
She's the One

“Welcome back to Korea” the flight stewardess warmly greeted them as their plane safely landed to their hometown.

He fetched his phone on his bag and dialled her number as they walk towards their car. It rang five times before she picked up

“Hi” he smile unknowingly hearing her sleepy voice

“Good morning to you too Baby” he heard her giggle huskily, making him groan

“See you in a bit?”

“I don’t think so Love” she answered

“Whyyyy?” He whined, earning disgusted look from the maknaes but he ignored it “I’m tireddd” he whispered

“I know, I’m sorry. But I need to go to SME today”

“Ahrasseo” he sighed, feeling disappointed. Just when he thought they’ll spend the whole day together, yeah, it’s just a thought.

“I need to take a bath now, you need to rest ahrasseo? Eat first before you sleep. I love you!” before he answers back, she disconnected the call already.

He slumped on the passenger seat and sighed deeply.

“Let me guess, you can’t spend your rest day with her?” His manager hyung asked, he nodded with a heavy heart, staring out of the window, trying to ease the frustration he’s feeling.

He heard his hyung laughed, shaking his head “You’re a goner Jung Yong Hwa. You’re a goner”

“I know right hyung?” Jungshin joined in

“Hyung, you need to understand her, you chose to love someone like her even though you know the consequences. She have a life too you know” Minhyuk said

“Yah! Don’t defend your twin!” Jonghyun laughed seeing Minhyuk blushing

“Mwoya! Until now Kang Minhyuk?!” Jungshin joined in teasing Minhyuk

“Yah! I’m here you know!” Yonghwa said, feeling irritated more, even though he knew that Minhyuk is harmless, he can’t help but to still feel jealous.     

“Aish! Why are you picking on me? Yonghwa hyung! Don’t tell me you’re still jealous?!”

“No I’m not!!”

“Well Thank God! There’s always a bunch of fanboys out there that you should be cautious of”

“And I saw Manager hyung drooling at her one time when we picked you up at Hyunsoonim’s rehearsal!”


He pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling the sudden headache approaching

“Well you can’t blame me! I’m just a guy admiring God’s artwork”

“What the ??” Jungshin laughed out loud more, clutching his now aching stomach because of too much laughter

“If I were you, don’t even think of letting her go”

“Hell I’m intending not to.” He answered seriously

“Then ask her to marry you!”

“I’m intending to” he whispered, clasping his hands nervously. 




He was staring out of the window as their car sped off heading to their villa.

If I were you, don’t even think of letting her go

There’s always a bunch of fanboys out there that you should be cautious of

Hyung you’re so lucky you know? It’s so rare to find someone like her, someone who you know instantly that she’s the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Jung Yong Hwa yaaaah! The lucky one!

You bastard! You must’ve saved the whole human race on your past life to receive such a precious gem!

He smiled dreamily. Maybe he really did, maybe.

He’s one heck of a lucky guy. That he knew.

Since the first time they met during WGM, there’s a weird feeling that crept through his system, making his heart flutter, making his head spin, making his cheeks burst. How can a lady make him feel like that on their first meeting?

There’s something about her, something that pulls him closer to her. It must be the cupid’s holy bow right? It must be it! So does it mean it’s true?

“SOMEONE WIPE THAT DISGUSTING LOOK OFF HYUNG’S FACE!” he snapped back to reality as he heard Jungshin’s annoying voice teasing him.

“Go find yourself a yeoja! So you won’t act like a naggy ahjussi” he sneered back

“Heol~ by any chance, does hyunsoonim have relative who behaves like her? “

“Are you saying your hyunsoonim is your ideal type??” He glared at the poor maknae who raises his hands in surrender

“Yah hyung! I’m not the only one” he grinned, looking at the three who’s sitting quietly at the back seat

He sighed, he’s annoyed yet he feels flattered. Who wouldn’t want someone like her?




If ever he’ll be asked on why he chose her, on why he loves her that much, he’ll just smile and will just say proudly. Because she’s Seo Joo Hyun.


“Good work Park Dalhyang!!” he bowed gratefully to his co-actors, director and staff

“Thank you for your hard work!” he smiled although he felt his body giving up.

He can feel his body numbing, he badly wants to sleep now and just wake up the next day.

