A Scientist ? A Salesman ? A Weird Love Expert ?


Seokjin predicts that some evil witch has cursed one of his ancestors, which resulted into this great luck of his. Seokjin also guesses that Jimin and that witch might be related somehow. No. No it’s a fact, that witch and Jimin are related. He laughs to himself.

He actually wasn’t surprised that the date would end like this, but for it to end this early? This was a new record.

If only dating was as easy as it seemed.

Seokjin kicked a single pebble along the pave way, rethinking all of his life choices (for the nth time this day), laughing at his own jokes (which were about Jimin, excuse you), and different ways to murder him. He is pretty sure the only reason Jimin is so willing to hook him up with different girls is to blackmail him in the future. He cracked the code, he is going to kick Jimin’s and then murder him. His head hanging low, watching himself kicking the pebble, and laughing at his own joke like an idiot.

Well until he bumped to something hard. Actually someone, who was now frantically trying to pick up flyers before the wind could take them away. Instead of helping the poor person catching the flyers, Seokjin just stood there. Literally just standing hands in his pockets and watching the man. Before it finally hit him on what he should be doing right now, instead of just standing there like a moron.

He crouched down and started picking the bright colored flyers. It was an advert to some mechanic workshop.

“Owh man, you no have to pick paper with me!!” the person spoke, trying to pull Seokjin from the dirty pavement. He stood up and brushed his knees. “Ah its okay, it my fault I made you drop your papers!” Seokjin bought his hands in front if his chest; the person wrinkled his nose and crossed his chest, while looking at Seokjin as if thinking deeply.

The person was a shorter male with messy dark brown locks sticking out in different directions. He had delicate features hidden behind thick-rimmed glasses and long dark bangs.  The man was wearing a very wrinkled dress shirt and lab coat that had multiple oil and dirt staining the sleeves and hem of the coat; Seokjin also noticed that the man smelled like car oil and a tiny ting of coffee.

The man gave a soft cough; it was more of a grunt and walked up to Seokjin closing the wide distance between them. Making it seem as if man was cuddled to Seokjin’s chest. “Okay…this is getting really awkward.. Right now.” Seokjin muttered under his breath hoping the man could hear him and back away from his personal bubble.

“Mister….. Are you any chance Mr.Kim Seokjin? Or know him even?” the man looked up to Seokjin with deep bright eyes and giving him a playful smile. Okay this is getting weird and uncomfortable really weird. Was this guy looking around for him? And for what exact reason?

 “So you know him?”

The man seemed harmless, maybe he should tell him.

Seokjin lightly pushed the man away, the tip of his fingers on the rough material of his lab coat.

“I know him, but what do you need of him?” he crossed his arms and huffed loudly from his nose.

The man gave Seokjin a look and pushed his thick frames further up his thin nose. “Oh..Help! I want to help him!!”

“Help him with what exactly?” this time Seokjin huffed louder.

“Ah how to explain this..” the man nervously rubbed the back of his neck “ahh oh wait I know!!” he then dug his hand in his pockets, and tapping around his body, for a few moments until he finally found his phone. He unlocked the phone’s shattered screen and fiddled around until he pushed the phone to Seokjin’s face. “Look!!!”

Seokjin again pushed the man away and looked at the photo on the cracked screen. Seokjin stared, squinted his eyes and blinked multiple times. What the actual . The picture was Sangin and him, well actually his face was blurred so you couldn’t tell. Is this guy trying to blackmail him?!

“I-I still don’t get your point.” he stuttered.

“Don’t you see mister!! This guys is horrible at dating!!” Rude, Seokjin thought. But was he really that bad that strangers would notice….

Seokjin glared at the man with irritation. “I still don’t get what you want of him.”

“I want to help him with dating!” Seokjin almost gagged on his own tongue. This guy is going to help him date! He is a whole mess, his hair, and clothes, even his skin! How could this guy help?! If Jimin a popular school heartthrob wasn’t able to succeed in helping him date, then how could this ‘nobody’ ?

“How are you even going to help him?”

“Ah that’s a fine question, mister!!” said the shorter male with a clap. But then out of nowhere the man pulled a small white suitcase, out of his wide lab coat. The suitcase was stained with brown, and smelled like metal and fish.

The man struggled with unlocking the suitcase, and when he finally succeeded, he pulled out 5 CDs.

Seokjin raised a questioning eyebrow.  CDs, how will that help?

“Mister I will tell you a secret, if you help me this man!” the man whispered-yelled.

The CDs cover art looked unusual, with Japanese scribbled messily on with black marker, made it even more suspicious.

“What exactly are those?”

“They are CDs!! Haven’t you seen any of these before?”

“I know what they are!! What is on installed on them?”

The man scratched his chin with a -eating grin across his thin face. “That mister, is a secret ! unless you can help me find this guy!!”

Seokjin sighed “I am friends with him,  I will hand it to him when I meet him.”

“OH!! That’s good, why didn’t you say that before?” the man chucked loudly “here I will give it free for you and him !! have fun!!! “  The man handed the bizarre cds Seokjin and took his leave,before Seokjin was able to ask what were in the cds.




Seokjin reached home exhausted. He dumped his clothes and took a long bathe, dressed and got ready to sleep but as he was about to lay down he noticed the cd. He is curiosity awaking him from his exthuastion.



AN: i am extremely sorry for the very late and short update !! ;; o ;; i just got through lots of trouble with completeing it!! hopefully the next update will be longer and earlier!! 

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The first chapter is finally up !! Hope you guys liked it


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Chapter 2: It's okay Seokjin, if it makes you feel better, I wouldn't mind you being awkward during a date (unless you someone end up putting me in the hospital, THEN we have a problem... kinda). Who was that weird guy though?? Can you please update soon? I want to know what happens next, and how things will go from here :)
Chapter 2: Lmao awkward . Is that guy Yoongi by any chance? *wink wonk* ;))))
KcuLL22 #3
Chapter 1: omg jin is so damn awkward xD I'm crying lmao can't wait to see how namjoon meets seokjin later hehe I really enjoy it thankyou!
Chapter 1: Lol this is great XD seokjin is hilarious!
Next chapter namjoon? ^^
em so proud of you ;;;;;; <3
Chapter 1: This chapter was awesome! Totally worth waiting for(:
ohmygaw update soon XD totally love jin awkwardness !! XD loving forward to it :) namjin XD