Formal Meeting

Playing Pranks

Kyungsoo's eyelashes rapidly blink, his face is surprisingly stoic, and looks at the elder, whose intense gaze is making him shift uncomfortably in his spot. He has hardly heard what the latter announced seconds ago, it seems like his ears suddenly has a ball of earwax stuck in them: the male's chains of words left unheard. He tries to recollect his thoughts together and, finally a courage lightens up his soul, stares at the latter, letters after letters splutter messily. "W--WHAT?! M..M-ME?!"

He is about to cuss loudly, but is stop as soon as a muffled of stiffle laughters slowly escape the elder's mouth. Kyungsoo stares at him like he is about to commit homicide, small hands grip the side of his jeans, and accusingly points a finger towards the now-red face male (who Kyungsoo badly wants to roll in the carpet, and throw in the bridge of starving piranhas). "You were merely joking?"

"Why do you sound disappointed? Don't tell me you were looking forward being my fiancee?" The male, just like his younger brother of asdfgjhjkl, grins cynically. He leans in close, in fact too close for Kyungsoo's liking, staring at the shorter eyes.

"Me? Disappointed. Tell me, you were that conceited? Oh seems like Kkamjong got his arrogant of attitude to you! Wow. Indeed, brothers will be always brothers: arrogant will awalys be arrogant." Sarcastically, Kyungsoo remarks while sassily cocking an eyebrow towards the smirking male.

Humming, the elder smiles while nodding his head towards his younger brother, whose eyes gleaming with amusement as he watches intensely the scene displays for entertainment in front of him. "Now, I see what's precious with this little midget here." Chuckling, he hops away from Kyungsoo.

"Precious? It's when my fist comes contact with your ugly- face." Kyungsoo's filthy mouth is out of control once the Satansoo is activated, there's no way it will calm down easily. Besides since when do you see a vixen calms down after being triggered? 

"Feisty. Indeed." Nodding, Joonmyun comments. He eyes the shorter male confusedly as he gathers his things and, huffing, walks off like he knows where he's going. 

"Where are you going, midget?" Kyungsoo, hearing the tone he loathes the most (loathes it as much as he loathes those tv commercial that pops out of nowhere whenever he is watching Pororo), grins sarcastically.

"Somewhere you and him -" Kyungsoo rudely points a finger back and forth towards the two male "-don't exist"



Kyungsoo huffs angrily, kicking stones out of his way as he sluggishly drags his body-glowering-with-animosity. He hates it! He hates them --before it was only the tanned male, but now. It seems like he was born to hate the Kims --okay, he has not met their parents (and never will meet them) so judging them is like ing about a food with "I hate this .... blahblah" obnoxious ramble even though he hasn't even tasted it! He now wonders if there will be a time where he will look at them with a softness and a sweet smile, and he decides that no there will be none. Because once Kyungsoo labels his hatred for a particular someone or even object, there is no way it will change. Just like how he loathes Kkamjong! 

To be honest, Kyungsoo is not expecting the elder one to be rude --like his brother, because his attitude towards him was ultimately sweet and sincere, like those kdrama he often watches where the girl stumbles into the guy and blahblah. They end up having a good, friendly chat. Sure, the elder and Kyungsoo did not chatted (thanks to him disappearing magically), but the way he asked Kyungsoo with concern lacing his voice got his knees buckled into a mess. Surely, the male can act impressively well.

Now, what? Kyungsoo doesn't have any idea how this game will turn, now that there's a new player (though he doubts the male has anything planned under his sleeve, but its better to be cautious now than sorry later) involve. He barely gathers his self (murderous) control around the jerk --and now, fate seems to view this game as tedious as staring blankly in an aquarium full of fishes merely minding their own business, and decides lighten the game by putting a "game entertainer". Kyungsoo can't be more furious than he already is!

Kyungsoo gets kick out of his reverie as the phone in his pocket vibrates. Fishing it out, he brings it in front of his face, finger slides across the screen, Kyungsoo almost immediately brings it close to his ear. "Yoboseyo?"

"Kyung hyung. Can you go here this instant? We're packed by costumers here, w--"

"I'll be there, Hun."


