Not My Style

She's Handsome

"Well? Is there anything you'd like to say?" Jongdae asks the two younger men sternly.

"Sorry," Chanyeol mumbles. He glances at Sehun, who is sitting beside him. They are in the car with Jongdae as the driver. He still hasn't gotten his driver license yet. "I'll take responsibility."

Jongdae brakes suddenly when the stoplight turns red. Chanyeol surges forward and hits the back of the driver's seat while Sehun remains on his spot, unfazed. "Chanyeol," Jongdae starts, "you don't have to do that. It's not your fault. It's Sehun's." He looks at the youngest through the rearview mirror and is astonished to see him smiling and daydreaming.

Sehun replays the events inside his mind and sighs dreamily. He gently leans on the car window as if he's filming a music video. He didn't get to catch the robber, but he got saved by his knight-in-shining-armor. The prince and his knight, he thinks. He imagines the two of them wearing a prince's and knight's costume and giggles loudly.

He halts his daydreaming when he feels two pairs of eyes trailed on him. He turns away from the window and looks at the two managers. "What?"

"Did you hit your head or something?" Jongdae asks. The stoplight turns green and he starts speeding again. "You've been smiling like an idiot since I fetched you."

"I'm just happy," he mumbles.

Chanyeol gasps and remarks in awe, "You're in love!"

Sehun doesn't hear him—he's already wandering in Dreamland. Jongdae bursts out laughing, finding Chanyeol's statement absurd. "That kid probably doesn't even know what love is," he says, tears gathering in his eyes from laughing.

Chanyeol keeps it to himself, but he is certain that the maknae of EXO is in love.

They arrive back to the dorm in half an hour. The moment Sehun opens the door, he is bombarded with questions and screams from the leader and the visual.

"Oh Sehun, what happened?"

"Are you really dating that girl from Blue Gale?"

"What were you thinking, Sehun?"

"Wait, you're not gay?"

"This could ruin your career!"

"This is impossible! Kris hyung is gay. I'm gay. You can't not be gay."

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused? You know I can't clean up after you all the time."

"Oh, my God. I can't believe this. Now I can't undress in front of you!"

Sehun blinks and then drifts to his room dreamily, not really processing what the older members said. The managers and the two other members stare at his retreating back in confusion.

"Did something good happen to him?"

"Is he really straight?"

Sehun sighs as he plops down on his bed. He is still smiling like an idiot and he doesn't know how to stop himself. His crush on the overconfident waiter is growing bigger with each passing day and he doesn't know what to do about it. He takes out his phone, unlocks it, and stares at his home screen.

It's a candid photo of Lu Han that he took a few months ago. He laughs at himself, thinking that he's no different from his fans who follow him wherever he goes. He goes online to check updates and sees his name come up number one on Naver. There are different articles about him, some of them relating to the event that happened earlier that day. He sighs and starts browsing them.

Exo's Sehun, kidnapped?

During an impromptu fan event in the Yangcheon District at two in the afternoon, Exo's maknae, Sehun, was kidnapped by a man wearing a black cap and face mask. Fans identified the kidnapper as a sasaeng, who frequently stalked the Exo member. Currently, there are no reports about the whereabouts of Sehun and his kidnapper.

His company has not yet issued a statement regarding the matter.

He scoffs. "Kidnapped? Where did these reporters get this idea from?" He remembers Lu Han's get-up, but says, "Lu Han hyung looked like a knight, not a kidnapper." He closes the article and clicks on the next and more absurd one.

Exo's Sehun reportedly went on a date with Blue Gale's Jiyoo

At around two in the afternoon, Exo's bassist, Sehun, was seen around the Yangcheon District. Citizens reported that Sehun ran out of an alleyway, looking disturbed and scared. He looked like he was looking for someone, but his fans crowded around him.

He nods. At least there is some truth to this article.

