All your imperfections is what makes you perfect


Minseok sees imperfections while Luhan sees nothing but perfection.

Can Minseok be convinced? 


Another one-shot... Couldn't help myself ^^


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Pinkunicornsrainbows #1
Chapter 1: Omg it's so sweet :) how can you write a story as sweet as a cottan candy :):)
Chapter 1: awwwww <3
I thought this is the sweetest!
And let me tell you authornim i like your other xiuhan fics as well ^^
Hanako96 #3
Chapter 1: I really like stories where Luhan takes care about Minseok ^^ Great story!
Chapter 1: So beautiful. Feels like you peek into their life :)
I like you so much authornim, you write so much beautiful xiuhan <3 I love almost all of your fics.
Heres to the awesome writer :)
Chapter 1: I think this is the most accurate depiction of how Luhan would help Minseok. Haha I'm not saying that they'll end up together like this but it would be awesome if they did.
arialy #6
Chapter 1: So all of ur fics..^^

tq for sharing..^^
Chapter 1: I think it is one of the best xiuhan fanfic
It´s so sweet and cute
I love it
Chapter 1: Uwaah. I think I've read some xiuhan fics regarding insecurity. The genre itself is not one of my favourites but this one shot is sweet.
Minseok probably had gone through a really tough time shedding his weight. And felt really down reading such mean comments made about him. He's not fat to me. He's like every other normal person out there.
But I guess the world doesn't work fairly and most of the time you're gonna have things thrown at you. Thank you for sharing this!
krispylips #9
Chapter 1: I usually don't like insecurity fics but this is hell so sweet :))