Feet move so quickly to its destination, hands are carrying trays and endless tray of deliciously cooked pastries and smoothies. The once snarky, queen of the es doe-eyed boy teenager transforms to a professional, sweet waiter. Clad in a (extremely) cute worker's uniform: light pink long sleeves which is messily rolled up to his elbows, a small, bright fuchsia bow is neatly placed in the collar, and to top it all up a frilly apron brightly coloured in a light shade of blue sits right above his knees. Kyungsoo, as buzzing busy as the cafe looks like, is b with sweet smile as he gently places every customer's order in the round table painted with bright distinct colours. Earlier, Sehun, his co-worker whom he's close to with, called saying they were lacking staffs in the cafe. Which happens mostly during fridays and weekends, the cafe he's been working his off for two years is not widely popular --it is not one of those cafe with luxury ozzing out, however it is the kind where simplicity is the best adjective to use. It is where its foods and beverages that they sell is what truly holds it 'classy' pride. And not to mention, the cafe's (stupidly horrendous) cute theme which has gotten everyone's attention --it's not every single day that waiters as well as staffs are dressed cutely neatly in colour-blinding work uniforms. 

Despite all of those, Kyungsoo loves genuinely working here: he enjoys its friendly comforting atmosphere the place offers and those contented smiles customers have given them whenever they left. It always makes his mind off things --and he is infact grateful. He doesn't have to encounter satan's son whenever he's in the cafe, burying himself in the aroma of food work. 

"Kyungsoo, in table number 12. Needs to get their order." Chanyeol whispers into his ear, grinning. Kyungsoo nods and is gliding his way there, his eyes looking for the table number.

"What can I have you, sir?" Smiling down, Kyungsoo gingerly picks up his notepad, busy arranging previous costumers' bills in his dainty hands.

"You" The costumer announces mischieviously, voice is deep yet the way he says it --lowly.

Cocking an eyebrow, Kyungsoo slowly jerks his attention towards the costumer.

"WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!!!" Is all what left his mouth.

"Well, it's nice to see you too, midget." The (slightly) younger male chuckles, elbow plops down the table while he places his chin above it. "Nice outfit."

"Thanks." Teeth clashing with one another, Kyungsoo beams sarcastically. "What can I get you?"

"I just said that earlier, weren't you listening?"

"What is this? Some kind of your sick jokes?" Kyungsoo heaves up, shaking his hands releasing the bad omen out of his body. 

Jongin eyes the male, amused. He did not know that the (slightly) elder male is working in a seemingly cute-themed cafe, and he doesn't certainly regret stepping inside. Why? Of course drive the male insane to the brink of ripping his eyes out. He stares at the male's burning eyes. "I do not tell sick jokes."

"Yup -" Kyungsoo clicks his tongue, annoyed. "-like I am not guy, Kkamjong." Rolling his eyes, he is about to fly away from him but is stopped as soon as the male's playful remarks hammer his ears.

"Well you are not: you're gay."

"Has my gayness gotten into your nerves?" Kyungsoo sassily counterback, hand on his hip.

"It has, actually" He stares at Kyungsoo with a blank expression. "And you have to take responsibility for it."

Kyungsoo merely stares back at the male with an unwavearing expression. If the male wants to play, he will willingly get along with it. Besides, they have been into this games before --even the stupidest one. If one decides to play, the other must play along --it's not a should; it is a must. Because it is somehow written in the 'rule book'. And, Kyungsoo, whether there is a rule book really existed or not, he won't let the taller one mocks him! The fact that he's supposed to behave like a good employee he has been irks him more than seeing a tv commercial. "Should I?"

A familar hand caress Kyungsoo's back, gaining his fury attention. He feels warmness of the person's breath tickles his earlobe. "Hyung, what are you doing? Manager hyung will flip if he ever saw you arguing with a costumer." 

Kyungsoo his eyebrows at the tall, lanky male, a sign of disbelief is clearly written in his face. "Me? Arguing with him?" Chuckling lightly, voice is laced with humor, only the male who is talking with can hear. Kyungsoo moisten his bottom, plump lip. "I am just -" He hums, lightly tapping his lips "-normally chatting with him, Sehun."

Rolling his eyes, Sehun sighs defeatedly as he darn knows there's no way the latter will friendly talk to the guy. It's always been everyone but him. Ruffling, the smaller's lock, he locks gazes with him, warning the latter. "Just don't let y---"

"Woah. I didn't know you had a boyfriend, midget." Jongin gazes at the two male, who (in his eyes) are whispering (sweetly) god-knows what, with his usual blank expression. Drumming his fingers in the table, he asks. "Why don't you introduce him to me, Soo?"

Both males' attention focus on him, they exchange a rather confused look with each other especially Kyungsoo who badly wants to gag. Slightly moving away from the taller, he then faces Satan's son and is about to let his beast out of the cage, if it has not for Sehun who wraps a long, muscular arm around his narrow shoulder, grinning. "I'm Oh Sehun, Kyungsoo's boyfriend."

