Dumb and Dumb-er.

Spain in Summer waves.

Six years together, and they had decided it was time for a vacation somewhere nice, because, six years together is long time to put up with someone. Even if you love them. So here they are, sitting in the back seat of taxi in Spain-- and it's hot. Chanyeol is grinning at the man next to him with a stupid dopey grin and Zitao is smiling just at dopey back at him. 

"Hey, no complaining though, okay?" He swats at the man, slouching into his seat some. "You get to be the translator for this entire trip--".

Chanyeol groans, letting out a very dramatic sigh. "Do I really have to be the translator for the entire trip?....I should have just kept my mouth shut about knowing Spanish." He squints at the blonde across from him, before turning his nose up. Zitao rolls his eyes.

" to ~" He sing-songs, smoothly crossing his legs  and grins cheekily at the man, to which Chanyeol huffs and rolls his own eyes, turning his body towards the window. "....Shut up." and Zitao just chuckles.


Zitao hasn't always been the most quiet person, and he's especially good at whining, and he does just that not even ten minutes after the conversation had ended-- frantically pawing at the window and the panel of buttons on the door, the glass sliding down as he sticks his head out into the oncoming air in the hopes of cooling down. "I'm hot." Chanyeol laughs for a moment, rolling his own window down for the blonde and raises a brow. "Better?"

"No-- even the air is hot. " Zitao whines, leaning up to tug his hoodie off (who the wears a hoodie to Spain anyways) , his t-shirt sliding up his back and catching along his shoulders and he let's out a pitiful whine. "My legs are sticking and all gross to my jeans."

The younger but taller man snorts as he stretches his long limbs out, "You'll be fine...you can take a cold shower when we get to the hotel." He's laughing then as Tao just slumps back in his seat like that; arms stick stuck in the air and his hoodie and shirt all caught around his shoulders, and it's really not long before they're pulling up to the front of the hotel and Chanyeol hands over the fare, thanking the cab driver and then climbing out and tugging the suitcase from the trunk. It's a wonder how Zitao managed to get out like he was,  and he just whines in return, crouched over as he goes to the man's side. "Help, Yeollie."  

Chanyeol snorts an ugly laugh, raising another dark brow at the man and shakes his head, to Zitao's dismay, and drags the suitcase along as he moves into the hotel, leaving behind a weirdo. Poor Zitao.

And he's tempted to throw a fit for it, too, but he'd rather walk around like this and embarrass the out of Chanyeol as much as he can, even going as far as to run into objects and people, speaking in very loud, very annoying Chinese. "Baaaoooobeeeiiiiiii~ help meeeeeeeeeeeee." 

Chanyeol hears him before he see's him, and he groans, rolling his eyes at how obnoxious and annoying the other is before he's going after him, apologizing to every person he bumps into, grabbing at his arm. "Stop being such a , you're gonna' get us kicked out of the hotel before we even check in. " And the thought itself has Chanyeol laughing quietly even though it's not funny, Zitao. Cut it out, you er.

"Fix my shirt." Is his huff of a reply to him, scowling at the taller man from the hole of his hoodie. "Unless you want a bunch of strange men and women staring at the body only you touch, and not to mention my beautiful s,.. and then what-- THEN WHAT."

Chanyeol snorts, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing as he helps the man fix his clothing, taking a step back afterwards and raises a brow. "Are you done making a fool of yourself now?"

And with a pleased groan, Zitao manages to slip out of his hoodie, cheeks flushed with the heat and dark orbs glossy. "Okay-- now check in because I want ." With that, he ties the hoodie sleeves around his slim waist and saunters off to the front desk, peeking over his shoulder to call the other over. "Well come on, Chanyeol~"

The brunette stares after the man for a moment, shaking his head in disbelief. ".....Unbelievable." He says before laughing loudly and going up to the front desk, smiling at the receptionist.

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Chapter 1: Omg that was so cute!