According to the citizens, he and Blue Gale's leader and visual, Jiyoo, had a fight during their date. Sehun tried to run after his rumored girlfriend, but the fans left him helpless. He apparently fainted during the scene until he was found by the manager, who was dressed in all black.

His eyes widen as he continues reading the article. He can't believe what he's reading. He fainted? He growls. He hates how the media keeps twisting the truth. The juicier the issue is, the better it is for them and the worse it is for idols like him. He closes Naver and instead, opens his Instagram. He’s going to take matters into his own hands.

He posts the selca he took in BaoMin and adds a caption to dispel all the commotion surrounding him. He writes:

Hello, my dear Exo-L. Today, rumors about me have started to circulate. It’s not true that I met up with someone today, but it’s true that I was in the Yangcheon District. I only went there to go to my favorite bubble tea shop, BaoMin! Please stop spreading these false rumors. I am most definitely single because I only have you, Exo-L, in my heart. Saranghaeyo~

In a matter of minutes, tons of comments bombard the photo. Some of them don’t believe that it was him who posted the photo and the caption, while the others believe otherwise. He sighs and decides to post another photo of himself, but this time, while pouting. He adds the caption:

I’m sad. Why won’t you guys believe that I’m the one who posted the previous photo? :(

He refreshes the page and starts reading the comments.

@eXoL_eXoSehun: Aaah, I can’t believe it! It seems that our dearest maknae’s cold heart finally melted!! His words make me feel warm.

He snorts. He’s not that cold, right? He doesn’t usually smile, but that’s only because he doesn’t see the need to. Besides, he only wants to give his fans a genuine smile. He doesn’t want to force himself. This makes me so nervous. Why do I feel like Sehun oppa’s in love?

A small blush covers his cheeks when he thinks of Lu Han as he reads the comment. Is he really in love? He closes his phone and discards it somewhere on his bed. Love, huh?

“Oh, my God!”

Lu Han raises his head as he hears his sister’s scream and waits for her to exit her room. “Three... two... one.”

The door opens and Lu Hee leaves her room, holding her phone up triumphantly. “We’re going to get more customers!” she proclaims. She seats herself on the couch beside him and holds out her phone to him.

“What’s that?” Lu Han asks disinterestedly.

“Instagram!” she says excitedly. “Sehun posted about our shop! I have a feeling there will be an increase in customers.”

Lu Han perks up when he hears Sehun’s name, but he convinces himself that he’s excited because their shop is getting more popular. “That’s great! Minseok will be pleased.” He suddenly remembers that Minseok, Chanyeol, and Yixing forbade him and Lu Hee from working in the shop. He looks at his twin, eyes wide. “Minseok and Yixing are the only workers here.”

As if on cue, Yixing comes rushing inside the living room, anxious and exhausted. “Hyung, noona, there are too many customers. Some of them have cameras. Don’t leave the room without a disguise.”

“But don’t you need some help?” Lu Han asks, worried. “I can wear a mask—“

Yixing shakes his head. “It’s too dangerous. Just stay in here and we’ll handle it.” He gives them a refreshing smile and leaves the room to assist Minseok.

Lu Han sighs in frustration. “I’m really lazy, but I want to help.” He feels bad that he can’t do anything to help his friends. He feels useless. He looks at Lu Hee, who is holding her phone to her ear.

She places her finger in front of her lips in a shushing motion and starts speaking. “Hello? Manager-nim? Uh, well, you see, we need your help. Yeah, well, there are too many customers right now because Sehun-ssi posted a selca of himself that he took in the shop. And Lu Han oppa and I can’t work, so we really need your help. Are you available?”

Lu Han crosses his fingers—it’s not that he believes in those kinds of things, but he’s not going to lose anything if he does the action—and hopes that Chanyeol can help around the shop. He holds his breath and when Lu Hee beams, he breathes a sigh of relief.

“Really? You’re going to bring a friend with you? That’s great! Thank you, manager-nim! Bye!” She ends the phone call and cheers with her twin.