He’s walking towards his car together with the staffs talking animatedly behind him, giggling and murmuring something but he’s too tired to ask about it. Just then he felt something warm wrapped around him, a cure for his now freezing body.

“You’re freezing Dalhyang-ssi aigoo” he turned around abruptly, his eyes widening as his eyes clashed with the warm brown eyes he loves to look at the most.

“Hyun” he smiled widely, feeling the tiredness slowly ebbing away

“Hi Yoooong” she smiled brightly, her eyes sparkling, her cheeks reddening because of the cold.

“Hi baby” he chuckled as he wrapped her in his arms when he saw her shivered with the sudden gust of the wind.

“Aigoo uri dalhyangi looks so tired” she pouted, worry etched on her face

“Not anymore” he beamed as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, he’s deeply touched for her effort on cheering him up, deeply touched. Amidst her busy schedules, she still managed to get here just to cheer him up.

“Are you hungry?” she asked as she cupped his face, her sparkling eyes examining him intently

“Hmm” he nodded honestly “And tired too” he added and buried his face on the crook of her neck, feeling her shivering because of the sudden warmness in her neck.

“Kaja, I cooked some foods and made you some hot papaya tea too” she moved away but he whined, asking for a 5 minutes extension with their hug.

“Choding!” she giggled before entangling herself away from him despite his continuous whining. “Let’s warm you up” she stopped when she saw how his eyes glint with naughtiness. “ert” she said and pecked his cold nose, she walked ahead few steps before holding out for his hands which he excitedly took, their fingers interlacing perfectly. As if it was mould especially for them.      

“Waaaah! Thank you so much for preparing all of this Seohyun-ssi!” was what welcomed them when they entered the big tent where they are staying in-between breaks.

“Jjang!” Lee Jin Wook, his co-actor said while indulging the abalone porridge enthusiastically “Can you come to my house and teach me how to cook this delicious porridge Seohyun-ssi?”

“HYUNG!” Yonghwa shook his head and held her hand tightly, ushering her to the corner of the room where they can have a much more private space

“Seohyun-ssi! Please leave Yonghwa and choose me!” said Jung Hae In, his co-star too. Who’s busy munching at the colorful kimbap.

“YAH!” Yonghwa sighed and turned to Joohyun who’s giggling cutely

“Don’t smile at them!” he whined and pouted cutely

“Oppa they’re just teasing you! Don’t take it seriously! Cham this choding” she giggled again, making him smile. “Hungry” he looked at her with those huge gooey puppy eyes he knows she can’t resist.

“Oh wait” she stood up and fetch the paper bag at the far-end corner of the room, just then, he saw Yang Dong Geun blocked her way and gave her coffee which she reluctantly accepted, bowing politely.

“Hyung she doesn’t drink coffee” he said, observing her as she communicate with his co-stars.

“Aigoo don’t show off you punk!” the crowd laughed as YDG jokingly shouted at him.

He quickly grabbed the empty table and placed it beside him, assisting Joohyun as she placed the food she cooked FOR HIM ONLY.

“Go and drink your tea first Oppa” she said as she busily filled his plate with his favourite dishes

“Waaaah daebak!” He looked at the food merrily, his lips as he felt his tummy grumbled.

“Aigoo, I told you not to skip lunch” she shook her head disapprovingly

“I did ate lunch, but you know I can’t eat that much because it’s not you who cooked it.” He smiled at her and pecked her cheeks before grabbing his plate from her.

“Aigoo you two! Go and get a room!” Lee Kyeon said, making the crowd erupt into a fit of laughter again

“We do have one at home” he grinned while Joohyun smacked his thigh, glaring at him cutely.

“Mian” he grinned widely and leaned closer to peck her lips lightly before eating again.

After eating, the staff busily cleaned the room while they’re talking animatedly like a whole big family. Yonghwa didn’t removed his protective arms wrapped around her waist throughout the whole time, his other free hand playing with her hands, cuddling once in a while, while the others are deeply engrossed with what they’re talking about.

“Jinjja gomawo for your hard-work today Seohyun-ssi, we gained our strength back!” His co-actors said, still fanboying over his woman. He rolled his eyes few times as they asked her if they can shake SNSD Maknae’s hands which she warmly accepted, and it looked like a mini-fanmeeting there right that moment.

