watch his best friend in such a state but all he could do was hold her in his arms.It was long past school hours when Jieun finally stopped crying.Knowing that he's worried,she answers his unspoken question, "My mom called me.My grandma passed away this morning."

  For the next few weeks,Jungkook never leaves Jieun's side.During the funeral,he held her hand as she wept.He even coaxed and cajoled her parents into letting her stay with him and his family until she finished grieving.The reason he had given them had been simple enough-he didn't want her to cry alone or pretend that she wasn't hurting.


   "I'm the one who's hurt.Why are you crying?",Jungkook asked her as she gently but deftly wrapped a bandage around his injured arm.He stare sat her as she cleans his wounds and bandages them,his eyes following her every movement.When she doesn't answer him,Jungkook realizes that Jieun is mad at him and is punishing him with her silence.

  It's been five years since they became  friends and eventually best friends but this is the first time Jieun has ever been mad at him.Unlike most best friends,they never fight with each other and rarely quarrel.So the fact that she's mad at him and is giving him the silent treatment amuses him more than it worries him.After all,he reasons if she was truly mad at him,she wouldn't be tending to his injuries now,would she?

  Once Jieun finishes bandaging all his wounds,she gets up from the bench they had both been sharing and starts to walk away from him,her eyes already focused on the door but Jungkook does what he does best.He pulls her back to him and wraps his arms around her.She tries to escape but once she remembers that he is injured,she stops struggling because she doesn't want to hurt him.

 Smiling at that small victory,Jungkook speaks again, "Jieun-ah,come on,I'm not hurt that badly.Don't be mad at me and stop crying please."He pulls away briefly to wipe her tears with his hands before hugging her tightly again. "You idiot!That guy was twice your size.What if he had hurt you even more badly?How could you be so stupid?",she scolds him and Jungkook is so happy to hear her speak to him again after the last hour of her cold silence that he laughs.Offended,Jieun hits him on his back although she is careful to avoid his injuries and even then she only hits him lightly.This time Jungkook lets her go but he holds her hand in his own anad tilts her chin towards him,forcing her to look into his eyes.

 "Arasso.I shouldn't have punched him first.It's just that he was talking badly about you and I kind of lost it."Hearing his words,Jieun stared at him,her anger at him quickly fading.Touched,she looked at him, "You hit him because of me?"Having sensed that Jieun wasn't angry anymore,he wagged his eyebrows at her, "Feeling touched?",he teased which earned him another hit. "A little",Jieun admitted, "But I don't care what others say about me.I don't like seeing you get hurt.Promise me you won't get into stupid fights anymore."

 Knowing that he would never be able to say no to the girl in front of him,Jungkook gave in and nodded, "Ok,I promise.You know I wouldn't do anything that would make you cry,right?".Then he pretended to wince in pain, "Now how about you help support me  while we walk back home?"Shaking her head at his poor acting skills,Jieun helped him anyway but before that she leaned in and kissed him on his cheek and whispered "Thank you",rendering him silent and red-faced for the rest of the day.


   Jieun stared at the group of girls in front of her with frightened eyes.School had ended 10 minutes ago and she was supposed to meet Jungkook at the school gate but these girls had cornered her and pushed her back into her empty classroom.They surrounded her and blocked the door as well,leaving her with no chance to escape.After checking to make sure the corridor was empty and there were no other students around,a girl with long blonde hair spoke up, "We're here to warn you once and for all.Stay away from Jungkook oppa.You have no right to even stand next to him!"The girl stared menacingly at Jieun,her face just mere inches away from Jieun's.Scared,Jieun gulped but she didn't back down which surprised the blonde who seemed to be the leader of the group of crazy fangirls. 

  "Why should I stay away from him just because you all think you own him?I'm his best friend and have been for the past seven years.I have more right than any of you to stand next to him,"Jieun calmly stated.Yes,she was afraid  and she definitely didn't like the glares they kept shooting at her but she wouldn't back down,not when it came to Jungkook.

  Suddenly she felt a sharp sting on her right cheek and it took her a moment to realise she had just been slapped by the blonde.The pain from the slap brought tears to her eyes but Jieun continued to stare into the leader's eyes,her gaze unflinching.When the blonde once again raised her hand,Jieun didn't even attempt to stop her.Instead she prepared herself for the pain that was about to come but before she could be slaped again,a figure stood in front of her protectively.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing to my best friend?",Jungkook yelled with such ferocity that all the girls who had been previously ready to attack Jieun flinched and moved away.Only the blonde remained rooted to her spot,shocked by his sudden appearance.His anger still blazing,Jungkook gritted his teeth and stared into the blonde's eyes with such hatred that she actually whimpered,"If any of you ever lay another finger on Jieun or  ever threathen her again,I will not hesitate to hurt you.Now,get lost before I lose my temper."The girls stampeded out of the classroom,terrified by this new,scary side of their idol.

  Once they had all left,Jungkook turned towards Jieun who was smiling at him.Gently he wiped away the tears on her face and kissed her forehead, "Mianei,Jieun.This is all my fault."Still smiling at him,Jieun shook her head, "Aniya,it isn't o don't feel guilty." "You're never leaving my side again.If something like this happens again,you  better tell me,Lee Jieun oor so help me,you'll be the one getting it from me." Arasso,Jungkook-ah."Holding her hand tightly,Jungkook tugged Jieun to the nurses office despite her protests while silently vowing to keep a better eye on her.


