Chapter 2

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"Alright, Key. If I'm so jealous, inform me of just one thing, please. As to what am I so jealous of?" I asked in a mocking tone. He had moved away from behind the kitchen counter to the couch. "He hit on me Minho. A lot of people do. I can handle myself, you know. I don't need you getting all emotionally topsy- turvy just 'cause of one stupid guy." in anger I picked up the remote and the television. Key looked to me, then the T.V. screen, and sighed. He walked up to it and pressed the off button. "I hate to be the woman in the situation, but such times as these call for it." I ignored him and make my way towards the kitchen, leaving Key staring at my back. I was searching through the fridge for a snack, so I couldn't see him. But I heard his frustrated and he run his hand through his hairs, as he usually did when he was irritated. "We need to talk about it if it's making you this upset," he said not moving from his spot. "Upset?" I mimicked, keeping the exact same tone Key has used before, "who's upset?" "You're right, I am really annoying." "It's nice to get some rightfully deserved recognition around here." All the anger dissolved as he laughed. He walked over and punched my shoulder in a friendly motion. "Shut up and spill your heart out, frog face.""You can't spill anything if there was nothing to knock over in the first place," "I'm serious Minho." He put a hand on my shoulder, and gave me a look that meant he was tired of this and he led us back to the couch.
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Chapter 3: Wow.. possessive minho is howt
SashaHRH #2
Chapter 3: Of course our Kibum is Minho's, always and forever!
Chapter 3: Minho is sure an aggressive one :)
Engravedintomyskin #4
Chapter 3: aww Minho claiming whats his key is so adorable