“AY YAH!!” he rushed to her side and pulled her away from Jung Hae In who sneakily hugged her after shaking her hands.

“I’m a big fan of yours! Hope you can come again when Yonghwa’s not filming” He grinned, ignoring Yonghwa’s deadly glare.

“Yah HaeIn-ah! Stop that! You’re making Dalhyang angry!” Yang Dong Geun said, enjoying Yonghwa’s reaction. Man, he’s serious about her he can see. He observed them while they were eating and he can see how they are lost in their own built world. The way they talk, the way they stare at each other, the way Yong gaze at her whenever she’s doing something other than talking to him, the way she stares lovingly at him while he’s busy eating. Oh love and it’s perks. He shook his head, chuckling.

“This moment comes once in a lifetime, and sometimes it won’t come at all. Lucky are those who gets the chance to meet the one who’s really destined for them.” He smiled warmly at the couple as he looked at the two bidding goodbye, walking towards their car holding-hands.

 End Of Flashback






“Oppa, gwenchana?” he nodded tiredly as he dropped his heavy body beside her at the bed.

“Go and shower first Oppa, so you can sleep peacefully” she sleepily said but he was half-asleep already due to exhaustion

“Too tired to get up?” She asked softly, and he nodded slowly, trying so hard to keep his eyes open.

“Ahrasseo, wait here, don’t sleep yet!” She stood up and pecked his lips once, twice, thrice before hopping out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. She emerged from the en suite carrying a basin and white fluffy face towel. She sat beside him and washed the towel at the basin with warm water on it, and soap too.

She started rubbing the towel softly in his face, sighing concernedly as she examined his tired face.

“Oppa jinjja gwenchana?” She looked up and saw him staring at her intently. He nodded without taking his eyes off her.

“You shouldn’t tire yourself like that” she said, dabbing the wet towel all over his body. When she finished, she tapped his cheeks lightly, waking him up for him to step out of his clothes and replaced it with a boxer short and sleeveless shirt.

“There you go my baby, all cleaned up” she crooned making him smile cheekily.

“What will I do without you Seo Joo Hyun?” he sleepily said, tapping the side of her bed, ushering her to get beside him.

“Of course you can do everything without me Oppa aigoo what are you saying” his eyes flew open and pulled her close to him

“Don’t start baby” he said and hugs her tight

“Keunde Oppa”

“I said stop” he said with finality on his tone.

“Mian” she uttered in her small voice

He sighed deeply, feeling his heart aching just by thinking about it. Jung Yong Hwa without Seo Joo Hyun? No please.

“Joohyun, please don’t say things like that like it’s a normal topic. Can you live without me?” He asked, without looking at her. He felt her shook her head, her face buried in his chest.

“See? That’s why we can’t live without each other. I can’t live without you Joohyun. I just can’t and I don’t want to.” His voice broke. It’s one of the topics he’s really sensitive with. Just thinking about it, it feels like someone’s squeezing his heart literally.

“Let’s sleep now and pretend this conversation never happened then. Ahrasseo? Sleep now” She said as she rubs his back up and down in a soothing motion.

“Goodnight baby, I love you.”

“Goodnight” she said and pecked his lips a lot of times “I love you too Love” she smiled down at him. They wrapped their arms around each other protectively, kissing few more times before succumbing into a deep slumber, them heading to their other world, which is


End of Flashback



These are just one of the million things she did for me, simple things that makes me fall in love all over again with her. People told me not to let her go, that I’m lucky enough to cross path with her, lucky enough to have met and love her.

Some said she’s lucky because it’s me she chose, but isn’t it the other way around? I’m luckier and thankful to God that I’m the one she chose. I’m lucky, I know that. And I’ll make sure this won’t end, our beautiful love.




Yonghwa and the boys entered the military at the same time, leaving with a heavy heart as he left Seohyun on their bed, still sleeping peacefully. He doesn’t have the heart to wake her up, nor see her before leaving.

Two years is not a joke, even back when they’re both busy with their schedules in and out of the country, at least they’ll meet sooner or later. But two years without seeing each other is like a punishment.

“Baby, I love you” he whispered before he unwillingly stepped out of their bedroom. He scooped up dubu who was sleeping at her cute pink small bed near their room.

