Final Round

I have a Dream

"Number 53, you have passed the first round of the audition"

Am I hearing it right or am I just hallucinating? Did I really get it!?

It's not only that the person who told me is somewhat familiar. He's an IDOL! He's going to be my sunbae! 

He's ...


He's VIXX's Leader N, Cha Hakyeon!! I  can't believe this. is. happening.!!!! I'm fangirling inside! I just can't scream out loud its too embarassing to do that! 

"Congratulations Number 53 you have passed the first round of the audition. Next week would be the last round of the audition. I hope everyone would try their best. Good Luck! The results would be also announced on the same day." 


I walked out of the audition room. I still can't believe what happened. Did I really pass? My heart is still beating fast. I didn't even run for 100 km. I really need to do my best. I also can't believe I saw VIXX's N!! Finally my lucky day has come! I really ...


I bumped into a person. Oopss.... too absorbed into this. My clothes fell on the floor. I looked into the person who I bumped into. 

"Joesonghamnida (I'm sorry), I didn't pay attention" 

"No its fine! Let me help you" 

I came back to my senses. I bumped into Ken of VIXX! I just can't ! *fangirl feels

"Thank you for helping me" 

"You're welcome! Are you a new trainee here? I haven't seen you before."

"No, I actually passed only round one ." 

"Well, Goodluck for the last round" 


Ken walked away. I never expected that I would be talking to an idol in such a calm way. I need to call Ga In! I'll tell her that I passed!

*phone rings

"Ga In-ah!" 

"Hi Yoo Mi! What's up?!" 

"Guess what Ga In! I passed the first of the audition in Jellyfish Entertainment!!"

"Really?Really?! That's great! Congratulations!"

"Thanks Ga In!"

"But wait Yoo Mi, does your mom or your family know that you're doing this?" 

"Uhhmm, actually no. You know they'll actually get mad if they knew about this." 

"I know but Yoomi --

"I'm only here in Korea for my pre med. Anyways if ever i'll really become a trainee, i'll still study hard"

"But when are you going to tell them about it?"

"When I find courage. I really just can't know. Me going to Korea, even right now, even though i'm here now, i still think it's a dream. So for the mean time, I still can't tell them." 

" I hope you'll find courage someday. Well, Good luck to you, Yoo Mi! See you on Monday!Bye!"

"Bye Ga In! Thanks for the advice!"


Day of the Final Round Audition ...

I'm feeling nervous most especially this is the first time I reached the Final Round. I hope this would be successful. 

"Number 25, please enter" 

This more nerve wrecking. Only one person is called in to enter the hall. I hope I'll pass this.

"Number 25, state your name,age and where are you from." A man with glasses said. He seems to be someone who has high stature in this company.

"My name is Park Yoo Mi, I'm 18 years old, i'm from California," 

"This will not be your ordinary audition. First part would be the interview, then, freestyle dance , finally singing. Let us begin." 

"Why did you come to Korea?" one of the judges asked 

"Actually, I came here to pursue my studies. I'm currently a pre med student at Seoul National University but this was not really my plan. This was what I said to my parents so that they would allow me to go to Korea. My real dream is to become an idol."

"Why do you want to be an idol?" another judge asked 

"At first I thought, It was because I only want to meet the kpop idols since I'm a kpop fan. I'd like to experience what they have been through and all but then I realized when I attended a concert when I was in high school, Yes, attending concerts are fun, but I think I'll have more fun performing in that stage "

"Okay. Now let us move on to the next part of this audition which is freestyle dancing" 


The music played seems so familiar. No wonder. It was VIXX's Error

"You are not allowed to dance the original choreography since it is FREESTYLE dancing. Now begin"

I knew dancing was not exactly my thing but I'm not quite bad. I tried to feel the music first. I listened to the lyrics as I gently started to move my body to the beat. This is my favorite VIXX song. I let the music absorb me. 

"deo haeroun geot gata" 

I lipsynced the last line feeling all emotion. (A/N Sorry I'm not quite that detaily and all. Could someone teach me ^^~)


"Now the final part of the audition is singing"

I sang Only Hope by Mandy Moore. I remember Hyemi singing this in Dream High. This audition may be my only hope in being an idol.

There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But You sing to me over and over and over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
and pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now you're my only hope


Sorry for the late update! I hope you guys liked this chapter ^^~ Thanks for reading

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SoShiMuSiC #1
Chapter 2: Hi Authornim! I have an English project in school and the task is to write a story about being ambitious.. And I think this is the right story to write down.. Is it fine if I copy out your story but I'll just change some of it? Because I really love this story and it would be nice to share it to class.
Chapter 5: Update plz..itz interesting
Chapter 3: I wish the 'he' is N (VIXX)
Can't wait for next chapter ^.^
SaraGM #4
Chapter 2: Amazing!! Update soon
Chapter 1: Can't I choose Jellyfish or BigHit ??