
Carefully, I trace the edge of transparent gauze that wrap his newly etched tattoo. Try my best to avoid touching his still raw and red skin. His previosly silky creamy smooth skin has transform into a canvas, but he prefers ink over paint. Make it permanently imprinted. Viva la revolucion has writen across his chest. Seemly for the rest of his life.
It was such a long and painful process, to achive a tattoo on that scale. And this person, I can't quite choose how to say it. It's either miraculously or abnormally, endure the whole process. Only with a little amount of gritting his teeth and hissing here and there. But mostly he is all smile. Since the tattoo and what it says represent his stand. My rough around the edge but actually so fluffy and sensitive inside boyfriend, Bang Yongguk.
Being my selfish self, I hate that tattoo for robbing the creamy silky skin of his. But seing content smile spread across his face. I can't help but grinning at his happiness. Covering my disagreement. As expected of my ever concerning boyfriend, he acknowledge my facade in instant.
What is it, love?.
He use his ultimate endearment calling to me. Try to soothe me I guess, weighing my current feeling.
Nothing, tiger.
Now it's me who called him with my ever cheesy nickname. Seriously, you wanna go away with a nothing with that discontent written across your face?.
He raised one of his eyebrow, gave me the cocky look.
What's written on my face?.
I rub my face with exaggerated move, try to put another layer of disguise.
It's nothing, really!. It's just...your chest is full of tattoo.
That meaningless statement just stated the current happening. But really, that's all I can say to express my now feeling. Yongguk magically can understand what layered behind that saying.
Yes it chest is now full of tattoo. As my heart is full of love for you.
He spoke sofly while held my eyes in his gaze. The tattoo artis smirking. Maybe wondering how a person can be so bad he inked his full chest and yet so corny.
I can feel my body radiated and shivering simultaneously. Both from his sweet talking and understanding of my concern.
Oh least its in hidden place. For my eyes only to feast.
I send him my best naughty glint from my eyes.
Let's just say it will be harder for me to bring you to my parents if the tattoo were in visible area.
His face lit up upon mention of my parents. This guys is seriously weird. I mean, most boyfriend will be wavering when you mentioned parents at this early stage of relationship. But he is all happy and ready to meet mine. We just have this get together agreement for about 3 month. I'm the one who's not ready to do that.
Whennn the time has come I mean, tiger.
He sigh slowly without loosing his smile.
I'll wait, love. Just don't make it too long. It won't be pretty if I barge in into your living room and demand to see your parents. Ugh..tiger..
I gave him a warning look but soon faded when he encounter it with his loving eyes. He then reach for my fingers and make it intertwined.
A naughty idea flash across my mind. I looked briefly to our surrounding. The tattoo artist has gone somewhere around the front of the shop, chatting with Yongguk manager and his close friend Himchan. Leave us alone in the back of this place. A smirk drawn on my lips and Yongguk caught it while our eyes met. He sense it. My absurd idea. And confuse look rose from his face.
In a split second, while everyone preoccupied with something else. I yank the towel that wrapped his still bare upper body, make him jolting closer to me. And place my kiss upon his chest. Well it's barely a kiss since I didn't gave any pressure to it to avoid hurting him. Just a peck maybe. But I place it there, in his chest, upon where I guess his heart might be. His eyes rounded from the surprise and his mouth open and closed with inaudible sound coming from it. Not entirely sure which one to choose.
I seal it..your chest that full of tattoo which held a heart that full of love for me and me only. It's mine now..officially. All mine.
His smile widened, if it possible. That was her first brave move towards him. She always tip toed around him, always too scare to make a move. Because the uncertainty that wrap her heart. A heart full of scar and wound. That's why his happiness shoot through the roof with her small bravery.
Yes love, it's yours. All yours and yours only.
He landed soft kisses on her. Adoring everything that his lips touched. First, her forehead. Second, her right eye then her left. Third, both of her cheeks buns Forth, the tip of her nose. Her eyes start to flutter, sync with every kissed that been placed. Before fully closed, knowing where the next destination is. Yongguk's first place favourite on her face. Fifth, her awaiting lips.
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