
This scenario is about you and Suga are enemies. You hated him so bad and he hated you too but you gys eventually fell in love with each other XD



That evening when you were watching television alone since your roommate weren’t home. She had to visit her parent so you were left alone at home. With nothing to do, you agreed to do all the house chores. You went all around sweeping the floor, wiping the windows and changing yours and your roommate’s bed sheet and so on. Suddenly, you got a phone call from your teacher. Your teacher wanted you to attend a student meeting at school. Well yeah, since you had nothing else to do you decided to attend the meeting.

“Oh my god, I’m late!” you murmured to yourself as you reached the school gate. You knocked the door before you entered the meeting hall. You bows twice and apologized for being late. You looked all around to find an empty chair to be sit but unfortunately there was only one place that was empty, and it was beside your one and only rival, Suga. He was the most annoying and snobbish person you’ve ever met, you hated him for so long. And yeah, of course, he hated you too. Both of you are like cats and rats, maybe cockroaches well whatever.

You walked to the place and began to sit down beside the most ANNOYING person ever. You refused to look at him, not even once since you didn’t want to make a sin by cursing him.

“Well, look who’s here. Hi there, enjoy sitting next to me?” he said with an annoying face and tone.

You smirked and said “You better shut you freaking mouth before I smack your pretty-ugly face”.

The meeting started and all of you were paying attention. But the thing is, you couldn’t even focused on hearing what peoples said. Suga who was sitting next to you purposely yawned, murmured making you glared at him furiously. That guy seriously, he drove you crazy, like really crazy. He never stopped bothering you, yeah you know he hated you so much since he’s always been your rival no matter what. Not only in an exam, sports, opinions and so much more. All you wanted to do was stab him so he’ll die and you’ll live in peace, but that doesn’t seems like the right you should do to stop him from bothering you.

The next day, you still have school to attend and that was really . You had no enough time to sleep and you can’t sleep in the class. What if the teacher notices that you’re sleeping and punish you and that freaking damn Suga will judge and harass you in front of the others. Everyone will start to isolates you and you’ll be forever alone.

You’re already in your class sit back talking to your best friend when your teacher came in and started the arts lesson. Suddenly, there was a knock on your class door and it was your principles and he brought a guy along. That guy caught your eyes, he’s tall and charming, he kind of your type.

“Okay class, meet Daehyun. He will be joining this class starting from today” your teacher said.
Everyone greeted him, pleased to have a new member in the class. He greeted back and began to find seat and finally found an empty place beside you. You were really happy when he finally chose to sit beside you. Started from that day, you became so close with Daehyun. You guys went all around together, sometimes, he even sleepover at your house. You love this guy, he’s really nice and he respects you.

That day when you were going to the park to meet Daehyun, you bumped into your rival. He looked like he’s in trouble but you didn’t care and you didn’t even want to care about him. You passed by him and walks ahead to meet Daehyun. He was standing there holding something behind him. You walked towards him and said “Hi!”

“Hey! U-uh” he blushed as he hands you a bouquet of roses.

You blushed then you took the flower “Thanks Daehyun, I love it”.

“Well, I was just wondering if..”

“If what?” you asked.

“If you want to be my girlfriend” he answered, still blushing.

You agreed to be his girlfriend. The next Saturday when you were sleeping, you got a knocked on your door, you quickly walked to the door the door.

“Yeah? Who are you?” you said, you sight got really blurred since you just woke up from your sleep. You wondered who was knocking on your door early in the morning. You opened the door only to found Suga standing right in front of you.


Without saying any word, he hugged you tightly. You got really shocked so you pushed him. “What are you doing?” you said. He hugged you once again “Please be mine! I know you hate me, I do hate you before but after you dated Daehyun, I somehow felt really lonely. I love you! I love you so much and I hope you’d understand” he said to you.

You yourself didn’t know why weren’t you push him on the second hug, you fell in love with your one and only rival and that was really weird. You hugged him back saying “I freaking hate you! But I love you!” as you pulled away from the hug. He leaned forward to kiss you and there you had your first kiss with that snobbish boy.

“Oh wait!I haven’t breakup with Daehyun” you said as you pulled away from the kiss.

He leaned forward to kiss you again then pulled away “Don’t worry, I’ve asked him. I told him about everything and he decided to give you up. If he loves you, he won’t give you up. So now you’re mine”. You smiled at him and hugged him tightly “I’am sure I won’t let you go because I hate you!” you giggles.

Who would like to read a scenario of BTS?


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