Two - Henry Lau?

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I woke up to my phone buzzing on the side table. I looked over at the clock - 6:30. Who was calling me this early? I decided to ignore it and try to go back to sleep, untill my phone began to buzz again. I sighed and reached for my phone;
"Hey you," His deep voice spread throught the reciver, if it was anyone else I would probably be mad but not at him.
"Hey," I yawned sitting up so I didn't fall back asleep.
"Did I wake you?"
"No, I've been up for hours," I yawned again,
"Lair," he chuckled.
"I've got to be up soon anyway," I mumbled,
"What time is it there anyway?"
"Like 6:30,"
"Oh sorry, I'll leave you to go back to sleep,"
"No, it's fine. I din't get to talk to you that much anyway,"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, what are you guys up too?"
"You know, the usual," He chuckled,
"I've been watching your show, i think you're making them crazier," I comented
"They were plenty crazy when I met them," He defended.
"You're teaching them bad habits, you're a bad leader," I teased,
"I'm a good leader," He huffed.
"Oh relax I'm just kidding you princess," I stated.
"What about you? What have you been doing with yourself?" He asked.
"Mums friends kid is in town, so I'm showing them around,"
"Don't you love it when mum does that?"
"So much, hey, do you know a Henry Lau?"
"Yeah, he's signed by SM Entertainment, I've never met him but he sems really nice, why?"
"He's mums friend,"
"What?" I could see him frowning in my head.
"Yeah, I figured he said he was from Korea and he is here recording an album. I figued if anyone could give me a heads up on him it would be you," I shrugged.
"Why does she insist on setting you up with guys?" I could hear the irritation in his voice - here comes the over protective brother. Oops.
"It's different this time, he's really nice, I'm just showing him around the city honestly it's nothng to worry about," 
"I should look into him," he cntemplated.
"OH! is Aria?" I hear Rays adorable engrish in the background I couldn't help but smil at that he knew I spoke Korean but he always tries to talk to me in english - he was seriously the sweetest thing.
"Oh, I wanna talk to Ray," I chirped trying to avoid the whole Henry situation.
"In a minute I just need to,"
"Please" Both Ray and I said at the same time, 
"Fine," He sighed,
"Hello Aria," Ray's adorable engrish sang throught the phone.
"Hey Ray,"
"You are how?" I chuckled,
"We can speak in Korean," I spoke clearly,
"No, I engrish love,"
"You love english?" I smiled,
"Yes, I lover engerish,"
"So how are you?"
"I'm fine, and you?"
"I'm good, has Rome been helping you with your english?"
We switched to korean so we could communicate better, though I loved how much effort Ray put in to trying to learn English.
"What have you been doing?" I asked,
"We've been promoting our new album, there's a lot of fan meeting, rehearsals, stage proformances," he explained.
"I've been watching, you're all so amazing,"
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