Their Beginning

Her Soccer Jock

"Were you able to finish the research paper for Professor Choi?"

"Mmhmm, I was happy that I started working on it early."

"Maan, you’re lucky. I barely finished mine."

"Don’t tell me you procrastinated again."

"It’s what I do. I’d say I’m pretty pro at it."

"The only thing you’re pro at besides eating."

"Hey! I have many talents. I am the queen of talent!"

"Whatever you say, Sooyoungie. And guessing from the dark circles under your eyes, I think it’s safe to say you started writing your research paper last night?"

"You got that right, Fany-Fany! I started working on it right after my midnight snack."

"Just don’t fall asleep during lecture today."

"I think I deserve a nap, I just finished his research paper anyway."

Tiffany rolled her eyes at her best friend before their professor gave instructions to pass up their research papers to the front. She turned around in her seat to collect the research paper from the student behind her.

Sitting behind her was a peacefully sleeping girl. A beautiful sleeping girl. This wasn’t the usual girl who sat behind her. The girl’s hair was up in a messy bun and her glasses were slightly skewed from her bent forward position. Tiffany bit her lip, what was she supposed to do?

She leaned forward and gave the sleeping girl a slight tap, stirring her from her slumber. Eyelids slowly slid open to reveal a pair of cat-like eyes that looked around in confusion. Her brows furrowed together and her lip jutted out slightly.

Oh my god. She’s so cute.

Like her cat-like features, the girl looked like an adorable cat that was just woken up. Tiffany found herself staring at the girl before she realized the reason why she needed her attention.

"Your research paper? We’re turning them in."

The sleepy girl blinked several times before silently sliding her stapled stack of papers. She promptly went back to sleep and Tiffany looked down at the paper before her.

Jessica Jung.

A wide grin covered Tiffany’s face. She now had a name to the cute girl.


"Do you know a Jessica Jung?"

Sooyoung gave Tiffany a look, “I think so.”

Tiffany grabbed Sooyoung by the elbow and leaned forward in excitement, “You do?!”

"Whoa, whoa. I know we’re outside but you don’t need to use your megaphone voice. I’m right in front of you," Sooyoung yanked her elbow from Tiffany’s grasp.

The shorter girl stepped closer to her best friend, once again grasping her elbow, “But you know Jessica Jung?”

Sooyoung let out a sigh, “If you actually paid attention during your cousin’s soccer matches, you would too.”

"Taetae?" Tiffany tilted her head at the mention of her cousin. What did she have to do with it?

"Yes, Taeyeon. Jessica’s on the team with her."

Tiffany’s mind froze, “She’s on the team?”

"Yeah, have you not been paying attention to the games?"

"Hey, I go to every single one of her games. I just can’t believe I never noticed her," Tiffany mumbled the last part to herself.

"Probably because you’re only paying attention when they’re attacking. Jessica’s one of their key players in defense."

"Yup, she is. My favorite wing-back actually. You guys should come to our game at the end of the month." Taeyeon popped out of nowhere with a backpack slung over her shoulder and a binder under her opposite arm.

"Jeezus, midget. You scared me!" Sooyoung gripped her heart from surprise.

"Hey you giant! Shut up. Why were you two talking about Jessica anyway?"

"Don’t ask me. Tiffany’s the one who brought her up. Wondering if I knew a Jessica Jung."

"Oh?" Taeyeon turned her head to look pointedly at her cousin with a smirk, "And why were you wondering about Jessica?"

Tiffany blushed and turned the opposite direction, “I’ve got to get to class.”

She would never live down Taeyeon’s teasing about her new crush, on a soccer jock no less. At least now I know when their next game is.


Tiffany became sensitive to Jessica the next few weeks in class and around campus. They only shared that one English class but their schedules seemed to coincide and Jessica was actually always in her vicinity. Tiffany had tried to keep her crush under wraps around the other girl. They never talked except for when Jessica would be woken up from her nap to turn in her papers.

Though her crush grew into like, Tiffany wasn’t able to approach the soccer player. Instead, she became borderline stalkerish. She saw Jessica in the halls, the quad, the canteen, and even watched a few of their scrimmage games.

If only she had the courage to ask the beautiful girl to dinner. Or lunch. Or even just to say hi and strike up a conversation. Did Jessica even know her name? Oh, this was no good. What happened to the normally obnoxiously loud and charismatic Tiffany?