The sudden silence is as sharp as a knife: it pierces the three males' expression. It is as merely dangerous as a knife: it has a tremendous of cutting through their skins openly, the males stand quitely. The atmosphere is just too uncomfortable, the sound of plates clanking, the shrill cry of the cook inside the kitchen at the back room sounds like a mouse squeaking helplessly, the chatter of customers sounds like a muffled whisper. Kyungsoo, however notices none of those as his attention focuses on the taller male beside him. His unweavering gaze bores at Sehun's . "Ah.-"  with mischeviousness slurs in his voice, smiling, he grins widely sweetly at the man who stirs his sanity. "Sehun-ah, meet Kk --"

"Kim Jongin." Standing and offering a hand towards Sehun, he blankly stares at the couple. "I'm Kim Jongin."

Sehun faces him, with an indescribable expression painting his face. "It's nice to meet you, Jongin."

Pulling his calloused hands from the latter's grip,  Jongin merely nods. "Yeah. Same here."

"YYYYYAAAAHHHH! KYUNGSOO AND SEHUN. YOU BETTER DO YOUR ING JOB --and the last time I check it doesn't involve chatting too long with a friend." Hearing the manager's anger stirs in his voice, Kyungsoo and Sehun move away slightly, the taller of the two has his hand comfortably place at the small back of Kyungsoo. Leaning in, the latter whispers god-knows what in the smaller's ear. Kyungsoo's face is tinted with rosy pink hue. 

Clearing his throat awkwardly, Kyungsoo sarcastically smiles at Jongin (even though they have nothing to argue about, the same Kyungsoo will always be there) while tapping his pen against the small notepad. "What can I have you this time?"

Jongin merely stares at him, like he is expecting some sort of explanations from the small boy. Sensing there's none (and there will be none, he assumes) --who is he kidding? This is Kyungsoo we're talking about anyways. Standing up and caressing wrinkles off his jeans, briskly walking towards the small boy, he whispers. "Oh Sehun huh?"

Kyungsoo looks at him like he is some kind of alien, cocking an eyebrows. Before his mouth spew a (snarky, obviously) response, Jongin's back is facing him vanishing into the thin air. 

"What the heck just happened?" 

Kyungsoo's nose flare.

Today. Tonight has been a long, tedious day for him. Of course credits to the Spawn of Satan. If it hasn't been for him, Kyungsoo would probably have at least a stress-free, Kkamjong-free day, but to no avail. Well it's not like Kyungsoo's expectations for the latter's behaviour is above proficient: like the annoying brat has for once will stumble into him without being satan's son. As a matter of fact, he has accepted that neither he himself nor the latter will change for Heaven's sake. Like a friendship will magically bloom between them --like would you imagine that? It's like a water and oil together. 

Kkamjong is awfully different from his family.

He remembers when they were young (yes. He and Kkamjong has been roaring rivals every since the tanned male had stolen his pororo plush doll, which his mother had given him in his third birthday), his parents had introduced him to their new neighbour (who was the Kims --the satan's family). He geniunely loved the Kims --with the mere exception of the youngest son. They were awfully nice, lovely and parently material. They --especially Mrs. Kim-- had always begged his own parents to let him play with their boys (or sometimes it was the boys' cute puppy, whom he vaguely remembers), or he'd be taught how to bake by Aunty Kim which was Kyungsoo's favourite moment ever. He had learned gazillion lot about new things. And some knowledge about the world told by Auncle Kim which Kyungsoo hardly remembers now.

Apparently, Kyungsoo thinks, there was no day he had not spent with the Kims.

Those memorable days he had spent with them had been living deeply in his heart. However those he had spent with the Kim's youngest son had absolutely no space in his heart, heck how would those be? When all they had done was bicker and prank and just annoy each other to the point of strangling. Although that didn't stop him from hanging out with Kkamjong's parents (now Kyungsoo has made his conclusion: the guy might have been jealous of him), but that didn't mean Kyungsoo had his usual sweet time with them --not when Kkamjong would literally ruined everything (just like he always does even to this day).

Kyungsoo clearly remembers how everything had started.

Firstly. they would just, like what kids did their age do, anger each other.

Secondly ---yes you get it. They would do it constantly; there was no day they were in a same room together being friendly.

Thirdly, they had forgotten everyone was around them; they were too engrossed at ruining one's life.

And last but definitely not the least, they seemed to were born to detest one another.

Kyungsoo has brought back in the real world, when a lone crystal tear drops from the sky down to his button nose. Doe eyes gazing at the sky with a sweet smile tugging his plump lips, Kyungsoo cuss lowly as he remembers he had forgotten the darn umbrella at home. 

"Damn. I should've given the umbrella a darn care." Shrugging his fluffy jacket into his petite figure, Kyungsoo then gathers his bag and paces towards the cafe's exit at the back door. He carefully the key inside, twisting the doorknob couple of times, and giving it one last circular twist, smiling. It's securely locked now. 