“Problem solved!” she says cheerfully.

“We only have one problem left,” Lu Han deadpans. He lies down on the couch and uses his twin as a human pillow. “We need to cure my boredom.”

“Hyung, sorry for making you do this,” Chanyeol apologizes to Jongdae as they drive towards BaoMin.

Jongdae waves his hand, dismissing his apology. “Don’t worry. I’ve always wanted to know why Sehun finds that shop interesting.”

“Oh! The people there are really nice and interesting,” he assures the older. “They’re very accommodating and they have the best bubble tea I’ve ever tasted.”

Jongdae grins. “Then that’s great. I think I’ll have fun.”

“But are you sure it’s alright to leave those three alone?” Chanyeol asks worriedly. Kris, Jongin, and Sehun may seem tame, but they can get really wild. “You didn’t leave any alcohol in the fridge, right?”

The driver laughs obnoxiously. “Don’t be so nervous. We’ll just be gone for a few hours. Besides, I called up Kyungsoo and asked him to take care of the kids. They’re terrified of that man.”

Chanyeol laughs, agreeing with Jongdae. Kyungsoo poses as a language tutor, but he’s a more-than-capable bodyguard. He received training in the mountains and he is as efficient as an assassin.

They arrive at the shop and Chanyeol’s jaw drops when he sees the queue extend to the sidewalk. “Woah.”

“They’re probably expecting Sehun to suddenly show up,” Jongdae says as he parks the car and switches the ignition off. “Let’s go.”

They enter the shop and are immediately greeted by a harried Yixing. “Thanks for coming, Chanyeol-ssi and friend.” He bows while balancing the trays on his hands. “Please go to Minseok hyung. He’s manning the counter.” Yixing hurries away to serve the drinks.

They walk to the counter, overhearing the customers’ conversations about Sehun.

“I don’t think he’s dating Jiyoo.”

“They are so totally dating.”

“No way! He’d never betray us.”

“But I ship them!”

“Please. He’s totally in love with Kai!”

“Well, I can’t deny that.”

Jongdae clamps his mouth with a hand, trying to stop himself from laughing. Chanyeol, on the other hand, cannot control himself and is already laughing and even clapping his hands like a seal. They are out of breath—from laughing and passing through the overly excited fans—when they reach the counter and find a very stressed boss.

Jongdae takes one look at him and screeches, “Minseok hyung?”

Minseok looks at him, surprised. “Jongdae? What are you doing here?”

Jongdae starts to answer, but Minseok gets distracted and listens to the order of the customer. The younger of the two decides to answer the question later and help him.

“Alright,” he says and goes behind the counter. “I’ll handle the counter and you make the drinks. Chanyeol will help the other guy serve the drinks. Is that okay?”

Minseok smiles at him and he realizes how much he missed that smile. “That’s good enough for me.” He walks past him and squeezes his shoulder lightly. “Thanks, Jongdae.”

“Hyung? What are you doing here?” Jongin asks, trying to hide the excitement in his voice.

Kyungsoo smiles at him softly and answers, “Jongdae hyung asked me to babysit you guys for a while.”

Jongin grins widely and takes the older boy’s hand. “Do you want to go to the dance room? I choreographed a new dance and I want you to see it.”

Kyungsoo lets himself be pulled. “Aren’t you the drummer though? Shouldn’t you be focusing on playing the drums?”

He pouts. “I wanted to dance. Sehun wanted to dance too. But the company wouldn’t let us. I still want to dance though, so I’m practicing. We also have a new president, so maybe he’ll allow us to dance.”

Dancing is his passion. He entered SM Entertainment to dance, but they put him in a band. He’s not complaining. He loves EXO, but sometimes, he wonders how much better he’ll probably feel if he got to do what he wants to do.

“Then I’ll support you,” Kyungsoo tells him earnestly.

