Where am I?

My Sweet Annoying Ghost


"We are now in Alishan National Scenic Area, this is located in the mountains of Chiayi County here in Taiwan" the tour guide was starting to explain, but Gui Gui wasn't listening. She was looking at Aaron and Hebe. She was really jealous now. Gui Gui cant hold it anymore so she walked towards then and stayed in between of the two.
On the other groups...
"Yatou do you want to eat something? I have some food here in my bag." Ah Wei said.
"No thanks Ah Wei, I am not hungry" Yatou smiled.
"How about some drinks?" Ah Wei asked again.
" Sorry but I'm not thirsty" Yatou said.
"Ah Wei can you stop asking Yatou. Cant you see she's not interested okay?" Xiao Gui said to Ah Wei.
"It's none of your business Xiao Gui, you're not his boyfriend anyway" Ah Wei said.
 Xiao Gui raise his eyebrow and said "I'm his bestfriend, so it's my business, you brat!" 
"Can you guys stop that!" Yatou said and pinched their chicks.
"Ouch! ouch! ouch!" both of the boys said. "okay! okay we're going to stop.
"Good " Yatou smiled and continue walking.
In the group of Chun...
"Chun can you give me some of your food, I am hungry" Ella asked him.
"No, sorry but this is only for me" he answered back, still eating his food like he did not eat for how many days.
"You ?! you pig!, you're selfish!" Ella said with anger.
"Don't mind him Ella. Here you can have some of mine" Calvin offered some bread to her. "Sorry for that attitude of him. Don't be mad. He's not that bad he just really loves to eat that he can't share it to anyone." Calvin explained to Ella.
"He's such a pig." Ella smiled when she look at Chun . There's some bread on his chin.
While on Jiro's group there's no progression, the three of them were not talking.
Darn, why they are not talking? especially Selina. I want to talk to her but I don't know how. If only Calvin, Chun and Aaron were here.
(end of pov)
Back to Aaron and Gui Gui..
"Aaron do you have some food? I am hungry, I didn't bring my bag and my foods are in there" Gui Gui asked Aaron.
"I don't have . Why don't you get your bag in the tour bus instead of complaining here that you're hungry" he answered back coldly.
"You're right. Wait I'll get my bag, I will return soon." Gui Gui  return to the bus.
She ran to return to the bus, but it seems she's still far from it. 
"I just fallow the way that we passed by earlier, why is that I can't find it anymore. It should be somewhere here, but why i cannot see it?" Gui Gui said. She was still walking and looking for the bus.
Why it does it take her so long? It has been 30 minutes. Did she get lost? What are you thinking Aaron maybe she was just in the bus and stayed there that's why she didn't comeback.
(end of POV)
The tour in Alidhan was already done, so everybody went back to the bus and Ms. Cherry checked the attendance if everybody was already there.
"Gui Gui?" Ms. Cherry said. "Where is she?" she asked and start to panic when no one answered.
"Aaron where's Gui Gui?" Calvin asked him.
"I dont know, she said that she will going to get her bag here in the bus  because she was hungry" Aaron answered
"What?! you don't know?!" Yatou and Xiao Gui said Starting to panic.
"Maybe she was just there trying to prank jokes to us again" Aaron said, he seemingly not caring wether Gui Gui was missing.
"Where am I?" she was starting to panic. "The bus...it should be here. I know it was here but.....
but I really can't see it." Gui Gui start to cry. She was afraid because she was lost. "If i just didn't go to get my bag  this will not going to happened...."
The sky was starting to get dark and the rain was starting to fall. What is going to happen to Gui Gui?
Oh no, Gui Gui lost and she's alone? what is going to happen to her?
who will find her?....
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back to re-read guilun old goodie^^
Chapter 40: Like it...so sweet
jeanne007 #4
nice story :))
i like it.
keep a good work :)
I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!!!!
GUILAN 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-HaeFany-Forever- #6
Like!!! :D<br />
Great story! Had a really nice time reading it! Thanks!
jiejie #7
Oh no!<br />
It's already finished!<br />
But thank goodness it is a happy ending! Yappee! haha!<br />
<br />
Yay! Calvin and hebe together!<br />
They deserve each other.<br />
now, i know that Calvin is in the right hands!<br />
<br />
Too glad that Calvin's plan succeeded! <br />
He was such a genius!<br />
<br />
As for Serena, I don't have anything to say to her. <br />
<br />
And for GuiLun, they are happy now!<br />
hmmm, maybe you can post a new chapter, i mean, a sequel where they had reunion and they already have family? hehe<br />
<br />
And, really? You will have a new story? Yappee!<br />
I will wait for it! <br />
Tell me when you will post it so I can subscribe and comment!<br />
<br />
gudluck for the new fic!<br />
and congratulations for finishing this story!<br />
n_n<br />
It's finished!!<br />
You know, this is one of the first times I have ever finished reading a really long fan fic!! <br />
Hu, now I think i'm going to start missing it!!<br />
Hooray my name was mentioned!! <br />
No, no, no! Thank YOU for writing this fan fiction!! It was really good!!<br />
Alright, I'm going to read It Started WIth A Kiss now!
Why didn't i find out it was finished sooner? I will miss your fan fiction, but I look forward to "it started with a kiss" GuiLun ♥ always and forever ~<br />
keep it up :)
SakuraMikan12 #10
Wow!!<br />
I'm sorry for the late comment, our internet was down, and it was so depressing..<br />
I just decided and thought through 2 things when I had all the free time since we didn't have internet.<br />
1. I love ur story and Guilun so much<br />
1. I can't live without GuiLun and Internet!!