And now, all he has to do is walk for fifteen minutes, with of course a good company --the night's rain. What a good timing, right. Shudders shot his spine as the warmness of his body is soon bombarded with coldness. 

"No thunder, please." Kyungsoo pleads pitifully, eyer racking back and forth from the sky to the wet pavement. The fringe of his bangs stick into his forehead, droplets of water constantly drop and he wipes it off. Shivering as his body is soaking wet, a relief twinkle in his eyes glows as he sights his apartment. Kyungsoo, despite his current situation, beams his ten-thousand killowatts sweet smile, skipping his way towards his cozy, small like a box, apartment. Humming to a tune he's always heard in the radio every morning, his small hand instantly find its way to his jeans' pocket, hoping to fish out the key. But no. 

"Where is it?" He finds himself flipping through his bag, messing the inside of it. Annoyed, Kyungsoo dumps those things, running his hands through them. "It can't be. I'm pretty sure, I'd put it .. somewhere .. here." His voice falters as he vividly remembers he had left the key in the night table beside his bed. And it only means one thing (which scares him): he is locked out of heaven (reference --a lame one). He is LOCKED OUT!!! As the realization hits him hard like a stone drops from a certain height to the ground, grunting, Kyungsoo runs a hand through his wet locks. 

"Where am I gonna spend the night at?" No. He won't try kicking the hell out of the door, since its innocent. And there's no point knocking on the landlord's door, Dongwoo-ssi, since that man sleeps like a log. Kyungsoo's only regrets is that he's always been an awkward turtle (unless talking bkickering with the piece of  gum) hence before he utters a single sttutering smooth "Hi" he's left alone. Now, there's no way he will appear (magically) in one of his neighbour, and ask them to let him stay for the night (because before they even let the awkward turtle speak, a door slams in front of him).

Whining like a kid, Kyungsoo slams his body against his apartment (room) door, sliding down. He stares at the sky, grunting. Seems like the world finally (officially) has made its hatred for Kyungsoo shown: (as silly as it may sound) Kyungsoo is now slowly being punished from all s he's ever done to a certain someone. He's soaked wet, starving like a bear, deadly exhausted. Kyungsoo hides his as red as tomato face in his knees, which is close to his chest. 

His guts are slapping him to call Sehun, but the t----

"Yeah. See you, Xing."

Until a angel-like voice crawls into his ears.

Kyungsoo hears the latter's obviously expensive leather shoes (who would even wear those during nights, when its raining? He has no idea --well unless you're running a company crap) crashing the rain-wetted pavement. Hesistantly, he shyly peaks a look at the latter. And he do/esn't know whether to laugh or cry under this circumstances.




"Kyungsoo? What are you doing here?"





Dragon's Corner:

Hi!!! Annyeong *shrinks*. How are you guys? Ahm (thiis isss hella awkwards). So SINCE I'VE DONE WRITTEN THIS CHAPTER. THE REAL STORY WILL APPEAR NOW (idek why im saying this, but yeah). Those two chapters are like Kaisoo's relationship 'sneak peek' (and because I'm a newbie in this world and I'm really really having a hard time coping up with events such as: what should I write, why did I even tried writing one. So yeah). I AM NOT A PRO IN THIS FIELD (I will never be one anyways). So please treat me harshly (wow that soundss naughty): like please criticize my work. 

Anyways. I'm sorry if I'm blabbing (signs I'm hella nervous). 

I will really try me very best to come up with a well-written chapters and hopefully something that will make you like "OMFG. The feels" IDK what Im saying again -_____-. 

BUT I am really really thankful for those who care and given me a chance: those lovely people who subcribes and even UPVOTED (like really? I'm so lucky --I wasn't even expecting these things.). BUT REALLY I AM, DEEPLY, THANKFUL. 

*blushes in embarassmeentttt* Babye (gosh)

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REVISED CHAPTER ONE is FINALLY UP NOW (which has taken me eternity to finish). Though grammatical errors, spelling and whatnot are inevitable; just ignore them.


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Chapter 4: i have never read a fanfic where Kyungsoo and Jongin hated each other, it is funny, i want moreeee
taeganger799101 #2
Chapter 4: This is so damn cute and funny haha!!! I like it :)
Chapter 4: looooooooooooooooooooooooool xD
Chapter 4: Oh hell if I were Kyungsoo I would of kicked him the balls to get them clothes or stay like I was and go to sleep I ain't saying please please my
Chapter 3: updateuuuu
Chapter 3: I love this story update soon XD
Endika #7
Chapter 2: I love love-hate stories! Great Jon author-nim!