He feels his heart throb and he blushes. “Thank you, hyung.” He leads him to the dance room, his hand wrapped around the elder’s.

He doesn’t realize it, but Kyungsoo is holding his hand too.

“Are you serious?” Lu Han hisses as Lu Hee pulls him to the nearest department store. Their faces are covered with facemasks and shades.

“If you’re going to be me, you’re going to have to be in style,” his twin announces, bringing him to the women’s section. “I can’t have you wearing rags while you’re me.”

“Do you have money?” he asks. He’s definitely not buying women’s clothing for himself using his own money.

“The company gave me money to go shopping,” she answers while browsing the clothes. “I was saving it to buy you a car, but you really need clothes. You can’t wear your clothes now, unless you want to be found out the moment you meet them.” She hands him some tops and ushers him to the dressing room.

He closes the door and drops the clothes on the floor. He knows he’s supposed to hang them, but he’s annoyed. He likes men, but he identifies as a male. He tears off the face mask and removes the shades, discarding them on the floor.

“Oppa, can you open the door?”

He reluctantly opens it and bras are shoved to his face. “What the heck—“

“You have to wear a bra,” Lu Hee tells him and then hands him some foam. “You actually can’t try underwear on, but I’m buying them anyway. Put these so you won’t seem too flat-chested.”

“Lu Hee!”

“Don’t worry,” she says and grins. “Nobody’s here. The saleslady is too busy surfing the net to even care who’s in here. Bad customer service, if you ask me. Now go and try those tops on. I’ll look for some dresses and skirts.” She winks at him and forcibly pulls the door close.

He locks the door and proceeds to remove his shirt. He looks at his reflection before grabbing the bra. He wears it—he knows how because he grew up with Lu Hee—and stuffs the foam inside the cup. He looks at the mirror again and shudders. He hurriedly grabs a pink, woolly sweater and wears it.

When he looks at his reflection, he doesn’t see himself. He sees Lu Hee with short hair.

He hears someone knock on the door and when he opens it, he sees the saleslady holding more clothing. “Miss, your twin asked me to give these to you. We actually have a limit, but I’ll let it slide.” She smiles at him. “That sweater looks good on you.”

He smiles his award-winning smile at her and watches her swoon. “Thanks.”

The saleslady blushes and he hears her whisper, “Why is she so handsome?”

He bows his head and closes the door to look at the new clothes. He throws them to the pile of clothes already on the floor. He sighs. He sorts them out: tops, dresses, and skirts. No pants. He grabs a skirt that he believes will go well with the sweater and changes. The moment he zips up the fly of the skirt, he hears a series of knocks.

“Are you done yet?”

He exits the dressing room and sees his twin holding more clothes. His twin gasps and squeals and his face burns in embarrassment. “This is so awkward, Hee.”

She shakes her head. “Oh, my God.”

“Commandment three, Lu Hee!”

“You look exactly like me,” she squeals. “This is so cool! I should get my hair cut like that. People will totally have a hard time figuring out who is who.”

He sighs for the nth time that day. Well, he thinks, it’s only just for two months. How hard can this be?

Before he knows it, he’s standing in the airport with Yixing, Jongdae, and Chanyeol, waving goodbye at his twin. He’s still wearing a mask. It’s too much of a risk if he doesn’t. He doesn’t regret agreeing because seeing the happiness in his twin’s eyes as she waves goodbye is enough to make him know that he made the right choice.

He watches his sister go inside the boarding area, luggage in hand. He feels a pang in his chest. It’s the first time he’ll be away from Lu Hee for a long time. They’ve never been apart for a week. He doesn’t know how he’ll be able to stand it.

He feels an arm wrap around his shoulders and he leans in to the touch. “I’m going to miss her,” he whispers sadly, an upturned smile on his face.

“Don’t worry, hyung,” Yixing assures him and pats his back. “She’ll be back before you know it. And then things will be back to normal.”

