You're Too....

Heart Bakery [One-Shot]

You're Too....


[Glyz POV]

I took the familiar route to the bakery from my apartment, the air smelt of campfires and evergreen lingered with the sweet scent of cookies, echos of children's laughter filled the small suburbed area as snow crunched underneath my feet.

Christmas Eve.

I couldn't help but feel content at the thought of spending Christmas with Kwangmin at my small apartment tomorrow, working together to make the dinner and dessert that we both craved for annually on this specific day. A smile tugged at my lips as I thought of him and I spending our first Christmas together, even though we've only been "together" for a couple weeks.

As I approached the door to the bakery, I noticed Kwangmin, as always, leaning against the window, waiting for me, his foot resting against the wall, leaning slightly forward. I chuckled as he sneezed, making him look at me.

"Didn't you learn to dress more warmly in this kind of weather, Kwang?" I asked, looking at the think jacket he had on his muscular built body.

He chuckled and ran to me, "Hey, you're warm enough to be my jacket, so what's the point?" I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness as he continued to hug me.

I shrugged off his arms, smiling and laughing at his childish reaction as I unlocked the door to the bakery. As soon as I unlocked it, Kwangmin rushed inside, attempting to get warm. He whinned as he waited for me to turn on the oven for the warmth he craved. I chuckled.

"You're too childish..."

I made my way to the oven, turning it on, warming it up for the countless orders that'll no doubt be coming in today. He smiled, his dimples giving me the usual affect they gave me: melting my heart.

I placed down my bag as I placed a blue apron with little cupcakes with smiley faces as the design, backwards. As Kwangmin noticed, I hated wearing my apron "correctly." I loathed the idea of having batter and vanilla stain the little designs on my cute aprons- they were too cute to be messed up.

I pulled my hair back in its usual ponytail, ready for costumers to be walking through the door anytime soon. Kwangmin hopped ontop of the counter, kicking his legs lazily.

He had come to the conclusion that he wanted to work at the bakery with me, insisting I needed help with my small bussiness. At that moment, I laughed at him, but now, I'm grateful he was wanting and eager to want to work at the bakery with me, because if he wasn't here with me for the 4hours of no customers, I'd be very well asleep and bored on one of the tables in the bakery.

"Where is everyone?" I mumbled as I rested my chin on my crossed arms, Kwangmin still sitting beside me, swinging his legs.

You're too impatient...

Kwangmin chuckled at my pouting face as I glared at the door, waiting for someone, something, anything to walk through the door. I sighed heavily, giving up on the idea of customers coming since it was already late in the afternoon. I took off the apron, placing it back on its hook and untied my hair, my hair falling down to my shoulders.

"Glyz, should we wait a little longer?" Kwangmin asked, walking into the baking section that I was used to him bombarding into now, he had somewhat become apart of my sanctuary, and he was my favorite part of the silve, cold room.

I shook my head, "Let's just go, even if we get a costumer, we've spent enough time here, waiting." Kwangmin nodded and grabbed my bag from the far counter, handing the blue bag to me, a little box falling out.

I blinked at the small box with confusion and then bent down to pick up the box, only to have it snatched out of my hand by Kwangmin. I gave him a questionable look, "What's that, Kwangmin?"

He smiled brightly, holding the box behind his back,"You can't see it until tomorrow."

I smirked,"Oh~ a gift, perhaps?" I poked fun at him, making him pout. I chuckled as his lower lip popped out, giving a pout. "Okay, I'll wait until tomorrow."

He smiled as he put the box in his pocket, reaching for his coat that he had placed on the counter, wrapping it around himself. I smiled as his smile grew on his face, like a little kid, ready to go home.

He walked beside me, our footsteps echoing through the empty bakery. As I reached out to open the door, my eyes caught a familiar sign hanging on the window. I looked at the sign and nearly slapped myself for what I saw.

The sign was set to "Closed" the whole time, me forgetting to turn the sign to "Open." Kwangmin looked over my shoulder as my widened eyes studied the stupid sign I had stupidly forgotten to switch. Kwangmin laughed loudly as he saw the sign and sighed.

You're too forgetfull...

After the incident at the bakery, I was happy to have been home the next day, my mini apartment glowing with the lights of the Christmas tree and the sounds of carols ringing from my stereo, waiting for Kwangmin to come over to start the preparations for our Christmas dinner for two.

I sat on my small couch, wearing a white dress and slippers, watching the clock, impatiently waiting for Kwangmin to knock on the door.

As I heard footsteps coming from the hallway, I hoped up, excited. Christmas was always my favorite holiday, with all the food and the time you spend with your family, I simply saw no flaw in the red, green and gold holiday.

The familiar knock eventually came, and I flung myself at the door, throwing it open to find a Kwangmin in a blue buttoned up dress shirt and black slack pants, and a black overcoat dusted with snow.

He greeted me with a smile as he held out a box. I looked down at his hands to find the box from the night before, rested in his palms. I looked up at him as he nodded, "Open it. I've been waiting impatiently to give this to you."

I hesitantly removed the lid, "Wait! How much did you spend?" He shook his head, a smile glued on his face.

"It doesn't matter about the price, it's for you, now hurry up~ open it~." I bit my lip as I opened the last of the gift, gasping at the piece of jewelry that rested in the box.

It was a silver necklace, our names in cursive, intwined together in cursive and a heart, diamonds lining the heart that surrounded our names. He smiled and turned me around, placing the jewelry around my neck. "Like it?"

I smiled and quickly turned around, wrapping my arms around his waist, my head resting onto his chest, his heart pumping against my ear, sounding like a lullaby and the best carol I could listen to. "I love it, Kwangmin! But..." I trailed off, scratching the back of my head in emberassment. "I wasn't able to get you anything..."

He shook his head, a smile placed on his lips, a soft and serene smile, making me blush, "You're enough for me, you're my gift, you just came early."

I blushed as he kissed my lips softly, molding our lips together like a bow on a Christmas present. This was definitely, the best Christmas ever.

"But you are perfect to me..."

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I don't really like Kwangmin, but heck!<br />
I think I fell for him just by reading your story x]]]
flabbycow #2
"You're enough for me, you're my gift, you just came early." *dies*<br />
<br />
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JungYooMi #3
you should make a sequel for this.....
good..<br />
make another one...