A regular day until you called

The Unexpected


Author point of View


Today was just like any other day for Brittany else until Yoochun called Brittany asking her to come to JYJ's practice. Brittany said yes since she got off work early today. Brittany when home and got ready to go to JYJ's practice Brittany was wearing a London shirt with skinny jean and Christian Louboutin black high heels shoes with silvery nail. Brittany also flat ironed her hair. After Brittany was done getting ready she called a taxi to go to C-Jes company. When Brittany arrived at the company she text Yoochun. Yoochun met her at the front of the building a few minutes after Brittany arrived. Yoochun took Brittany to the practice room where she was greet by Junsu and Jaejoong. Junsu was the first to run up to Brittany in pulled her into a bear hug which only made her giggle. When Junsu was done hugging Brittany. Jaejoong hugged her. After they was all done greeting each other. Yoochun took Brittany to meet all of the dancer . After that JYJ started their practice. They was practiced for 3 hours until they decided to stop so that they can eat dinner. Since JYJ practice was over Yoochun asked Brittany if she would like to go out to dinner. Brittany said yes but Junsu budded in and said that it was a good idea. So instead of the dinner just being Brittany and Yoochun only it was Junsu, Jaejoong, and their dancers. They went to Seo kyun Restaurant up the street from C-Jes. They stayed there for about 1 hour and 30 minutes well at Brittany and Yoochun did. Yoochun asked Brittany if she would like to leave and just go to her house where it was less noise. Brittany said yes. Before they left Brittany said goodbye to everyone. After that Brittany and Yoochun left and when to her house. When they got there they when inside of house and started to talk.  They talked for 30 minutes than they decided to watch a movie. Yoochun chose the movie which was scary movie. While Yoochun chose the movie Brittany was making popcorn and was fixing her and Yoochun something to drink.  When Brittany was walking into the living room with the popcorn and their drinks Yoochun help her at the door of the living room. Brittany and Yoochun started to watch the movie chainsaw massacre for about 20 minutes when a scary part came on Yoochun pulled Brittany into his embrace so that she would see the scary part. Yoochun kept Brittany in his embrace even when the scarier part was over. Yoochun didn't release Brittany until she called his name. When he released her they locked glazes for a few minutes. Brittany was the one who broke the glaze. When Brittany did that Yoochun lift her chin up so that she would look back into his eyes. After that they just stayed like that for a few more minutes until Yoochun lend in and gave Brittany a sweet kiss. When Yoochun broke the kiss he they just stared at each other for a few minutes. Yoochun apologized for kissing Brittany. Brittany told him that it was ok. Yoochun told Brittany that it was getting late and he should be getting home. Yoochun got up and started to walk towards the door when Brittany grabbed him by the hand and made Yoochun stop walking. He turned around and Brittany kiss him when she was done she told him bye and he told her bye also. Than he left.



         Brittany Outfit




I'm so sorry for not updating in a while >.< I have been very busy! But I will be trying to update more often!

Happy Christmas Eve Too everyone!!

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Blueroses8704 #1
@Musicismyworld lol thank you that shirt is really cute!
RainaTB #2
I want that shirt! Nice update! :)
Blueroses8704 #3
@Musicismyworld lol thank you!
RainaTB #4
Chilling with the lovely guys of JYJ. I like it!
Blueroses8704 #5
@blacklover_1995 I'm working on the 3th chapter now I hope to update today ^o^
Please update soon :)