“I hope you’re right, Yixing. I hope you’re right.”

Everything after that day is a blur. And then, he’s suddenly inside a car, driven by a small, eyeliner-wearing man, who speaks too much. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, you crazy bastard,” he screams, his tone accented. “If he gets found out, I swear, I have nothing to do with this.”

Chanyeol winces. “Hyung, you don’t have to scream.”

“Don’t tell me what to do, Park Chanyeol,” he says murderously. He turns to the tall man to glare at him.

“Hyung! Look at the road!”

Lu Han sighs and leans on the window. He closes his eyes and tunes out the two arguing men.

He’s starting to doubt if he can last two months.

He doesn’t know when they got to the apartment complex, but he’s suddenly ushered out of the car and into one of the apartments. He’s seated on a couch and the small man stands in front of him. Despite the other’s height, he still looks intimidating.

The scary aura disappears when he smiles at him and claps his hands. “Well, I must say, you’re a very pretty boy.” He puts his hand on his waist and continues, “Not as pretty as me, but pretty enough.” He offers his free hand. “My name is Byun Baekhyun, EXO’s stylist.”

He shakes Baekhyun’s hand and introduces himself. “I’m Lu Han.”

The stylist nods. “So, Lu Hee—“

“My name is Lu Han.”

“No, but they have to—“

“If I’m going to do this, I want to be called by my name, not my sister’s name,” he says defiantly. He looks at them with determined eyes. The agreement is that he’s going to pretend to be Lu Hee, but it doesn’t mean he’s supposed to be called Lu Hee too.

“But people will—“

“Lu. Han.”

Baekhyun sighs and takes Lu Han’s chin. He forcefully makes him face him. “Look here, dearie, if we’re going to pull this off, you have to cooperate with us.”

Lu Han shakes his head. “I just want to be called Lu Han. Is that too much to ask?”

“Yes,” Chanyeol and Baekhyun answer. Chanyeol closes the door and sits on the single couch.

He crosses his arms and pouts. “Then I’m not doing this. My sister,” he looks at Chanyeol, “and your job be damned.”

Chanyeol raises his hands in the air in surrender and wails. “The president knows you as Lu Hee—“

“Then I’ll go talk to him and tell him that I changed my name to Lu Han.”


Baekhyun gasps suddenly. He slaps Chanyeol’s head and grabs Lu Han’s shoulders. “I have a marvelous idea! We’ll give you a stage name! You will be known as”—he poses seductively, one hand on his waist and a finger on his lower lip—“Lulu.”

Lu Han cringes. “Lulu? But that’s—“

“It’s either Lu Hee or Lulu! Take your pick!” Baekhyun screams and sends a murderous glare towards the petite deer.

“Lulu!” he finally concedes. “Only because I don’t like being called Lu Hee.”

Baekhyun calms down and sits beside him. He drapes an arm around his shoulders and asks, “Why not?” Chanyeol’s eyebrow twitches as he eyes the two.

“I’ve been compared to Lu Hee a lot,” he confesses. He twiddles his thumbs nervously. “Everyone called me Lu Hee the second or just Lu Hee. I’m older, but she’s always been more active and enthusiastic. She’s always been better at everything.”

He looks at Baekhyun with his wide eyes. “Don’t get me wrong. I love my sister a lot.” He looks down again. “It’s just that, when I do something as big as this, I want to be recognized as Lu Han instead of as Lu Hee. Even if, technically, I am Lu Hee.” He smiles sheepishly. “A pretty stupid reason, eh?”

Baekhyun sniffs and wipes the tears pooling in his eyes. “Not at all, dear. I understand your sentiments. Don’t worry. You will be called Lulu or simply Lu. That way, you won’t be called Lu Hee.” He hugs him and Lu Han hugs him back.

“Thanks, Baekhyun.”

Chanyeol clears his throat and Baekhyun pulls away. “Now, we have to do something with that hair of yours. It looks good on a guy, but you’re going to be a girl now. We’re going to have to make some changes.”

