The New Kid - Present Time

One More Song

It had been nine years ago since Michelle last saw Seung Min. She didn't care anymore anyway. She didn't care about anyone. It was a new town, in a new school. A new beginning. She plugged in her earphones and hummed along to the music. She could feel eyes staring at her as boys in her school made way for her, watching her with admiration. She was the prettiest girl in the school. She had every boy following her and all the girls envied her and her perfect life. No wonder she never made friends. She spotted a shady tree in the distance. Taking long strides, she gracefully made her way to the spot under the tree. Eyes closed, she continued to hum along until she felt a feint tap on her shoulder. "No, I will not go out with you." she said, uninterested still closing her eyes. She felt another tap, this time is was stronger. "YA. What's wrong with you? I said n-" she looked up to find an unfamiliar face looking down at her. Is this Jeon Jungkook? The new student everyone was talking about? she thought to herself. He looked a little annoyed. Perhaps too annoyed to even ask her out. She took out her earphones. "Will you please stop humming? I can't even hear myself think." he said sternly. Michelle was shocked. No one ever tried to talk her down. "Excuse me?" she replied. "I can hear you from behind the tree and you can't even hear me talking in front of you? Geez... how loud is your music?" he said rolling his eyes. Michelle's blood began to boil. Jungkook had no intentions of being friendly. She stopped humming and with that, he returned to his spot on the other side of the tree. She took a quick peek his way and found him writing in a notebook. The bell rang for class to start. She quickly pulled away and began got up in time to watch Jungkook run away. She spotted a red notebook on the dirt ground. The initials, JJ were written on the front cover. Was this the notebook he was writing in? A diary maybe? She quickly shoved it in her bag and made her way to class.

For the rest of the day, Michelle did not see Jungkook. She felt a bit glad but also curious. As she reached home, she quickly ran to her room and locked the door. It was time to see what Jungkook was really like. She flicked through the front cover of the red notebook. Drawings filled the first few pages. colour danced across the page as she continued to admire the drawings. Finally, she saw a black and white drawing of a girl. This drawing looked like the girl named Im Yoo Ri at school. Only You. was written above the drawing. She turned the page:

She is the only one who I care about in this whole entire world. Although I seem shy these days, all I really want to do is smile and be by your side.

Something about these words made Michelle's heart sink. She felt guilty about reading this. She immediately closed the notebook and threw it on her bed. That night she couldn't stop thinking about it. The only one who I care about in the world? she thought to herself. Who is the only one I care about in the world? Mom? it troubled her making her toss and turn throughout the night. 

The next day, Michelle spotted Jungkook by the tree carefully looking under benches and bushes. His face was red and he looked stressed. Michelle sighed and strolled up to him, pulling out his notebook from the inside pocket of her blazer. His eyes were startled as he froze in his spot looking at the notebook, and then back at her. "What? Are you gonna take it or not?" Michelle waved it in front of him and with that, he snatched it off her and flicked through the pages. "How much did you read?" he said alarmed. "What do you mean?" she replied. "I SAID, HOW MUCH DID YOU READ?!" he yelled at her. She stepped back in shock as he realised what he had just done and took off. She watched him in shock. So did a lot of other girls nearby. They were following Jungkook around this time. "Who does she think she is?" Michelle heard a girl say nearby. She looked around and all eyes were on her. She heard whispering and giggling but she knew this time they weren't admiring her. She felt sick in the stomach and took off in the same direction as Jungkook did. 

Her eyes welled up with tears as she ran to the nearest corner. She couldn't breathe. She had been holding her breath ever since the incident by the tree. Her lungs wanted to burst and so did her heart. She began to sob quietly, trying not to make a noise. Suddenly, in the corner of her eye, she saw a figure. She turned away quickly and began to wipe away the tears. Clearing , she hurried off. "Wait!" a guy's voice yelled after her. She picked up her pace and did not turn back. "Hey! Wait a minute!" the voice got closer and she felt someone pulling her hand. For a while, she thought of Seung Min. He was the only one who ever held her hand like that. She began to break down again. She didn't dare to look up at the guy. He grabbed her by the shoulders, "look at me." he said quietly. She looked up and saw Jungkook. Once again, she was reminded of Seung Min. "I-I'm sorry..." he struggled to say. Michelle stopped crying. She watched him with surprise. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm sorry for being the reason why everyone is angry at you." she quickly broke his gaze and wiped her tears. "Please, let me go." she shoved him away and walked off. This time, Jungkook obeyed her.



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raingomez #1
Chapter 9: Update? PLEASE?!
raingomez #2
Chapter 1: She is the worst mom EVER! Why would she do that? *sobs*
nooneshallknow #3
Chapter 9: Please update soon?
Chapter 2: Please update curious about seungmin/?