Book One: Fifth Tale

Multitales: MinBang (A Collection of BigBangxMin-shots)
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  B o o k O n e  
V. It's A Secret
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Daesung was always seen as the nerdy kid. Shunned by his peers and often found in the front of the class and the back of the library. Keeping to himself, of course. No one expected much from him, not even that he would harbor a deep seeded crush on the ever-so popular, Minyoung. Although wouldn't that be the most logical thing to expect from him or any male student for that matter? But then again, he was nonexistent.

On the other hand, there was Min and she was absolutely stunning, the queen bee of the entire school. But don't be misled into thinking what's typically associated with that phrase. She wasn't captain of the cheerleading squad or some rich snob. No. She was so much more. She was student body president, president of the Academic League, president of the Prom Committee, resident dancing queen and the top choice for senior class Valedictorian. She wasn't only beauty, but had the brains. She was someone who was well sought after.

So it made sense that no one would ever dare to even so much as picture those two to be together. Because it was absolutely impossible. To everyone looking in, they were like, fire and ice, night and day, oil and water. They didn't mix. 

But what they would never know was that behind closed doors, they mixed very well. Min saw Daesung for who he was —gentle, interesting and funny. While Daseung valued every single aspect of Min —from the girl people thought they knew about, to the girl only he had the pleasure in knowing.

It was a chance encounter that brought them together. When Min one day found h

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MinBang - Book One: Tale Four update! 9/04/14


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Crazycooljean #1
Chapter 5: Awee, they should've announced the relationship to the world but then again, they must find it thrilling to feel those secretive touches. :) thanks for the update~
Chapter 4: Awww that was to cute, i wish i had a Professor like that.
Chapter 4: Awww...awww..awww... thank you prof! You are the best!!
This is cuter and bright..
I really like the twist in the end where the prof actually know seungri real attention..
Chapter 4: Hahahaha!!! Clever Professor :)

I love your books collection!! This one & the exo one.... secretly (well, not so secret anymore) hoping that u will make Min & GOT7 book as well :D
Chapter 4: OMG... I love this story... I'll vote for it... xoxoxo
Chapter 4: Aww, that professor is awesome lmao
MinyVIP #7
Chapter 2: i loved them,can't wait to read some.more,too bad it's not longer..
OMG... I love MinYang... They're so sweet... Oh, I hope you include one of the BB members watching her HOT performances in One Mic... They're gonna fall in love with her iness and cuteness... xoxoxo
Chapter 2: First Tale: I LOVE that song so much and oh my god MinDragon was so cute...aghh!!

Second Tale: I freaking love that you mentioned her new look and I love me some MinYang, especially based on the "idol world".

And I just noticed the whole Min and Jackson not returning to JackMin senses are tingling and thanks to this, my MinYang and MinDragon senses too lol I wonder if they're filming for the got7

I haven't really read any other Min fics featuring TOP, Seungri and Daesung, so I'm really looking forward to those, especially some TOP/Min. I'm really curious on how you'll portray them. I'm looking forward to all of them though :]
Chapter 1: Please make TOPMin Next... xoxoxo