I Know I'm Not Like That


Pairing: Kaisoo
Rating: PG
Summary:Jongin needs to think less, act more, and buy new pyjamas.

a/n: em;;;;; idk but its longer so at least i got something. title credit goes to FEMM - Wannabe 

Jongin couldn't stop staring at Minah. She moved easily through cheer practice, effortless and focused. Her ponytail bounced behind her and she smiled constantly and Jongin didn't understand why they were so different.

Dance and cheer each held there own, sure. But they weren't that different. And Jongin looked focused when she dancing too, even though her focus looked closer to a tight face and obvious concentration in constrast to Minah's easy grins.

And Jongin was relatively sure that she was actually pretty. That is, she'd been asked out before and she didn't mind looking in the mirror too much, so. Did Minah know she was pretty?

Looking back down at her homework, Jongin was almost relieved for the distraction the essay brought her. She'd never meant to be so petty, the whole thing had just gotten under her skin. To say she was mad wouldn't be quite right either, it's just that she'd been so sure at the start of the year, about Kyungsoo. They'd spent all their time together since they met before in middle school, and Kyungsoo had never, neither of them had ever dated anyone before. Jongin had realised she liked him during the summer, and it felt natural and obvious, like Kyungsoo was already her's. But Minah and the homecoming dance made it obvious that Jongin should have acted sooner, should have learned to speak up.

Cheer practice would end soon, Kyungsoo would come walk Minah to her car, while sending off a text to Jongin that he has to miss their daily study hang out, sorry. At this point, Jongin missed him so much she was tempted to squirm her way into their dates.

As it was, she focused on her essay. Beoulf was much more interesting than her best friend moving on.


"Minah and I have been dating two months today." Kyungsoo looked at her with excitement, it wasn't often he acted so openly. Minah sure was special.

"Awesome." Jongin set down her sandwich, gathering her stuff and putting on her messenger bag over her shoulder. Her words were polite, but she didn't keep the bitter tone from her voice. "I guess I won't see you later then. Have fun." She picked up her tray and threw her legs over the table bench, making to leave the cafeteria and ignoring Kyungsoo's confused stare.

Kyungsoo looked to the others left at the table, "Has anyone else noticed how weird she's been lately?"

Lu Han shook his head and brought his hand to his forehead as Chanyeol let out a sharp laugh. "Have really only just noticed?" Lu Han asked seriously. "Do you actually not understand?"

Kyungsoo scrunched up his nose, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Lu Han and Chanyeol gave him matching looks of pity and Kyungsoo was officially done.

Before he could leave in a similar fashion to Jongin, Lu Han called out behind him. "If you're so worried about it, you could just ask her."


Jongin hadn't spoken to Kyungsoo for a week now. After that day in the cafeteria, Kyungsoo had eventually come found her, asking what she could possibly have against him being happy with Minah, resulting in the worst fight they'd had in a long time.

This was also the most time they'd spent apart in a long time, and Jongin dropped her head to the table she sat at. The resulting bang got her a sharp look from the librarian, but Jongin was more focused on staring at her phone. Her head lay sideways on the table, ear pressed to the cold wood as she waited for a noisy vibration to signal a text, or her ringtone for a call.

She wouldn't text first.


Going to a party thrown by Baekhyun and Jongdae was always a bad idea.

Jongin knew that, but she'd gone anyways, spending so much time away from Kyungsoo was stressing her out. Who knew you could suffer from lack of half-assed glares thrown your way?

To be honest, the absolute worst case scenario she'd expected was drinking too much from the red cups (always stick to the blue - at least the devil twins of the school separated the plain orange juice) and maybe dancing with someone with more enthusiasm than she usually has for this - a throwaway make out session wasn't really what she came here for, but it could have been dealt with

What she had not been expecting was to see Kyungsoo walk in the door as soon as she'd picked up a cup, and for Jongdae to rush forward and push them into the hall closet. That locked from the outside.

"I feel like this is a little extreme and a lot cliche."

Kyungsoo gave a little snort through his nose. Jongin smiled to herself. "You do realise that's basically Jongdae and Baekhyun summarised?"

She laughed with him for a moment, but the awkward air was hard to ignore, especially with them stuck so close together in here. She could feel his hip next hers, his elbow on her arm.

"I still don't understand why you're mad at me."

Jongin looked up, Kyungsoo had his arms crossed and he looked at her shoes.

She looked away, towards the door, waiting for Jongdae or Baekhyun to get tired of their joke. Probably Jongdae.

"I'm not mad at you."

"Don't lie to me, Jongin, we haven't talked in days. Everytime I mention Minah you close up and everytime I try to ask why you avoid me! Do you not like her? Am I beimg a bad friend?" His voice was cutting and irritated until the end, softening on the last sentence.

She felt horrible. This was her fault, she should have just forgotten it. Now because of a silly crush she didn't keep under control she was ruining her relationship with her best friend, ruining her best friend's first real girlfriend, and making him feel guilty for nothing.

"I don't hate either of you, it's not like that."

"Then what is it Jongin?"

She scuffed the toe if her shoe, figuring, well, why not. Jongin took a deep breathe and looked up, right into his eyes. "I like you, and you like Minah. I got jealous. I'm sorry."

