A Soul as Sweet as Blood Red Jam


Pairing: Seho
Rating: PG (as pg of a concept like this can be i suppose)
Summary: Sehun's the new kid, and Suho could technically qualify as his guardian in more ways than one

a/n but do i actually have the ability to write anything but fluff(and robot gore)???


"Are you looking for room 332?"


Sehun looked up, nodding his head in desperation. Transfering schools midway through the spring semester had thus far been very lacking in New Kid Guidance. With who he presumed to be some classmate off student council here to show him the way, maybe he could actually make it to homeroom on time.


The boy smiled, and waved for Sehun to follow him. "Come on with me then, I'll show you the way. The bells about to ring, but I think your teacher can let it pass just this once." He winked at Sehun, his face scrunching up just a little around his nose all in equal parts attractive and endearing.


Was it still a bad idea to get involved with  Student Council members? Sehun hoped to god that was just a thing in movies, because the boy's eyes were really bright and his smile was comforting and Sehun suddenly had butterflies in his stomach completely unrelated to first day jitters. Completely embarrassing.


"So what's it like here? As much of a drag as other private schools?" Sehun could play the bad boy card. Opposites attract.


The boy looked over his shoulder, eyebrows lifted in surprise. "I wouldn't say that, we try very hard to make sure everyone's experience here is satisfying." Sehun figured he'd ignore the act for a second and let that pass, but he still groaned internally. "If you have any problems adjusting, of course let me know right away." The boy must be a literature nerd, his word choice is just great. Honestly.


"Alright, no problem. Thanks." Sehun nodded and pressed his lips tight together to keep from smiling creepily, almost giddy with how he could spin this. The offer can easily lead into biweekly study dates; 'Oh no, really-handsome-boy, the classes here are so much farther ahead! Could you please catch me up?' , which will carry into hour long make out sessions, and finish up with them cute and married and maybe Sehun's getting a little ahead of himself here.


Sehun's eyes are glazed over and dreamy when they reach what was labeled as the literature hall on Sehun's map; and he's so unfocused he nearly walks straight into the boy when they stop in front if a door. A plaque to the right listing the numbers 332.
Here's where they exchange names, finally,  maybe even numbers, and Sehun is so ready for this.


But instead of turning to talk to Sehun, the boy just turns the doorknob, letting them both inside. Sehun wants to let himself hesitate and get one of the boys smiles of reassurance again, but that definitely doesn't fall in the bad boy box. His hand briefly clenches at his side, and he follows the boy in to the classroom.




Of course he's expecting the awkward, unnecessary, required introduction, the teacher trying to bypass the New Student murmur of gossip that will sweep through. 
What he's not expecting, is for the boy to walk confidently over to the the large desk at the front of the room, shrug on the teacher's blazer formerly hanging over the back of the chair, and beckon Sehun forward.


Sehun walks past the rows of students, forcing himself to move, and spots a name plate sitting to the right of different writing utensils arranged by height and to the left of a picture frame facing opposite Sehun.


Mr. Junmyeon Kim

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2446 streak #1
Chapter 2: OMG this should not end here!!! OMG!!!
lalice2 #2
Chapter 1: Luhan saved that dirty little damsel :P awww cute. More xiuhan please.