Hidden Beneath That Smile


The story is about Hannah, a girl who experienced lots of hardships but managed to get through them. While one special moment of embarrassment is only the beginning for her. 


"Are you moving??" Both Melanie and Annie half yelled in unison and looked at me with wide eyes. "..yeah" all I could do was to nod and hug them both tight again. "When...when are you moving?" Annie let go and looked at me with a sad look. I hated to see my friends sad but I hated it even more that I had to leave them behind. "I have to leave tomorrow night...". Hannah always wanted to leave the small town she grew up in and to forget all the things that happened and hurt her more than people knew. Only her best friends knew about the things that happened but they would still never know hoe Hannah felt deep inside. Could those things change after moving in with her uncle she never knew she had and the brother she always wished for but never had. Leaving town also meant leaving fourteen years of friendship with her two best friends.

If you have any thoughts you want to say about this story or have any ideas, please share them :)


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