Lu Han’s hand is grabbed by Baekhyun and the latter pushes him down on a salon chair. “Makeover!” the stylist says giddily.

About thirty minutes later, he finds himself looking at a blond androgyne. “Wow.”

Baekhyun cackles and spins the chair Lu Han is sitting on. “That’s the magic of the Baekhyun.”

“I don’t look like Lu Hee,” he says slowly. “But I don’t look like myself either.”

“Of course,” the stylist says softly, “You’re Lulu.” He tugs on his hand and pulls him to a different room. “Did you bring a dress?”

He nods, patting his bag. “My twin told me to wear this dress. She was supposed to wear this during the contract signing.”

“I’m still amazed at how alike you two are,” Baekhyun says. “You even have the same body.” He locks the door to his bedroom and takes the bag from him. “Now, let’s dress you up, doll.”

He pulls down his dress, trying to cover his knees. “Isn’t this too short?” he asks Baekhyun, who is busy fixing the barrettes on his hair.

“No, it’s perfect,” Baekhyun answers without looking at his dress. “You’ll make them fall for you and all you have to do is bat an eyelash.” He takes a few steps back and admires his work. He lets out a sigh. “Perfect. Well, almost.” He takes a wet tissue from his bag and wipes away Lu Han’s red lipstick. He dabs on some lip-gloss and smiles. “Now, you’re perfect! Let’s go!”

Baekhyun pulls Lu Han with him and Chanyeol follows them, mumbling about make-up and how he doesn’t understand them. They reach the room where they are supposed to meet the president and the members of EXO.

“Remember, Lu Han, just smile and they will fall for you,” Baekhyun reminds him. “Just be yourself.”

Lu Han nods obediently.

“But!” Baekhyun says sternly. “Do not, I repeat, do not go near Jongin or else I will skin your flat .”

Lu Han nods vehemently. The threat is already enough to make him cry and pee on the spot. Fortunately, he has good control of his bladder. Chanyeol opens the door to the meeting room and Lu Han is met with a blinding white light. The light is so bright and he feels like he’s in paradise.

The light is coming from the three men sitting fabulously on the couch. The one in the middle has a face that says, “, I’m better than you,” and a sharp chin that pierces his heart. The one on his right has intimate eyes that sees through his soul, giving him sheer bliss. Lu Han turns to the person on the left and his face immediately falls, but for some reason, his face heats up. Oh Sehun.

He quickly recovers, however, and sends them his billion-dollar smile, immediately charming the president. The dark-skinned boy, Jongin, just smiles at him, as if saying, “That’s cute, but I’ve seen better smiles.” Lu Han doesn’t know what Sehun’s reaction is, pointedly ignoring him.

The leader, however, is a different topic. He stares at Lu Han, sending chills down his spine and freezing him on the spot. One side of his lips starts to rise and Lu Han’s heart starts to race. When the leader opens his mouth, Lu Han’s eyes roll to the back of his head and he faints. He doesn’t hear what the leader says.

“Not my style."

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I'm baaaaaack <3


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Chapter 5: Hopefully you will continue this fic authornim 🙏
Chapter 5: Im craving for moree
Chapter 5: Oh myyy Sehun already figured it out hahaha while you can say that Luhan is not very good at pretending lmao
Chapter 5: U will continue this story right authornim. It is so good.
Aaaaa finally theres You are beautiful Au ?
Just new reader passing by
Leaving a trace ?
Chapter 4: Go go go Sehunnie!
Chapter 3: I didn't expected that Sehun will be head over heels with Luhan. I love this! I hope it will be bottom Luhan and not the other way around.
Omgeeee you're beautiful au!
Chapter 3: OMG YES! Im ready XD ure back finally :D <3
Chapter 3: Just found this fic recently and I hope you continue on updating it. Fighting Authornim!