Sometimes You Look Out Windows


I don't mean to pull a fast one, but I think I've been pulling fast ones for a while now.

I haven't used this account in years now, and I went back to clean up and read the stuff I put on the open Internet. Wow, am I embarrassed. What kind of bookkeeper was I. I think I got a little slice of anxiety from re-reading this. It kills me how much of a child I was.


Sometimes You Look Out Windows: I slowly work through my previous writing, complete with commentary and embarrassment.


dull note following, highlight to read: i feel an awful need to explain myself now; i believe it's important to love your smaller selves because ultimately, your younger self is still you. and that's why i'm doing this, to force myself through the slog and acknowledge the years that weren't all that long ago. i don't think i'll take the things down either. if you're curious about the tripe i used to write, help yourself.




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