  "I don't want to go.I don't know if I can do it without you by my side,"she told him in tears.Jieun went on, "Will we still be best friends after this?Four years is such a long time.You'll probably get yourself  a girlfriend and forget all about me while I miss you in London."At her absurd words,Jungkook hit her lightly on the head and then wrapped his arms around her tightly,well aware vthat he wouldn't be able to do so again for a long time, "Stop being silly.You've dreamt of Oxford for years and what do you mean I'll forget you?You're part of me,Jieun.I couldn't forget you even if I tried.Besides,I'll come and visit you during the holidays and we can always Skype and e-mail each other.This isn't the end of the world."

 Jieun nodded,she was being a tad overdramatic but he had always been by her side ever since that day on the riverbank and the thought of having to be without him at  a foreign country terrified her.She hugged him tightly before letting go.If she didn't leave now and get on the plane,she knew she wouldn't be able to leave Jungkook.Smiling sadly at him,she stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek but in  a quick move she didn't anticipate,Jungkook leant in and kissed her right on her lips.It was the first time the 19 year old had been kissed and she didn't know how to respond.A minute later,Jungkook let her go and grinned when he saw how red her cheeks were.

  "Besides why would I find a girlfriend when I already have you?So stop worrying that I'll forget you.It doesn't work that way.How can someone forget their soulmate?Now,go before you miss your flight.E-mail me once you've settled in,we have a lot to talk about.Saranghae,Jieun,"he kissed her lips again before puushing her towards the airport terminal.He knew as well as she did that if she didn't leave now,she would never get on that plane.

  Jungkook watched her go with a broad smile on his face.He would miss her terribly but they would make it work.He would move mountains for her.After all when you loved someone as much as Jungkook loved Jieun,one didn't let obstacles like a  thousand miles between them get in the way.As he headed back home,Jungkook laughed at how flustered she had been after he had kissed her.she must be feeling quite confused right now.

  In retrospect,he should've chosen a better time  and place to let her know that he loved her but at that moment,all he had been able to think about was how he didn't want her to leave without knowing his feelings.Oh well,even though her timing could have been better,Jungkook felt relieved that he had finally confessed his feelings.He also knew Jieun felt the same way even if she hadn't realized it yet.She would see it soon enough and if she didn't,then Jungkook would just have to fly to London and make her see it.


  "Oh,my god!This is the first time I've seen you cry in the 15 years that I've known you.Are you ok,yeobo?Of all the days to cry on,why are you crying on our wedding day?",Jieun as they danced at their wedding reception.Around them,their friends and family danced as well although no other couple looked as perfect together as the bride and the groom.Smiling widely at her husband,Jieun wiped away his tears.It felt strange to be the one doing that,it had always been Jungkook the one  doing so whenever she cried.

 Jungkook laughed when Jieun began to wipe his tears."Well,this is definitely a role reversal.It feels strange to see you do this,"he told her echoing her own thoughts."And stop smiling like that.Your husband's crying and you're laughing at him.What sort  of wife are you?",he teased  her back.Jieun started to pout, "If you're regretting marrying me,it's not too late.We can still get it annuled." "Yah,Lee Jieun!Don't even joke about that!".Her eye softened and she kissed him sweetly, "Arasso,I won't.Now,stop crying."

 "It's just that I feel so happy.It's like my heart is going to burst.I can't believe we're finally married,"Jungkook explained the reason behind his tears.As they twirled gracefully around the dance floor,Jieun nodded, "I feel the same way.What if you hadn't had all that bad luck that day?Do you think we would've still met and ended up together?" "Of course,we would've!We're soulmates!Although I think Luna's prediction was true after all."Curious,his wife glanced at him, "How so?". "I met you on that day,didn't I?So it definitely was  avery lucky day for me,probably my luckiest day ever." Truly touched,Jieun kissed him fiercely,letting him know just how much she loved him though it.By the time she broke the kiss,they were both breathless. "I love you so much,"she whispered.Grinning widely,Jungkook echoed her, "I love you so much too.Forever and always," before pulling her into another kiss.

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Chapter 12: IU and GD please with Palette for song or IU and Lee Joon Gi with any OST from Scarlet Heart. I hope you have free time to write more ff of IU. Thanks
yntpcy #2
baekhyun iu please they're super cute ♡
myungeun96 #3
Author-nim can I request IUxWinner Mino? You can use song Winner - Don't Flirt if you don't mind. Thank You.
Chapter 3: GDxIU pleaseeeee ^^
silverlunar #5
Chapter 12: Can. you please make a baeku which features during scarlet heart:ryeo filming? Or a Jaejoong x IU perhaps?
pinku98 #6
Chapter 11: Kim soo hyun and iu please ☺️☺️☺️
heyhey1234 #7
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: love them so much, can't stop giggling.. <3
Please make a chapter about Kim Soo Hyun & IU.. I've never find any story about them :((.. pleaseee.. thanks in advance :)
Chapter 11: Jungkook and iu fics..thanks>^^<
norhidayu #9
baekiu or jungkookU!!
Haeysoo #10
Please make iu and mark