“I’ll be gone for two years, take care of mommy and don’t be a spoiled brat ahrasseo?” he kissed her head and tapped her head lightly before returning her to her bed. “Go back to sleep too” he chuckled as he heard her whimper.

He looked around and sighed deeply, memorizing the whole house even though he can move there even with his eyes close. 




One year was spent hardly, it feels like hell without seeing her, feels like hell just by hearing her voice for few minutes without having the chance to hug and kiss her. He badly wants to see her, even for a few minute and he’ll willingly spent his one year with a light heart.

His birthday came and they celebrated it inside the camp, of course they can’t go out. He received many mails from his love ones, friends, family and fans, but not from her. He wanted to go out and seek for her, ask her why these past few days she didn’t answer his calls, and now, looks like she forgot his birthday.

Everyday he thinks of her, even when he’s doing things that needed concentration, it’s her he thinks of. Spending another year without her to encourage him will put him at the edge of sanity. He might lose his mind, that’s for sure.

This proved him that he can’t really live without her, without Seo Joo Hyun there’ll be no Jung Yong Hwa.




“Jung Yong Hwa-ssi! Commander said you need to report to him right now!” Lee Chanmi said, one of his new found friend

His heart beat wildly, is it because he’s not paying full attention whenever they’re training? Or he did something wrong this time? He rushed to his headquarter, heart beat faster as he comes closer.

He knocked on the door three times, and heard their commander’s loud voice telling him to come in.

“Oh you’re here already. Wait here and I need to get something” He tapped his shoulder before going out, and his eyes widen, did their commander just smiled at him?

He was about to follow him out when the commander’s laptop screen opened.

“Oppa!” He froze on his spot, his eyes widen as he saw her in the screen, seemingly fixing the camera.


“Annyeong!” she smiled and waved at the camera “How are you love?” she giggled shyly

It’s a video of her in their villa, she filmed it right after she woke up, that day when he left.

“You didn’t even say goodbye to me! Aish choding!” He bit his lower lip to stop from shaking, his eyes getting misty. “I was about to tell you I love you before you go, and I’ll surely behave and wait for you! Aigoo this man!”

She started telling him things, showing him what she’s doing whenever he’s not home and things. She said goodbye as she left for work, but not forgetting to film Dubu too, moving her cute little feet to wave goodbye at him. “Say Goodbye to Daddy, annyeong! I love you baby! Stay safe and healthy for me” she kissed the camera closely as if kissing him too and then the screen blackened.

And then it went on again, it started with the word “Day Two without You” flashed on the screen with her selca with a sad face.

She started telling him stories of what happened that day, and continues with the “Days without You” film of her everyday selca and video, either when she just woke up or she’s preparing to go to sleep, not forgetting to remind him of how much she loves and misses him each passing day. He felt few teardrops fell from his eyes unknowingly, wiping it while grinning, shaking his head in amusement.

This girl! You’re the only one who makes me cry like this! He chuckled and continued watching it, staring at her face, feeling the contentment and happiness that he somehow felt that he’s with her throughout the days, weeks and months that they’re apart.

Just then, the screen blackened again, and that’s when he started sobbing as he saw the title “A worth-celebrating day” Just then she appeared, wearing only her bathrobe and with her hair wrapped in a towel cutely, like an ice cream.

“Jung Yong Hwa-ssi! Today is a special day! do you know what it is? Hmmm. Nado mwolla” she pouted cutely, making him want to kiss the screen like a maniac fanboy

“I’m still figuring it out too!” she said giggling “Oh! Here’s uri dubu! Say hi to Appa!” she carried her and waved her cute paws at the camera “We miss you daddy!” she laughed, kissing dubu on top of her head before putting her down gently.

“I need to get dress first and will continue filming later!” she said and looked at the camera teasingly “Or you want to see me getting dress?” she bit her lower lip seductively, making him groan in despair. He nodded as if she can see him. 

“Ahra ahra! See you later love. I love you!” and then it continued with her wearing a blue cute dress which he knew is new.

How did he know? Of course he checks her wardrobe ALWAYS, checking if there’s a too-much-skin-to-reveal type of clothes he abhor so much. Not that he doesn’t want to see her wearing too-y clothes, but because he wants to see it PRIVATELY, for his eyes ONLY. Yep! He’s a possessive boyfriend after all.

