
A Little Change Once In A While Can Do You Good

Why… why do we have to do this?’ Zelo once again cursed his luck. He adjusted his red snapback and wiggled his toes to make sure his shoes fit correctly.

"Ready?" Sungjae asked as he came to stay by him.

"Yeah," Zelo smiled. "Can’t wait to get it over with."

Sungjae laughed, “I don’t mind. Hyungs and I dance to girl groups all the time.”

"This is completely different from what I’m used to," Zelo mumbled.

"Junhong-ah," Zelo smiled as he saw Yongguk walking towards him.


Sungjae giggled, “This is that Hyung, right? I’ll let you two be alone. Remember what Chunji and I said though.”

"I…wh— wait!" Zelo squeaked.

Yongguk frowned as he reached Zelo, “Having problems before you go on stage?”

"No, we’re fine," Zelo smiled weakly. ‘Why did Sungjae have to mention that right now?!’

"Well… how are you feeling about the stage?" Yongguk asked.

"Good… but it’s different being without everyone though."

Yongguk chuckled, “Glad you think so. I know Himchan’s worrying backstage about you wanting to join a group with people closer to your age.”

Zelo brightened, “He said that?”

"Don’t tell anyone," Yongguk smiled widely. "I think it was supposed to be a secret between us."

Zelo smiled, “I wouldn’t leave B.A.P for anything.”

"Glad to hear it," Yongguk patted Zelo’s shoulder.

"Hey, Yongguk-hyung, are you going to watch our stage?" Chunji asked as he threw his arm around Zelo’s shoulder.

"Yeah, I was planning on it…why?" Yongguk looked taken aback.

"What are you doing?" Zelo mumbled and started to blush.

Chunji giggled and started leading Zelo to the stage, “I was just checking! Make sure to watch Zelo!”


"What are you doing?" Zelo asked as they walked onto the stage.

"Helping you in the name of Christmas."

"You should confess." Donghyun said.

Sungjae nodded, “The song is called Loving U! Use it as inspiration!”

"You guys are nuts," Zelo said.

Nothing else could be said as they were given the cue to get ready. In position, Zelo once again thought about how he missed his original bandmates and looked to the sidelines to see Yongguk there. His leader gave a thumbs up while smiling and instantly Zelo felt better.

They began performing and Zelo fell into the music. Of course, the lyrics made him think of Yongguk and how much his little crush was growing out of hand. He lip-sung along with the lyrics and at certain times he couldn’t help but look over at Yongguk.

"What should I do?" The lyric seemed appropriate at the moment.

The crowd went wild as he rapped his lines and even he was feeling happy about how they turned out. He snuck a glance at Yongguk and couldn’t help the grin that formed on his face because of how happy Yongguk looked.

Zelo let his attention go back to the crowd, trying to engage them in the performance instead of his crush on the sidelines. There were only a few seconds left and soon Zelo was making the final heart shape. 

The girls screamed and their names were called out in love in admiration. It might not have been Zelo’s first choice [or even third] of a song to sing for the end of the year, but at the end of the stage when the audience was screaming for more, it all seemed worth it. 

As the boys exited the stage they all shared smiles and a feeling of excitement. A girl screamed out her love for Zelo, bringing up his self-esteem even more, so he waved back and got a building full of screams.

The feeling was nothing to seeing Yongguk smile at him when he reached the edge of the stage. The three other boys winked at Zelo before running off to their own bands leaving Zelo with Yongguk.

"You did great," Yongguk smiled. "Perhaps we should add some upbeat love songs to our cds."

Zelo groaned, “Not yet, Hyung. I like our style.”

Yongguk chuckled, “Good because we have another serious song coming up. It’s called One Shot.”

"Really?" Zelo asked, feeling excited.

"Yeah," Yongguk started walking them back to their dressing room. "It’s about having one shot at life so we can’t give up. We should be passionate about everything we do and try our hardest at every challenge."

"It sounds awesome. You always come up with such powerful lyrics." Zelo chewed his lip as he thought. ‘One shot… would confessing be a challenge? Ugh why are the songs getting to me.’

Yongguk chuckled, “I’m glad you like it. We’ll have to work on your rap some more so that you’ll like it.”

Zelo smiled to himself, happy for another chance to look over lyrics with Yongguk. The door to their dressing room was approaching fast and Zelo’s heart started racing. ‘Should I do it? Should I wait?’

"Zelo? Is something wrong?" Yongguk asked. It was then Zelo realized he had stopped walking.

"Actually, Hyung, umm… there’s something I wanted to say," Zelo said shyly.

Yongguk walked back, “What’s up?”

"Well," Zelo played with the hem on his shirt, "Thinking about the song I sang today and then the one you are writing I figure I should tell you… but, this is a lot harder than I thought it would be."

"If something is wrong—"

"No, it’s not like that," Zelo said quickly. "I just—"

A staff walked by and accidentally bumped into Zelo as he moved sound equipment. Zelo stumbled forward and Yongguk grabbed him, pulling him into his chest so the boy wouldn’t be hit by any of the other equipment that was coming.

"And he didn’t even say sorry," Yongguk glared at the man’s back. Zelo was speechless, not prepared to be this close.

A gasp came from this right, “Damn Zelo, I wasn’t sure if you were going to confess, but then to see you hugging in public! I’m so proud!”

Zelo gawked at Sungjae. He quickly pushed away from Yongguk, “N—no I didn’t— I…” Embarrassed, Zelo looked down at the ground as he adjusted his hat. 

"Oops, my bad," Sungjae followed his group to another part of the building.

Zelo groaned, “This is awkward now,”

"You were going to confess?" Yongguk asked with a smile.

Zelo nodded slowly.

Yongguk chuckled, “You are a lot braver than me.”

Zelo looked up curiously, “What does that mean?”

"It means," Yongguk looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to them. Then, he grabbed Zelo’s hand. "I’ve been think about asking you out since we performed ‘Never Give Up’ for the first time live."

"Really?" Zelo’s eyes widened.

"Yeah, but I wan’t sure if… well…" Yongguk rubbed his neck with his free hand.

Zelo smiled, “Hyung, you like me?”

Yongguk chuckled, “Yes, I do, Junhong.”

"I like you too, Hyung." Zelo looked down embarrassed.

"Why are you so cute?" Yongguk squeezed Zelo’s hand tight. 

"Yongguk! What is taking you so long! We have to get ready for our stage!" Himchan said from their dressing room.

Yongguk and Zelo smiled at each other before running to their dressing room. Things from here on out would definitely be different. Zelo giggled as he thought about how great things were looking to be. ‘Maybe singing cute songs every once in a while isn’t a bad thing.’


a/n: how did it tun out to be this long yet be about like... nothing!?

ughhhh idkkkkk I hope you liked it though!!

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star-fragments #1
Chapter 1: Ohdearmygod,

This was incredibly sweet. I just really enjoyed reading this one, so adorable.
I'm glad for this- it's the cutest thing ever. aha
Chapter 1: tooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeee making me wanna puke rainbows man V.V
Chapter 1: im listening to their song 'with you' right now and THIS ISNT REALLY HELPING WITH ANYTHING GAAJSKSMXJSLGMN
Chapter 1: So sweet .
Chapter 1: haha it was really cute! ^_^
Love BangLo! Ive been having some serious BangLo feels lately. I think I might have read all the BL on this site :-( I need more top!Zelo tho. Cant wait to read this story~

BANGLO!!! ^__^