Now Reviewing [OPEN]



Yes, this is a review shop.

I review one-shots and finished series up to 30 chapters.

No rubrics, because come on, no numbers can define your creativity. But I will point out where you should fix your story, and you may not like it. 

Any genre accepted, except yuri. Any band accepted, but I'm SM family biased, so forgive me if I commented something inappropriate about your biases.

I review to fill in my free time, which means you cannot rush me to finish it in a day. It would be impossible and stressful and we do not want a stress reviewer to comment on your creativity. I can be very vulgar with my words.

Do credit me after every finished review, thanks.




Accepting 5 stories for the first batch. 


To request, put these information in the comment below:

link to profile:

Story title:


Chapter count (if chaptered):

link to story:

*Please subscribe to make sure you are informed when your review is finished. 


the first batch's reviews will be updated on monday.


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link to profile:

Story title: i just want you, not the galaxy

Chaptered/One-shot: one-shot

Chapter count (if chaptered):

link to story:

/thanks in advance! :)