“Don’t comment about my dress!” she glared at him playfully. He chuckled while shaking his head. She really knows me too well.

 Then the video continue, and when she opened their bedroom door and walked to their kitchen, he jumped out of his spot when his brother appeared suddenly and shouted “YAH HYUNG!!” loudly, he heard Joohyun laughed out loud and said You’ll scare your brother like that!

 “Hyung! Annyeong! What day is it now? I wonder. Sister-in-law! Do you know what day it is today?”



“Yonghwa-yah!” His mother appeared all of a sudden, with his father behind

“Hello son” his mother said, waving at the camera cutely, then his father said hi too, waving at the camera awkwardly.


“Ah Omoni!” he heard Joohyun and his brother’s voice stopping her from whatever she’s going to say.

“Ah right right! I’m uh- I’m happy to uh- see  d-dubu!” his mother awkwardly giggled

He watched them with misty eyes, seeing how comfortable Joohyun is around his family, as if she’s their daughter too, and not to mention his brother who’s shockingly throwing jokes at her comfortably, they were in the kitchen, his brother and father sitting at their dining table, conversing, while Joohyun and his mom were cooking, chatting comfortably. How he wished he’s there with them.

The video ended, and when it flashed another video

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY URI-YONG!” their family is complete, with his family and hers, they were wearing party hats, and then she showed him his cake at the centre of their table, and his favourite foods too, making him crave for those. He gulped hungrily, drooling.

“Mian for making you hungry” she laughed, focusing the camera on her “You know the occasion now? Haha! Happy Birthday Love!” she looked up as her eyes became misty, and a single tear fell. He was crying too, covering his mouth as ugly sobs escaped his mouth. Whenever they talk seriously, they’re becoming emotional. There’s something about serious talks that always make their heart beat faster. He heard her excuse herself and entered their bedroom.

She opened their side table lamp, making her skin looks warmer, he badly wants to run his hands in her face, and kiss her non-stop.

“Yong Oppa” she started, biting her lower lip, fighting the urge to cry. “How can you make me cry even if you’re not here?!” she whined cutely, laughing and crying at the same time, indeed, they both look crazy. “I wish you were here” she whispered and her tears started falling endlessly “I miss you so much” she sobbed “I’m sorry if I’m not answering your calls nor called you today to greet you. I just can’t bear to hear your voice right now. I badly miss you that if I hear your voice, I might run there and take you home with me” he chuckled, seeing how cute she is right now with her puffy eyes, red nose, and her plump lips.

“Happy Birthday again! Awhile ago, I talked to Omoni and thanked her for the hundredth time today. She asked me why am I always thanking her, and I said “It’s because you’re the reason why I have my happiness and contentment with me right now Omma. Without you, there’ll be no Jung Yong Hwa” then you know what she said? “Aigoo you two! You always say cheesy words! You really learned a lot from him!” and then we both cried, aigoo nappeun namja! How can you make two ladies cry at the same time?! Haha! We just miss you too much Oppa. Heol~ and to think that there’s another year to count for us to be together again.” She sighed deeply

“We’ll be spending the year with a world tour concert Oppa, so it means we can’t always talk. And about the drama I’m telling you few weeks back! I got accepted!” she clapped animatedly “Let’s watch it when you come back ahrasseo?” she moved the camera as if it’s nodding “Good boy” she giggled with her silliness. Just then, he heard his mother knocking, calling her

“Let’s go outside! Oh! Wait! I love you!” she whispered “I want you” she pouted “I need you. I’m craving for you. I’ll see you soon. I love you so so so much” she giggled and blew him a flying kiss

Her mother and father together with her grandma greeted him, then his family who’s been repeating how much they miss him, then there’s cute dubu and jjingie playing on their living room and lastly his beautiful lady “I’ll see you soon baby, I love you” she smiled lovingly “Stay healthy, and don’t tire yourself too much. I love you I love you I love you! Byeee” she waved at him, and his and her family too before the video ended.

He wiped his tears dry before getting the flashdrive, keeping it safe in his wallet. As if on cue, the commander came back with a huge box in his hand.

