Escaping The Grey


Jungkook just wants to stop existing.


This morning Jungkook wakes up with dried tears staining both of his cheeks. He sees it in the mirror along with the darkening shades around his eyes that seems to get bigger while his skin is getting paler by the day. All in all, he sees him self slowly turning into something not stared-worthy, something dull, something that's reminding him so much of the color grey. Something that makes him feels disapointed when he opens his eyes and find out that his heart is still busy pumping blood to every part of his body. It's something he should be grateful for, but he's not, and it makes him hates him self even more.

Author's Note: I know I still have chaptered fic to be updated but yeah, can't help it huoooooo


Oh and credit to dreamfactory shop for the cool poster xD



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guardian_angel274 #1
Can't wait to know what happen :).