Okay, deep breathes weren't enough to prepare for that horrible, horrible, idea. Would they let Jongin out if she said she was having a panic attack?

Kyungsoo just stared at her.

Jongin raised her fist, about to knock and yell profanities until someone got annoyed enough to let her out, then drive home and curl up with a full tub of ice cream and the fox and the hound (and then cry over it because that was she and Kyungsoo's movie, but Kyungsoo reached out and stopped her. His hand lay over her fist and Jongin had no idea what to expect now. She hadn't exactly been fair to any of them.

"You idiot." Jongin winced, Kyungsoo sighed.

"I didn't. . . I like Minah. I like her a lot," Jongin didn't need to be let down easy, hasn't this whole thing been bad enough? She clenched her fist tighter underneath his, waiting for it to be over.

"but I actually, I mean, when she asked me out, it was just after you'd told me you weren't going to the homecoming dance. I know now it's because you had detention! But I'd asked you because, I was trying to ask you to go with me. As my date. And I'd thought you turned me down."

Jongin's knees felt weak and she could hear here heart even over the stereo from the other room. "Oh." She slumped her side onto the door, officially done with the day.

Kyungsoo didn't say anything more, just picked his hand from her fist and knocked a couple times on the door. "Baekhyun, let us out or I'll tell everyone about last Valentine's day. Including you-know-who."

The door wrenched open so quickly Jongin didn't have time to get her footing, nearly falling into Baekhyun before Kyungsoo caught her by her elbows. "Ah, sorry Jongin! Kyungsoo, you swore, I will kill you, I know hapkido." Baekhyun might have looked threatening if she wasn't done up like a doll, pearl kitten ears sat on her head. Still, her glare was something.

Kyungsoo patted his pocket, "And I have unlimited texting and Huang Zitao's phone number."

Baekhyun stared him down, muttering out a don't you dare before walking off in a huff.

Before Kyungsoo ended up telling her he was sorry or anything else equally embarrassing, Jongin unwrapped her jacket from her waist and shrugging it on, raising a hand to wave to Kyungsoo. "I'm just gonna head out, text me if you're free this weekend, we're behind on pororo."

Kyungsoo smiles wide at that, if it dims after a second. "Okay. We're good, right?"

Jongin gives a smile in return, "Definitely."


The next day finds Jongin surrounded by ice cream, disney movies, and blankets, in a ratty pyjama top and freaking out behind the front door because wasn't Kyungsoo supposed to text her first? Three in the afternoon is far too early to show up without checking in. But here Kyungsoo was, on the other side of the door and knocking impatiently.

Jongin bites her lip, figuring she'd missed the boat on showing off her looks anyways, and pulls the door open.

Kyungsoo stands before her, wearing his own ratty sleep clothes and smiling awkwardly. Jongin blinks at him, then for lack of anything to say, just stands aside to let him in.

Kyungsoo heads straight to her blanket nest on the couch, making room for the both of them and plops down, holding the blankets aside for her.

Her eyes narrowed in confusion, Jongin joins him, burrowing into the sofa and clicking the tv on. They get through one whole episode of Pororo before either speaks. "Minah broke up with me. She was just outside, when we were talking in the closet. Apparently she'd always noticed something weird anyways."

Jongin stares at Kyungsoo, dropped open and eyes widened. It took her a second to construct a coherent sentence. "But you guys were perfect?" . That's definitely not what you say in response to a break up, Jongin, awesome.

Kyungsoo still looks torwards the tv, though the corner of his mouth twitches at Jongin's words. "We were good."


It had been a month since the party, and Jongin wasn't really sure how to feel. She wasn't over Kyungsoo, in truth she'd barely put any effort into trying. They'd fallen back into old habits though, better friends than ever. Which was a good thing. She had missed her best friend desperately, in the mess of crushes and envy. The time together is totally welcome, the swoop in her stomach every time he smiles is less so.

And there's the Winter formal coming up; the big end to the semester according to teachers, one of the best times to dress up according to Zitao, or just that time where Kyungsoo could get another date and Jongin could throw an internal tantrum again.

She's with Baekhyun and Jongdae, dress shopping because their crazy is hard to pass up on if you want a distraction. She's in the dip back dress section, two other options hanging on her arm, when her phone vibrates, Kyungsoo's ringtone following.

to: Jongin

are you picking a dress today?

Brows furrowed, Jongin shoots back an affirmative reply. She skims the dresses in front of her, waiting for any vibration on her hip. Why was Kyungsoo worried about her dress?

to: jongin

don't let me see it

Jongin's completely given up on searching, now. She asks Kyungsoo why, afraid to think she knows already. Jongin takes in a deep breathe, lets it out and does it again.

When her phone finally goes off once more, Jongin is staring so intently at it that the loud noise pulls a squawk out of her, and she almost drops it. Shaking her head at herself, Jongin opens the text message.

to: jongin
because i wanna be surprised when i pick you up

Jongin lets out the breathe she was holding, and smiles.

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2446 streak #1
Chapter 2: OMG this should not end here!!! OMG!!!
lalice2 #2
Chapter 1: Luhan saved that dirty little damsel :P awww cute. More xiuhan please.