“Boy I envy you for being so lucky!” The commander said, giving him the box. He looked at it curiously “It’s from her” his eyes sparkled at the mention of her, he immediately grabbed it and saw his favourite food, iced Americano, cake and ofcourse (it’s definitely Seo Joo Hyun) tons of vitamins too. He thanked his commander and asked him if he want some too which the latter shook his head and said “Well she sent us food to, I mean she provided US ALL some food and drinks too, she even send some to your dongsaengs together with vitamins and all!  Man! She’s really something! Say, where can I find another Seo Joo Hyun?”

He chuckled “Nowhere Sir. She’s one-of-a-kind” he flashed his million-watt smile proudly

“Jerk!” they both laughed “Ahra ahra! Go now! I’ll make sure to make you suffer on your last year!” he jokingly said “And happy birthday too!” he thanked him and walked out of his office with a happy heart.

Seo Joo Hyun He smiled widely. His love for her is overflowing, he .looked up at the sky and uttered a prayer of thankfulness, for giving her to him, and uttering another prayer of safety for her and their family before he went back to their quarter, ready to spend the rest of his last year feeling motivated and recharged.



After a year…

He stayed on their door for a few minutes, calming himself as he keeps on shaking due to excitement. Finally! They’ll see each other again after two years. He breathed deeply before entering their passcode. It beeped and opened. From there, he heard dubu’s bark, wagging her cute small tail on him, she keeps on walking around him in circles, wanting to be cuddled by him.

“Uri dubu! Appa misses you so much!” he scooped her up and kissed her head “Where’s omma?” the dork barked three times, he release her and she ran through their bedroom.

He peeked inside and saw her, sleeping peacefully. His heart skipped a bit, she looks more mature now. She’s glowing, and not to mention her curves are now fully developed.

He placed his luggage beside their King size bed and decided to take a quick shower first. He stepped out of the shower, draping the white fluffy towel in his waist and went out of the en suite. She’s still sleeping, and she didn’t change position too. He smiled contentedly

Finally Angel.

He leaned closer to her and pecked her lips, once, twice, thrice before kissing her languidly. After a minute he stopped and he opened his eyes, only to be welcome with her big warm sparkling eyes he misses so much.

“Hi Love” he smiled lovingly. He stared at her, and then her lips wobbled, teardrops cascaded down her chubby cheeks endlessly “What happened? Gwenchana?? Yah Seo Joo Hyun!”

“Yong!” she hugged him all of a sudden. His body crushing to hers. “Oppa! Are you really home?”

He chuckled with her cuteness “Of course I’m home. Why are you crying?” He chuckled some more as she started sobbing like a child

“Hush now. I’m here now! Aren’t you going to welcome me??”

She pulled him closer and crashed her lips with his, kissing him roughly. She bit his lower lip and heard him moan, she delve his mouth with her tongue, clashing it with his, they both moan in pleasure, their hug tightens every second.

She broke the kiss with them panting hard. “Welcome home Love” she whispered

“Why are we whispering?” He whispered back

“I don’t know either” they giggled crazily

He s his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly “Hmmm Seo Joo Hyun. I missed you so much baby”

“Nado Oppa. Nado” 

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Chapter 1: Gosh im reading this while JYH serves in army. Hopefully this become a reality for both of them.
love the story ..… too many parts tat touch me and me so happy as i read ... tq

the wedding proposal was epic
Chapter 3: I'm crying huhu let's pray that one day it'll come true
pipopanda #4
Chapter 3: Sweet sweet sweet
AynArbil #5
Chapter 2: so sweet....nice story author-nim
adina1602 #6
Chapter 2: cried reading this fic.. putting myself at Yong place.. So beautiful.. Great story.. Dear God, please make it real..
ermagerd this fic *O* OFF TO READ THE SEQUEL
dj2702 #8
Chapter 2: oh GOD..... please make it REAL......
gogumajoy #9
Chapter 2: Let's fly to gochun
Pray hard this is soon or later be real
YongSeo daebak!!
ayasdfgghjkl #10
Chapter 2: Waahhh , NAKAKAINIS KA bat mo ko pinaiyak ? Lol , ANG GANDA SOBRA ! NAKAKABITIN LANG .. DAEBAK UNNIE ..