No. I need to man up. The game. I’ll talk to her after the game tomorrow. Tiffany nodded to herself. Her plan was set.


The soccer game was more intense than Tiffany ever remembered it being. Whenever she would go to a game, her eyes would just be on her short cousin who was like a lightning bolt striker. She never paid attention to the counter attack or the effort of the defense. She never even knew that the gorgeous Jessica Jung was there all along with her strong plays, passes, and tackles.

They won with a score of 3-1 and a sweaty Jessica Jung never looked more attractive than ever. Tiffany her lips and tried to calm her erratic heart as she walked in the direction of the lockers where the players were heading.

Tiffany barely managed to escape an encounter with her cousin. Taeyeon would make things awkward and she didn’t need her screwing with the remains of her courage.

Jessica was the last one to arrive at the lockers and her eyes grew surprised to see Tiffany waiting for her.

"Um, hi!" Tiffany mentally winced at the awkward greeting.


"You were great out there," she lowered her voice to a regular volume. She hoped her voice wasn’t shaking.

A smirk covered Jessica’s face, “Thanks.”

Tiffany’s knees were beginning to shake from nervousness and she blushed at the smirk that was directed to her. There was no backing out now.

"So I was thinking that since your game is over, you must be hungry. Would you like to have dinner with me?" she her lips in nervousness. This was it.

"With you?" the question left an awkward air between the two.

Tiffany felt her heart crack at the inquiry and desperately tried to backtrack, looking down at the ground in embarrassment, “I mean, um. How stupid am I? I mean, yes. With me. But of course you don’t know who I am because I haven’t talked to you before this. I’m just-“

A warm hand gently lifted her chin, causing her to stop talking. Jessica was mere inches away from her with a soft smile. The touch of her hand on her face made Tiffany feel as if her heart was about to drop. She could just faint at the proximity and everything around her all of a sudden seemed muffled.

It was as if Jessica captured her and put her in a separate universe. Just the two of them. The hand gently pulled away and Tiffany found her face following the warm palm. She blushed when she realized what she was doing and settled on the back of her heels.

"I wanted to make sure it was only the two of us going to dinner. Let me shower real quick and then we can go on our date, Tiffany."

Jessica winked and left a flabbergasted Tiffany to sag against the wall.

Jessica knew who she was!



Tiffany Hwang.

I knew her.

For a long time I’ve been watching her.

It all started after our second game. Taeng apparently invited her cousin to watch and I was captivated by her. Her eyes. Her smile. Her everything. Cliche as it sounds, it was love at first sight.

I had to bother Taeng about her and she managed to get me her schedule. Tiffany was actually in one of my classes, my morning English class. The class I’m never awake for because I’m sitting in one of the corners, sleeping.

Yeah, that’s right. Sleeping.

You try having 6 AM soccer practice right before your class. I deserve my sleep.

Anyway, I always made sure that I would see her. Every day. I changed my route to get to class and I managed to catch a glimpse of her between each class. I’m a bit of a coward but she’s busy and has that tall best friend who consumes everything with her.

I mean, I did have my chance to talk with her when I managed to get a seat right behind her. I was asleep and she had tapped me. I’ve always seen her from far away but…




She’s an ANGEL!

I should have said something then. But what was I supposed to say? Hello, I’m Jessica and I fell in love with you two months ago? ARGH. Whatever. Taeng bothers me everyday about my feelings for her cousin. I wish she would stop the teasing. It’s not like I’d ever get a chance to be with an angelic girl like her.

I’m just a soccer jock.

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 3: Omg jeti was so cute....
I can't help it....
Are u still up for this ???
Chapter 3: Ahh this was a really good read! :D only a few chapters but still really awesome! Wonder what will happen with SooTae! But JeTi is the best~ they're too cute! Nice job with this fic so far :)
Chapter 3: i love soccer jock jessi~
chchcn #5
Chapter 3: Poor sooyoungie.... ckckckck
and sica yah.. you are soooooo sweattttttt !!!
Chapter 3: Oh.M.Gee....eeeeeep! jeti is just sooo cute. and soccer jessi is so hot :D
sicacouple #7
Chapter 3: It's really cute and too sweet. :D
sicacouple #8
Chapter 2: She is Jessicat afterall.
sicacouple #9
Chapter 1: I love TaengSic moments SooTae fighting.
I love this, its so cute haha.